
Updated on 2021-11-18: We are keeping figures and text in the Registry as it was. You might found this file, which we prepared for the Judging Session, helpful to understand our parts.

Updated on 2021-11-10: we were nominated for the Best New Basic Part award.

In our project, a total of 56 parts are designed. Among them, there are 20 basic parts and 36 composite parts. We have sequencing verified all parts and tested most the parts.

# Basic Parts, Lead by Chongwen Cao

Among the 20 basic parts designed this year by ourselves, BBa_K3790014 is our favorite one.

# Composite Parts, Lead by Guanqiao Chi

Most of our composite parts were designed to help obtain the critical product of our project - the Bst polymerase. Our favorite composite parts are BBa_K3790212 and BBa_K3790232.

The former one was the original version of our Bst expression system, and the latter one was T7 gene product 5.7 driven by pBAD promoter. Both of them were proved to be reliable and effective.

Left: Gel electrophoresis of plasmids containing K3790212 digested with NcoI and KpnI, indicating that our composite part BBa_K3790212 had been successfully constructed; Right: Compare proteins in the pellet vs. supernatant, after BPCB lysis, indicating that our composite part BBa_K3790212 had been successfully expressed.

# Parts Collection, Lead by Renbin Liu

Our parts could be divided into three major groups:
(I) parts that were designed to regulate the bacteria expression, including the first full characterized σS promoter for the iGEM community, as well as parts were used for validation. These parts provide a set of new tools for bacteria expression regulation.

Group I: BBa_K3790014,

BBa_K3790009 - BBa_K3790013, BBa_K3790086,

BBa_K3790050, BBa_K3790085,

BBa_K3790231, BBa_K3790235,

BBa_K3790225 - BBa_K3790230, BBa_K3790236, BBa_K3790237, BBa_K3790242

(II) a set of DNA binding domains that could be used to improve DNA polymerases, including our favorite Sso7d for the iGEM community. These parts provide mutiple choices for improving the binding efficiency of a specific DNA polymerase.

Group II: BBa_K3790002,

BBa_K3790001, BBa_K3790003, BBa_K3790004, BBa_K3790005, BBa_K3790006

(III) IPTG induced Bst polymerase for isothermal DNA amplification, as well as a complete set of fusions with parts in (II). We showed that even without improvement, native Bst produced in bacterial lysate is sufficient to support LAMP, documented in This provide a new perspective in isothermal DNA amplification that purified enzymes can also be replaced by bacterial lysate containing the enzymes.

Group III: BBa_K3790212,

BBa_K3790213 - BBa_K3790224,

BBa_K3790150 - BBa_K3790162

Below lists all the parts we built for our project. Please check each part's Main Page on the Registry

  WBBa_K3790212CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst::K395601Renbin Liu1938
  WBBa_K3790232CompositeT7 gene product 5.7 driven by pBAD/araCChongwen Cao1558
 WBBa_K3790000CodingBst polymerase I (large fragment) for E. coliRenbin Liu1767
   BBa_K3790001CodingDbpAGuanqiao Chi219
 WBBa_K3790002CodingSso7dGuanqiao Chi174
   BBa_K3790003CodingSso10bGuanqiao Chi291
   BBa_K3790004CodingalbA1Guanqiao Chi288
   BBa_K3790005CodingS.ssbGuanqiao Chi441
   BBa_K3790006CodingE.ssbGuanqiao Chi531
 WBBa_K3790007Protein_Domain(G2S)3Guanqiao Chi27
 WBBa_K3790009RegulatoryThe simplest form of csiD promoter, a weak σS promoterChongwen Cao38
 WBBa_K3790010RegulatoryThe simplest form of a mutated csiD promoter, a medium σS promoterChongwen Cao38
 WBBa_K3790011RegulatoryThe simplest form of fic promoter, a weak σS promoterChongwen Cao37
 WBBa_K3790012RegulatoryThe simplest form of a mutated fic promoter, a medium σS promoterChongwen Cao37
 WBBa_K3790013RegulatoryThe simplest form of osmY promoter, a strong σS promoterChongwen Cao39
 WBBa_K3790014RegulatoryThe simplest form of dps promoter, a strong σS promoterChongwen Cao39
UWBBa_K3790050CodingT7 phage gene product 5.7, an E.coli transcription inhibitor (RFC compatible)Chongwen Cao210
   BBa_K3790084RBSRBS for Gram-positive species (Schofield, 2003)Chongwen Cao17
   BBa_K3790085CodingT7 phage gene product 2, an E.coli transcription inhibitorChongwen Cao195
   BBa_K3790086RegulatorypBAD+dps promoter fusionChongwen Cao1210
   BBa_K3790150CompositeBst-(G2S)3-DbpAGuanqiao Chi2013
   BBa_K3790151CompositeBst-(G2S)3-S.ssbGuanqiao Chi2235
   BBa_K3790152CompositeBst-(G2S)3-E.ssbGuanqiao Chi2325
   BBa_K3790153CompositeBst-(G2S)3-albA1Guanqiao Chi2082
   BBa_K3790154CompositeBst-(G2S)3-Sso7dGuanqiao Chi1968
   BBa_K3790155CompositeBst-(G2S)3-Sso10bGuanqiao Chi2085
   BBa_K3790156CompositeDbpA-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi2013
   BBa_K3790157CompositeS.ssb-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi2235
   BBa_K3790159CompositealbA1-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi2082
   BBa_K3790160CompositeSso10b-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi2085
   BBa_K3790161CompositeSso7d-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi1982
   BBa_K3790162CompositeE.ssb-(G2S)3-BstGuanqiao Chi2325
   BBa_K3790213CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-DbpA::K395601Renbin Liu2277
   BBa_K3790214CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-S.ssb::K395601Renbin Liu2499
   BBa_K3790215CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-E.ssb::K395601Renbin Liu2589
   BBa_K3790216CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-albA1::K395601Renbin Liu2346
 WBBa_K3790217CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-Sso7d::K395601Renbin Liu2232
   BBa_K3790218CompositeT7lac::RBS::Bst-(G2S)3-Sso10b::K395601Renbin Liu2349
   BBa_K3790219CompositeT7lac::RBS::DbpA-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2277
   BBa_K3790220CompositeT7lac::RBS::S.ssb-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2499
   BBa_K3790221CompositeT7lac::RBS::E.ssb-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2589
   BBa_K3790222CompositeT7lac::RBS::albA1-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2346
   BBa_K3790223CompositeT7lac::RBS::Sso10b-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2349
 WBBa_K3790224CompositeT7lac::RBS::Sso7d-(G2S)3-Bst::K395601Renbin Liu2246
   BBa_K3790225CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter csiDChongwen Cao923
  BBa_K3790226CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter csiD_improvedChongwen Cao923
  BBa_K3790227CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter ficChongwen Cao922
  BBa_K3790228CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter fic_improvedChongwen Cao922
  BBa_K3790229CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter osmYChongwen Cao924
  BBa_K3790230CompositeGFP controlled by σS promoter dpsChongwen Cao924
 WBBa_K3790231CompositeT7 gene product 2 controlled by pBAD/araCChongwen Cao1543
   BBa_K3790235CompositeT7 gene product 5.7 controlled by pBAD+dps promoter fusionChongwen Cao1554
   BBa_K3790236CompositeGFP controlled by pBAD+dps promoter fusionChongwen Cao2064
   BBa_K3790237CompositeGFP controlled by pBAD/araCChongwen Cao2064
   BBa_K3790242CompositeT7lac::RBS::mScarlet::K395601Renbin Liu897