Team:Lethbridge HS/Education

Education Awards

Education has been an integral part of our project up to this point. All of our human practices projects have been centered around educating our greater community. During our arts showcase where we raised $700, we educated an audience on RNAi and our Knapweed Herbicide. As well, during the summer, we set up stands and enlightened the visitors by giving 1 on 1 explanations supplemented with posters and flyers further explaining our project. We have also hosted a 2021 iGEM High school symposium in which we presented and educated iGEM teams and to a school in Lethbridge about Knaptime is over. Lastly, to further educate our greater youth community. A majority of our iGEM team has presented to their own schools about Knaptime is over. This was done in effort to inspire the school population and attempt to spark further interest in involving youth in synthetic biology.