

    This page is dedicated to all the amazing people that supported us bringing our project to life. Since our approach involved many different aspects, we relied on the help from many different sides and were lucky to find so many supporters willing to help us. We are extremely grateful to everyone who stood by our side!



    • Dipl.-Biol. Martin Altvater, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hannes Russmayer and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans Marx:
      Helped us to develop and organize the project.
    • Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Diethard Mattanovich, Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Brigitte Gasser, Ass.Prof. Dipl.Natw. ETH FH-Prof. Dr. Michael Sauer, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Jürgen Zanghellini, Dr. Alexandra Graf, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Clemens Peterbauer, Dipl.-Biol. Martin Altvater, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hannes Russmayer and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans Marx :
      Organized and hold seminar lectures for our team.
    • Oona Jung :
      We would also like to thank last years Team leader, Oona Jung, for sharing her experience and resources with us. She gave us a point to start from, an overview of what needs to be done when and spared us many hours of bureaucratic research.


    • Dipl.-Biol. Martin Altvater, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hannes Russmayer and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans Marx:
      Supported us with troubleshooting advice during lab work.
    • Mattanovich & Gasser research group:
      The research group provided us the material, all empty backbones for the Golden-Gate-system and the following protocols:
      • Preparation chemical competent E.coli
      • Transformation chemical competent E.coli
      • Preparation of competent Lactobacillus
    • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Clemens Peterbauer:
      Provided us our Backbone 3 and the knowledge about protein expression in Lactobacillus strains.
    • Dipl.-Ing. Robin Hoheneder:
      Helped us with planning and carrying out our Lactobacillus transformations.
    • Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Jürgen Zanghellini:
      Supported us with modeling


    • Dr. nat. techn. Hubert Hettegger, MSc:
      Helped us with development and implementation of our scaffold, provided us with supplies and know-how about biopolymers
    • Univ.-Prof. Mag. pharm. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch:
      Offered us his expertise regarding mucoadhesive polymers during the development of our scaffold and allowed us to carry out some experiments in his Lab in Innsbruck.
    • Kali Gergely, PhD from University of Innsbruck:
      Helped us to carry out the thiolation of our scaffold components, to carry out mucoadhesion tests and tested the mucoadhesion for us out.

    Gut on a chip

    • Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Ertl:
      Provided us with the opportunity to use the cell culture lab of the Cell Chip Group at TU Wien, including their resources and Caco-2 cell line.
    • Dipl.-Ing., Doris Roth, BSc & Dipl.-Ing. Silvia Schobesberger, BS:
      Provided us a lab training and helped with any questions we had.

    Organization and supplies

    • Gabriele Wilt and Viktoria Kowarz, MSc:
      Ordered materials for our team.
    • Stefanie Wiesauer:
      Helped us out with lab supplies and showed us show how to make competent E.coli
    • Franziska Doleschal:
      Organized our bank account and managed all our invoices.

    External experts and advisors

    • Ao. Univ. Prof. D.I. Dr. Harald Vogelsang:
      Brought our attention to the subject of non-celiac gluten sensitivity and the absence of treatment and diagnosis methods.
    • Assoc. Prof. Jane Muir:
      Offered us valuable insights into the problematics and causes of irritable bowel syndrome, symptoms, and current treatment options.
    • Mag. Dr. Johannes Rath:
      Advised us on ethical considerations regarding our project.
    • Dipl.Ing. Dr. Vera Fraberger, Univ.Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr.rer.nat. Konrad Domig, and Dr. Stefano D’Amico:
      Gave us advice about probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and their applications in food technology.


    • Martin Puntigam from the Science Busters:
      Invited us to the Science Busters Podcast, cut the recording file, and published it via different channels.
    • Jakob Tschernutter, Andre Zitterbart:
      Translated the German transcript into English.
    • Britta Pichler:
      Proofreaded the English transcript.

    Promotion video

    • Onkel Sam’s Obst und Gemüseladen:
      Allowed us to film their beautiful market stand.
    • Kady Haller:
      Was the narrator of our promotion video. She spoke the script of our promotion video in English, German, and Korean.
    • Subtitles were translated by Afiq Othman, Miftahul Jannah Hutabarat, Lycka Ståhl, Jahnvi Argarwal, Pei Fang Manyer, Johanna Lenitz, Kady Haller, Sangsun Park, and Stefan Kolar.

    Presentation video

    • Jan Iwani:
      Helped us with shooting and editing our presentation video.

    Team training and project start

    The participation in the iGEM competition is organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) as a university course worth 7 ECTS credits (course number 790033). Registration for the course took place in April but the team already assembled towards the end of January and immediately started working on project ideas that were elaborated further until a final decision of the year’s project topic is made by a vote from the whole team. In our case the decision was made in the beginning of April and from that point on the whole team effort was dedicated to further developing our project, Friendzyme.
    Until lab work started in the beginning of July, the team met at least once per week for a seminar lecture which was given by one of the main supervisors or people from outside. The videos and materials for the seminars were provided to the team via our shared drive, and is not accessible for the general public.

    Seminars and topics

    Golden Gate Assembly: Martin Altvater and Hannes Russmayer (15/06/2021)
    Synthetic Biology: Hans Marx (01/03/2021) and Brigitte Gasser (22/03/2021 and 19/04/2021)
    Modeling: Jürgen Zhangellini (03/05/2021)
    Bioethics & Human Practices: Michael Sauer (10/05/2021)
    Project Management: Diethard Mattanovich (08/03/2021)
    Genomics & Big Data: Dr. Alexandra Graf from the FH Campus Vienna (17/05/2021)
    Advantages and genetic engineering of lactobacilli: Clemens Peterbauer (26/04/2021)

    Team membership

    Name Communication Graphics Human Practices Lab Management Modeling Research Sponsoring Wiki
    Education Newsletter Social Media Video Collaboration Interviews Partnership Survey Cloning Gut-on-a-chip Scaffold Creation Text
    Alina x x x x x x x x x
    Amin x x x
    Anna Magdalena x x x x x
    Anna H. x x x x x x x x x
    Anna Z. x x x x
    Denise x x x x x x x x x
    Hannah x x x x x x x x
    Helena x x x x
    Johanna x x x x x x x x
    Julia x x x x x
    Laetitia x x x x x x
    Lisa K. x x x x x x
    Lisa R. x x x x
    Lukas x x x x x x x
    Maggie x x x x x x x x x
    Marcos x x x x x
    Nadine x x x x x
    Sarah x x x x x x x x x
    Sebastian B. x x x x x x x x x
    Sebastian R. x x
    Soma Katharina x x x x x x
    Sophia x x x x x x
    Tam Dan x x x x
    Verena x x
    Wei x x x x x x x
    We thank our sponsors: