Xiangkai Li

Professor Li Xiangkai is Ph.Ds’ supervisor in the school of Life Science at Lanzhou University. His researches mainly focus on environmental microbiology in the Research Institute of Microbiology. Professor Li has provided us with the laboratory, full support and supervision on our project, especially for the direction associated with the microcosmic experiment. He is also a member of our consultant team.

YiQing Wang

Yiqing Wang is an associate researcher at the First Clinical Medical School of Lanzhou University, and is also the master's supervisor. His research mainly focuses on the synthesis and modification of sperm motility analgesic drugs. He gives us some suggestions on experimental design to help us complete it better.


Tuoyu Zhou

I am a PhD candidate in microbiology at Lanzhou University and currently  engaged in the research of synthetic probiotics for the targeted therapy of colorectal cancer. I also published 4 SCI articles in Journal of Hazardous  Materials, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, etc. In here, I sincerely hope  that 2021 LZU-CHINA will achieve impressive results.


Kun Zhu

Team leader
Hobbies: Animals, Travel
Motto: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live. 

Ha Buer

Wet team member/HP team member
Hobbies: Science fiction, ACGN, Piano, Table tennis
Motto: Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.

Ziao Gan

Wet team member/HP team member
Hobbies: Travel, Reading
Motto: She was still too young to know that life never gives anything for nothing, and that a price is always exacted for what fate bestows.

Cuiyan Yang

Wet team member/HP team member
Hobbies: Music, reading and making friends
Motto: I came, I saw, I conquered

Furong Wang

Wet team member/HP team member
Hobbies: sleep, experiment
Motto: I want the moon to come to me

Jinghan Chen

Wet team member/ HP team member
Hobbies: Love reading, writing, outdoor activities
Motto: Most things in the world have little meaning except truth and love

Tianjin Liu

Wet team member/HP team member
Hobbies: Calligraphy, read, electronic organ
Motto: Look up at the stars, not down at your feet.

JingYuan Wu

Wet team member
Hobbies: Paino and strength training
Motto: Seeing is believing

Liangsong Chen

Wet team member
Hobbies: Table tennis, chess and listening to music
Motto: Light in the eyes, love in the heart

Tianyi Wang

Dry team member
Hobbies: I especially like programming and information security
Motto: Stay hungry, stay foolish

Jiahui Liu

Dry team member
Hobbeis:  express my ideas in a unique visual language
Motto: There are 360°, why insist on one?

Yunhao Zhao

Dry team member
Hobbies: running and classical music
Motto:We must know. We will know.

Bowen Zhou

Dry team member
Hobby: Painting
Motto: Long live painting

Teng Li

Dry team member
Hobbies: Listening to music, painting
Motto: Where there is a will there is a way.


Zhanwu Zhu

Many experimental guidance and improvement suggestions are provided for our team.