

Team members

Julian Bär
21, Bachelor student in Microengineering
Hardware nerd, human practicer and vlogger
Best memory of the summer
When Anissa dragged us to a small festival in the vineyards called JVAL. It turned out to be great fun and surprisingly big for something I thought would just be in someone's backyard!
Romain Birling
20, Bachelor student in Computer Science
Hardware and software developer as well as chemistry lab assistant
Best memory of the summer
The night we spent looking at shooting stars on the top of a mountain. A fox almost stole my pistachios.
Anissa Hammi
23, Master student in Life Sciences Engineering
Immunostaining and Western Blot expert as well as official team building's parties organizer
Best memory of the summer
When I brought the team to a swing party and we all ended up dancing together and even initiated a lindy hop jam (a social dance on swing music that appeared in the afro-american community in the 20s).
Lou Kohler Voinov
21, Bachelor student in Life Sciences Engineering
Team coordinator, funniest and most humble member of the team
Best memory of the summer
When we got caught using the personal autoclave machine of the lab with smelling (like vomit apparently) yeast medium. A strange guy wouldn’t let us leave and kept yelling at us. We couldn’t stop laughing about it for weeks.
Simon Liétar
21, Bachelor student in Life Sciences Engineering
Cloning and wiki guy
Best memory of the summer
Uploading this wiki 5 minutes before the deadline at 6 am.
Eric Richter
22, Bachelor student in Microengineering
Chemistry lab second-in-command, hardware designer and bead maker
Best memory of the summer
Chilling around a fire, a feast in our stomachs, bonding in the sound of our laughs, and determination in our eyes at the beginning of the project!
Danaé Terrien-Ferey
21, Bachelor student in Life Sciences Engineering
Dimer cloner and French teacher for Davide
Best memory of the summer
Meeting Davide and the night we spent all together stargazing at shooting stars on the top of a mountain
David Toledano
25, Master student in Life Sciences Engineering
Bio nerd, potion master and free electron in the lab
Best memory of the summer
Guitar, drums, fire, halloumi, stars in the sky, and discussions about the meaning of life in Eric's garden.
Davide Torre
22, Master student in Physics
Proteins and linkers designer, keen on cloning, growth curves and copper assays (but please, just the bio part) as well as beautiful italian boy and french student.
Best memory of the summer
Meeting Danaé and all the times I started laughing randomly after the others joked in French, aware that I had understood absolutely nothing.
Emma Vernizeau
22, Master student in Chemistry
Chemistry expert and soil collector
Best memory of the summer
When a winemaker shared one of his bottles with us in his vineyard.


Brian McCabe
Principal investigator and team motivator
Amir Shahein
Hardware teaching assistant
Marine Van Campenhoudt
Principal teaching assistant, bio teacher for the team
Blandine Vergier
Bio teaching assistant