
Light Theme

Light Theme


We designed two 3D printed adaptors that fit our device and mold to standard Falcon and Corning 96-well clear bottomed plates for use in fitting well plates to a plethora of other devices in a secure manner. These adaptors screw on to our device with the main purpose of holding the 96-well plate in place in between the two PCBs. The bottom adaptor screws into the top of the Plate Reader and snaps into the bottom of the 96-well plate. The top adaptor screws onto the OptoPlate and covers over the top of the 96-well plate with circular intrusions that extend into each well of the 96-well plate in order to minimise light or content leakage in between wells. In an alternative version of the top adaptor, there are baffolds that extend into the wells of the 96-well plate with the intent of minimising sedimentation when the device is shaking in an incubator over a long period of time

Bottom Adaptor

The bottom adaptor has dimensions 11.5cm x 7.6cm x 0.3cm with diagonal cutoffs on one side to fit into the bottom of the 96-well plate. It snaps into the bottom of the 96-well plate with 4 holes available to screw into the Plate Reader. The adaptor features a grid of 96 square holes consistent with the 96-well plate. Each square hole is 0.8cm x 0.8cm.

Top Adaptor

The top adaptor has dimensions 12.1cm x 8.5cm x 0.9cm. A rim extends into each well in order to prevent cross contamination of wells. Each of the 96 circular holes have a diameter of 0.695cm, and each rim has a thickness of 1mm, extending 0.2cm deep into the well. The barrier in each well is needed to prevent preemptive scattering of the OD LED for more precise OD measurements. The cutout in the barrier allows a thin beam of light through to the 96-well plate, ensuring minimal scattering for the OD600 measurement.

Download files for KiCad PCB Designs, 3D printed adaptors, and software package from our Github HERE