Team:Shanghai HS ID/Members


Team members
Claire Margaret Shi
Claire Margaret Shi was born in California, United States, and is currently a junior high school student studying at Shanghai High School International Division, pursuing her passions in neuroscience and behavioral sciences. She has a research paper awaiting publication in the International Journal of Sciences and Humanity from Singapore, which discusses the effect of chronic confinement stress on the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. She has won awards in the Future Health Professionals competitions (HOSA) for both Nutrition and Human Anatomy and the United States Biology Olympiad. She is currently taking a college-level neurology class. This summer, she is on a shortlist competing for a lab internship at Fudan University in China. As a part of the iGEM team, Claire has an irreplaceable role in planning, publicity, and the writing department working on interview questions and advertisements to the public.
Yu-chen Chang
Yu-chen Chang is an energetic Junior student, born in Taiwan and now a student from Shanghai High School International Division. Focusing on chemistry and economics, she has won international awards in UKChO, participated in competitions such as the NEC in economics and CTB in chemistry and business, participated in research projects in chemical engineering and materials chemistry, and completed internships in various laboratories working on chemistry research. She is also one of the best writers in school, leading the official school magazine and a literary club. As such a great writer, she supervises all written materials as a member of the iGEM team.
Saunders Lauren
Saunders Lauren is currently a freshman high school student studying at Shanghai High School International Division with a great passion for biology, chemistry, and surgical fields. She wishes to become an ophthalmologist in the future and has completed a myriad of projects to work towards that goal. This year, she participated in many chemistry and biology competitions, such as UKChO, BrainBee, and HOSA, ranking the national first in First Aid/CPR. She is also an active member in many social activities, receiving a certificate from AHA as an EMS rescuer, and has signed up as a volunteer rescuer for the Shanghai marathon. Although this is her first year participating in the iGEM competitions, Lauren is an invaluable addition to the team.
Joyce Cheng Hao
Joyce Cheng Hao is currently a rising sophomore at Shanghai High School International Division with great interests in all fields of natural science. Throughout the year, she has participated and won awards in various competitions of different subjects, including the Bio-medical related competition HOSA, the United States Biology Olympiad, the research and design-based competition CTB. Although this is her first year participating in iGEM, she is passionate about this project and sincerely hopes that the team's effort could come to fruition. As one of the youngest members of the team, she is a vital part of the writing team and assists other team members in experiments.
Dexi Meng
As a Junior high school student from St. Mary's High School, Dexi Meng has a crucial role in his academic community. He is a member of the official school yearbook design discussion board, a member of a finance club, and an interviewer for the school newspaper group investigating the phenomenon of freshmen assimilation. Outside of the academic sphere, he plans to major in Business and works relentlessly towards that goal. Focusing on economics, aside from taking Advanced Placement courses, he has attended online courses in association with Columbia University and is currently working on a research paper to publish in an American business journal.
Jessie Huixin Chen
Jessie Huixin Chen, born in New Jersey, is a rising senior in Shanghai High School International Division. Raised in two drastically different sets of heritages, she is a perfect mixture of the two cultures, which gives her unique insight into many social issues. She is an active member in many charity works. As the leader of Shanghai Healing Home Volunteering Group, a charity club in association with a nonprofit organization, she raised over 10,000 RMB to support the healing home and other voluntary institutions. She is pursuing her passions in biology, psychology, and music, continuously learning and striving to expand these fields of knowledge. As a member of the iGEM competitions, she ran for the leader position and hopes to bring the team to new heights.
Lanlan Jiang
Lanlan Jiang(Michelle Jiang )is currently a junior at Shanghai High School International Division. She was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a small island peninsula surrounded by oceans. Her indestructible connection to those tranquil waters and diverse wildlife in the tropical forests had contributed to her deep interest in Environmental Science, which she hopes to continue studying in the future. She is especially devoted to fields related to oceanic protection, namely Oceanology and Marine Biology. She is an apt designer and has designed advertisement posters and merchandise for the iGEM team. Being trilingual, she is also a pivotal member of the writing group and polishes written materials, such as interview questions and interviews translations.
Zitong Sun
Zitong Sun(Sophia Sun) is a Year 10 student from Shanghai International High School of Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. She spent her childhood in Hainan island, living intimately with nature and wildlife. Courses such as GCSE Triple Science and A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics, all inspired her to pursue more advanced knowledge in these fields. To integrate all these fields, she is currently planning to attend Biomedical Engineering majors in her future academic career. With her passion for the natural sciences, she established a Biology club, in which she leads students from all grades to obtain deeper knowledge. In the iGEM competition, she works as a member of the experiment group, helping fellow members with her solid foundation in biology and pursuing her own passions.
