Team:UI Indonesia/Business


We certainly hope that the product of this HELICOSTRIKE project can be realized well and then can be commercialized as an effective alternative product to help patients with H.pylori infection. We also have a business idea and are trying to develop it so that in the future, it can be used to realize a probiotic product business for H.pylori eradication.

Before starting a business, we must analyze our business SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). SWOT analysis is a valuable tool to identify all external and internal factors that can affect the business and prevent things that can derail the business.

As for increasing accuracy in the analysis of this business idea, we conducted HELICOSTRIKE probiotic’s survey and obtained data for further analysis. We managed to gather 125 participants to fill out the survey. The data that we managed to collect are as follows.

  1. Age of Participants

  2. It can be seen in the chart above that the participants in this survey varied widely, ranging from 13 years to 54 years. We hope that this wide age range will give us an idea of ​​the knowledge and preferences of people in various age groups towards probiotics. Age data is also a reference for us to determine the target market for the products we are developing.
  3. Sex of Participants

  4. We got 85 female participants and 40 male participants. It is essential to know the gender of the participants in this survey. Because gender differences also affect a person's daily life, one of which makes people consider when they buy something.
  5. Participant's Occupation

  6. This data is used in determining the target market, product prices and promotion methods. From the chart above, we can see that most of the participants in this survey are students and college students. It makes us consider the price of the product so that it can be reached.
  7. Areas where participants live

  8. We managed to get data that the participants who filled out our survey were spread across 23 cities and provinces in Indonesia. We get the data from participants from almost all the largest islands in Indonesia, Java Island, Sumatra Island, Kalimantan Island and Sulawesi Island. We get data from Bali and Sumbawa Island too. This variation in data shows that public interest in probiotics is evenly distributed in the whole of Indonesia; this shows that our products have great potential to be marketed widely. The result is certainly a challenge for us, especially in terms of product distribution throughout Indonesia. The data we have collected from the participants who participated in the survey that we initiated is fundamental, especially to determine the target market, promotion methods and product prices.

In this section, we collected the participants' knowledge about probiotics, their experience in consuming probiotic products, considerations in buying them, and their concerns if they are reluctant to consume them. The survey results can be seen in the chart below.
  1. Based on your knowledge, what are probiotics?

  2. It can be seen in the graph above that most of the participants have known and heard of probiotics. At the same time, the rest of the answers consider probiotics to be processed from plant fibre, which actually refer to prebiotics. The data shows that most people know about probiotics. This is undoubtedly an excellent potential for us, considering it will be easier to market something already known or known to the public, in this case, probiotics.
  3. Have you ever consumed the food or drink below?

  4. This question aims to determine whether the participants have or are accustomed to consuming foods and beverages that go through the fermentation process. It can be seen from the chart above that all participants have consumed food and beverages such as yoghurt, tempeh, pickles, kimchi and tapai. Thus, it can be concluded that the participants are pretty familiar with various foods and drinks included in the type of probiotics. So we hope that participants will like the probiotic products that we will produce, especially if they are familiar with the taste before.
  5. What kind of probiotic packaging do you prefer?

  6. Most of the participants chose probiotics in drinks such as yoghurt to buy or consume.This is an essential consideration in determining the shape or packaging of our products to be marketed.
  7. If a probiotic can treat certain infections (works like drugs/antibiotics), would you take it? ?

  8. Based on the chart above, most participants are interested and willing to consume probiotics with similar benefits to antibiotics. While some others still have doubts and are reluctant to buy or use it. We also tried to identify what caused the participants to be hesitant to take probiotics with similar benefits to antibiotics.
  9. If you answered no, what are your concerns?

  10. We identified why participants had doubts or reluctance to take probiotics through this question. Most of the participants were worried that the probiotics could not work effectively. In comparison, others have concerns about mutations that can make bacteria harmful and have allergic effects. Of course, these then become our focus to do research and product processing correctly and adequately to prevent participant concerns from happening. In addition, it is also a concern for us to provide complete information about products and how to consume them to increase consumer confidence and prevent unwanted things from happening.

Based on the survey, we also get the points that are part of the SWOT of our business design, as follows.
We then developed a business model canvas and value proposition canvas based on our survey and SWOT analysis results. This is important for us to keep the focus on the critical things of our project and ease us for explaining business purposes and goals to team members and our partners. This tool can help us maximize development on the building blocks of our project and can minimize differences in understanding between team members and partners. We hope we can provide a clearer picture of our business flow and design.

    There are several important points that we got by arranging the canvas business model as follows.
  • We need to increase revenue streams by providing products with a variety of variations that are certainly following the needs and preferences of consumers
  • We need to cooperate with various parties, starting from the level of faculties, universities, industry to the government
  • We have to conduct a broader consumer survey but with a more specific target, especially in patients with digestive tract infections, to find out what they think about our products
  • We must strengthen our marketing strategy so that our products can be marketed effectively to vulnerable populations
  • We must prepare good product ordering and marketing procedures so that the products we sell can be used effectively by those who really need them.

There are several essential points that we got by arranging the value proposition canvas as follows.
  • We have to do more thorough research on customers to find out their characteristics, difficulties, and advantages in choosing or consuming products with health benefits, as well as the products we offer
  • We must ensure that we can address consumers by ensuring safety and halalness by obtaining certification from the authorized government institution
  • We must ensure that the raw materials by suppliers are high quality and through the proper production process so that the quality of the product will be well maintained
  • We must provide adequate information on the packaging of our products so that they can be used correctly and appropriately by doctor’s who give the prescribing and patients who use them

  • As can be seen from the SWOT, business model canvas, and value proposition canvas created, we strive to identify and discover various factors that have a major impact on our business development. We use the survey results as a basis for us to look at market segments, consumer preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and various challenges that may arise in developing this business. These various tools also help us to identify market opportunities or customers, which parties we will collaborate with, plans and channels that we can use to grow our business. Of course, as students, we have to learn more about business development. SWOT analysis, business model canvas, and value proposition canvas really help us determine the basis of business development for our HELICOSTRIKE project.