Team:Calgary/Parts Overview


Rare earth elements are becoming increasingly important to our modern and future technologies; thus, it is important to develop the synthetic tools required for working with these precious elements. We have designed a comprehensive molecular toolbox consisting of 16 parts for efficient and selective recovery, detection, and measurement of rare earth elements. By pioneering this versatile toolbox, we hope to open new avenues for future iGEM teams to work on rare earth element-related projects and investigations.

Part Collection

By utilizing lanmodulin, a newly discovered lanthanide-binding protein with more than 100-million-fold affinity for rare earth elements over other metals, we have developed a versatile molecular toolbox for working with rare earth elements. Our lanmodulin-cellulose binding module fusion proteins, allow for one-step purification and immobilization onto cellulose beads while our reporter constructs are designed to selectively measure REE concentrations using either a luminescence, fluorescence, or electrochemical signal.


An easy to use and quick vector for cloning and protein expression E. coli. Xpress uses the universal T7 expression system for ease of induction with IPTG and lactose in BL21 system. Xpress’s one-step screening system also allows for an efficient cloning process by allowing easy identification of successfully engineered clones. Lastly, Xpress contains a GST solubility protein for ease of expression of insoluble heterologous proteins in E. coli.


Experimental characterization of wildtype lanmodulin and the Xpress vector. Lanmodulin was shown to successfully bind and recover rare earth elements while Xpress’s one-step screening procedure was showcased.