Breeze Mancheng Hong
Breeze Mancheng Hong, born in Irvine, California, is a freshman in Shanghai High School International Division. As a member of the vibrant school community, she is a versatile student apt in many skills, such as pop-dancing, ballet, swimming, and piano. Academically, Breeze has participated in many competitions. During the summer of 2019, she attended the Chinese Academy of Science events and worked to design experiments. She has also won second place in the Shanghai Scientific Innovation Competition in 8th grade and was certified a bronze award in school-held competitions. She received a silver medal in anatomy and physiology and a bronze medal in pathophysiology in HOSA (Future Health Professionals) China. In the past year, she continued to vigorously pursue her interests in biology by participating in different clubs and competitions. As an iGEM team member, Breeze actively contributes to the gathering of background information and laboratory research.
Sophia Yang
Born in Maryland, United States, Sophia Yang is currently a freshman student at Shanghai High School International Division. At a young age, Sophia spent her days exploring different forms of life and sketching them down in great detail. It was not until she attended various biology and chemistry-related competitions, such as Brainbee, HOSA (Future Health Professionals), and Canadian Chemistry Competition did she realize her fervent passion for Biology and Chemistry. She organized and hosted different biology-related lectures at school and clubs as the Chemistry class monitor. Aside from her passion for Science, Sophia is also a strong leader. She is the founder and captain of a three-star Pop dance club in her school. In her class, she coordinates class funds, giving her experience in managing and raising money for charity. With systematic training in digital designing, she is the poster monitor for 9th grade and has designed products for many school-wide events, including the two-day-long Survival Training, and class team buildings activities. In the iGEM team, she is one of the two fixed laboratory members, who both aim to find conclusive evidence to support our hypothesis.
Ryan Mochuan Ge
Ryan Mochuan Ge is currently a freshman at Shanghai High School International Division. Dabbling in a plethora of extracurricular activities and potential career paths since 7th grade, Ryan now set his sight on the fields of biology and pharmaceuticals after school courses captivated his intellectual curiosity. He plans to engage himself in more biology-related competitions like iGEM in the future to further gain experience and satiate his passion. Apart from his enthusiasm for biology and medicine, Ryan maintains a diverse range of interests that includes sports, debate, and music. He is an energetic soccer player and the current captain of FD Football Academy U16. As for debating, Ryan has frequently participated in and won awards at competitions such as CambridgeABC, OxfordABC, and SIDC. In his spare time, Ryan is also a hip-hop music producer.
Yifan Chen
Yifan Chen (Ivan Chen )is currently a Year 10 student from Shanghai International School of Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. His grandmother was an esteemed surgeon who won high academic recognition. Growing up with such a role model, Ivan was immersed in this environment, and quickly developed a passion for biology ever since he was a child. He is now the vice president of his school's biology club, working with Sophia Sun. Ivan decided to study A-Level Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and wishes to major in pharmaceuticals in university. In iGEM, he is working on the experiments and is the recorder of experimental conditions, progress, and final results.
Jocelyn Jinyueran Ni
Jocelyn Jinyueran Ni, an American-born Chinese, is a rising senior at Fountain Valley School of Colorado, USA. As a talented artist, her moving artworks have inspired many of her audience. She is often invited by magazines, such as Tuna Talk, to art festivals to share and present her work. Art is also her medium to participate in many other social activities: her mural design stood out against all other contestants and was painted by Lakeshore Legal Aid, a nonprofit charity organization. At the same time, she is an active photographer in her community, capturing the beauty of fleeting time on film. With an innate sensitivity to social issues, she continues to attend global events such as the Envoys SDG summit and the RMW film festival, contributing her power to alleviate global issues. She also recognizes the hardships other Asian students face when surrounded by novel situations, and is the leader of her school’s Asian culture club, helping its members find a community to preserve their national heritage. Now, she dives into the field of biomedical engineering. She believes that it connects people around the world together across the miles that divide them, just like her art. Being a crucial member of her iGEM team, Jocelyn works on the experiments and plays a vital role in planning and coordinating her fellow team members to maximize their potential.
Sherry He
Sherry He, born in California, United States, is currently a sophomore in Shanghai High School International Division. Throughout her childhood and teenage life, she lived in Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Shanghai. She indulged in the considerably varying cultures of these 5 cities. Sherry is always enthusiastic about learning biology and chemistry, in which she plans to major in biochemistry in the near future. She won awards in both British Biology Olympiad and the United States Biology Olympiad. Besides her interest in biology, she is also one of the most talented pipers of her school wind ensemble. As a member of the iGEM experiment group, she's a crucial member who actively participates in research and plan.