Team:GA State SW Jiaotong/Contribution



Under the influence of COVID-19, we still did our best to overcome many difficulties and made the efforts for Hnoss. We characterise five new parts and have recorded information.We do hope that our work can be helpful for the future team in the IGEM community.

In the research, we found many in-depth studies on the mechanism of stress alopecia. In March 2021, the Nature published a research progress of stress alopecia for the first time. The association between stress hormones and hair follicle stem cells (HFSC) activity revealed a new mechanism of stress alopecia, and it was proposed that GAS6 protein could reactivate hair follicle stem cells in the dormant period caused by stress (Sahay & Hsu, 2021). At the same time, concentrated growth factor (CGF) can effectively stimulate the growth of hair follicle cells, improve the scalp microenvironment and scalp blood supply. However, there are FEW cases of clinical application of CGF at home and abroad (Poh-Ching& Tan, Yun, 2019).

Therefore, we characterise aresst-specific protein (Gas6) coding sequence, epidermal growth factor(EGF)coding sequence, suppression of killing RNA antitoxin coding sequence, host killing RNA antitoxin coding sequence and TRP coding sequence.

Name Type Description Lector Length
BBa_K3842000 Coding Coding sequence for growth aresst-specific protein Xiaoyi Feng 2069
BBa_K3842007 Coding Epidermal growth factor Xiaoyi Feng 3498
BBa_K3842016 Coding Coding sequence for suppression of killing RNA antitoxin Xiaoyi Feng 66
BBa_K3842017 Coding Coding sequence for host killing toxin Xiaoyi Feng 247
BBa_K3842021 Coding TRP coding sequence Xiaoyi Feng 327

You can find more parts information on parts page

Moreover, we added new documentation to an existing Part on that Part’s Registry page in order to provide some information about protein exexpression in Bacillus subtilis regarding the use of pNW33N vector.

Special thank to Dr. Tai from GSU, who provides us a set of references to help us to construct parts especially for Bacillus subtilis.


Choi, S., Zhang, B., Ma, S., Gonzalez-Celeiro, M., Stein, D., Jin, X., Kim, S. T., Kang, Y. L., Besnard, A., Rezza, A., Grisanti, L., Buenrostro, J. D., Rendl, M., Nahrendorf, M., Sahay, A., & Hsu, Y. C. (2021). Corticosterone inhibits GAS6 to govern hair follicle stem-cell quiescence. Nature, 592 (7854), 428–432.

Gao, H. C. & Liu, J. Q. (2018). Research advance of concentrated growth factors in treatment of androgenetic hair loss. Chin J Clin Lab Mgt, 6 (4), 193-198.

Yang, C. K., Ewis, H. E., Zhang, X., Lu, C. D., Hu, H. J., Pan, Y., Abdelal, A. T., & Tai, P. C. (2011). Nonclassical protein secretion by Bacillus subtilis in the stationary phase is not due to cell lysis. Journal of bacteriology, 193(20), 5607–5615.

Yang, C. K., Zhang, X. Z., Lu, C. D., & Tai, P. C. (2014). An internal hydrophobic helical domain of Bacillus subtilis enolase is essential but not sufficient as a non-cleavable signal for its secretion. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 446(4), 901–905.
