
iGEM Bonn 2021 Biolan


Social Outreach


Online German Meetup

The iGEM Team Bonn worked together with numerous different iGEM Teams this season mostly to improve communications with the public. In Collaboration with iGEM Kaiserslautern iGEM Bonn organized a Meet up for German iGEM Teams in May which the iGEM Teams Bochum, Hamburg, Marburg, Bielefeld, Düsseldorf, Darmstadt and Tübingen attended. At the event Dr. Rer. Nat. Marcel Hövels from the Institute for Biotechnology and Microbiology led a discussion on the biotechnological production of healthy sugar substitutes. Moreover, teams had the chance to discuss bioethical issues in biotechnology & animal experiments as well as counsel each other on sponsoring & collaboration.


Science Slam


On the 18th of June iGEM Kaiserslautern and iGEM Bonn organized a Science Slam on Twitch (for more information: Education and communication). We started the planning in March and from then on continued to meet every second week, contacting slammers and NABU Bonn and Kaiserslautern, local environmental organizations, whom we collected money for at the event. At the science slam we each presented our projects and gave attendants the chance to ask further questions about them. Contributions from the Slammers were in English and German to allow communication with both the local community and international guests.

Escape Rooms

Recently we collaborated with the iGEM Teams Kaiserslautern, iGEM Düsseldorf and iGEM Aachen to create a possibility to connect to especially younger people. In the Escape Room we inform players about synthetic biology and our projects in a playful, entertaining way. It is an ideal way for school to incorporate information into their teaching and is accessible to all and easy to operate.

Visit the Escape Room.

Smaller Contributions to others


Furthermore, iGEM Bonn participated in a number of iGEM projects organized by other teams like the Art project done by iGEM Hambug, to which we contributed with a painting of Lanmodulin, the protein we are working with, iGEM Darmstadt’s iJET video and a video created by iGEM Nantes showcasing the internationality of the competition and its teams.

written by Annika Hanraths