


Team members

Adriana Calvo Bueno
Leader and coordinator for all activities in Chuquisaca.
Wiki: Chief coordinator,
Wiki organizer
Wiki planning
Wiki documentation
Wiki design
Wiki development
Hardware code review
Eunice Estefania Flores Gallo
Promotion Video: Video provider, Subtitling.
Presentation Video: Scriptwriter, Narrator, Video provider, Graphic editor, Subtitling.
Wiki documentation.
Human Practices: Interview organizer, Data researcher, Contact manager.
Proposed Implementation: Proposal developer.
Integrated Human Practices: Questionnaire developer, Urban Community visitor, Company visitor, Interview organizer, Material maker.
Oskar Samuel Zeballos Huarachi
Design & Engineering: Chief Coordinator, Biosensor genetic constructs design, Experimental design and planning of lab work phase 1 -2, Biosafety.
Design & Engineering: Lab manual elaboration.
Education and Public Engagement: Liga STEAM.
Consuelo Ruth Loayza Vedia
Design & Engineering: Chief Coordinator.
Human Practices: Interview organizer.
Hardware: Device design.
Wiki design.
Design & Engineering: Biosensor genetic constructs design, Lab manual elaboration.
Proposed implementation: Proposal developer.
Integrated Human Practices: Material Maker.
Collaboration: Hispane debate.
Science Communication: CoviGEM & Social Media.
Excellence in other area: "Club de Debate Bolivia", "Liga Nacional de Debate Perú", "Liga Internacional de Debate 2021", Marketing direction.
Bernardo Yaroslav Ureña Panina
Human Practices: Data researcher, Contact manager.
Integrated Human Practices: Material maker.
Science Communication: Chief coordinator
Education and Public Engagement: Chief coordinator
Wiki documentation & design.
Promotion Video: Scriptwriter, Video provider.
Presentation Video: Scriptwriter, Video provider.
Andrea Aracely Tambo Santos
Collaboration: Chief Coordinator
Wiki organizer.
Science Communication: Content Development, Podcast, CoviGEM.
Claire Alexia Montaño Sanchez
Science Communication: Chief coordinator
Education and Public Engagement: Chief coordinator
Wiki design.
Promotion Video: Video provider, Subtitling.
Presentation Video: Video provider, Narrator, Subtitling.


Tania Pozzo PhD.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Senior Instructor on "Project Design", "Circuit Design" and overall coordination.
Cecilia Gonzalez MSc.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Senior Instructor on "Science Communication" and overall coordination.
Camila Palma MSc.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Instructor for the project CoviGEM.
Densy Pelaez PhD.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Instructor for the "Inclusivity Award" project.
Sergio Moreira PhD.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Instructor for overall project coordination.
Maria Mercedes Roca PhD.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Senior Instructor for the project in "Excellence in Another Area", "Human Practices" and "Proposed Implementation".
Noemi Tirado PhD.
Senior Instructor for the project in "Human Practices" and "Integrated Human Practices".
Natalia Montellano PhD.
Hosted and supervised iGEM Bolivia at Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo facilities.
Lucia Alvarado PhD.
Hosted and supervised iGEM Bolivia at Universidad Franz Tamayo (UNIFRANZ) facilities.
Maria Teresa Alvarez PhD.
Hosted and supervised iGEM Bolivia at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés facilities.
Scarley Martinez PhD.
Hosted and supervised iGEM Bolivia at Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca facilities.
Said Perez MSc.
Hosted and supervised iGEM Bolivia at Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca facilites.
Senior Instructor for biosensor "Device Design" and the "Wiki".
Cesar Perez PhD.
Hosted online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Senior Instructor for the "Biosensor design", "Human Practices" and "Integrated Human Practices".
Laura Guzman BFA.
Hosted online workshop for the graphical design.
Instructor for iGEM Bolivia logo design and brand guide.
Ninón Flores MSc.
Organized online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Senior Instructor for Biosafety.
Leader and coordinator for the team activities in Chuquisaca.
Virginia Gonzales MSc.
Organized online workshops to fund iGEM Bolivia.
Leader and coordinator for the team activities in La Paz.

Other Support

Promotion&Presentation Video
Luciel Izumi
Soundtrack Composer.
Miguel Angel Mamani Chichillanca
Audio arranger.
Ruben Efraín Flores Zamorano
Recording Studio provider.
Sociedad Científica de Estudiantes de Comunicación Social (SOCIECS)
Sociedad Científica de Estudiantes de Linguística (SOCIEL)
Subtitling translation.
Unofficial ByDesign
Financing for the animation of the promotional video.
Rodrigo Condori
Video provider.
Aventura de altura
Video provider.
Lena Wofz and WeLeaf
Video provider.
Marco Flores
Video provider.
Hugo Alex Arandia Antelo
Video provider.
Albert Stilma Memelink
Video provider.
DRONE Bolivia
Video provider.
Renato Jara Barral
Video provider.
Gary Ibañez
Animation of "Arsenito" pet.
Eduardo Ruilowa
Microphone provider.
Marvin Campero Alvarado