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            Last year the world faced an unpredicted mass pandemic which has already caused more than 4.4 million deaths, according to WHO (World Health Organization) . However, it is not the only disease that is encroaching on human lives. Over the last 30 years, the world has faced at least 30 new infectious diseases, including Swine flu, well-known Ebola, SARS, etc. There are beneficial conditions for that - favorable climate and weather, ecosystem changes, human susceptibility to infections, international trade, and travel, or even lack of public health services. All factors sum up and contribute to the excellent environment for the new emerging or reemerging infectious diseases.
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            One of the examples - amoebiasis, an infectious disease caused mostly by Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica (Amebos paveikslėlis) cysts enter the human body orally through contaminated food, water or human to human contact. For this reason, this infection mainly affects the developing world in tropical and subtropical regions where there are poor sanitation, lack of publicly available health care, favorable climate for pathogens propagation, lack of knowledge about food processing and keeping conditions, defecation into water sources such as rivers, and being near animals. (Vizualas: ikonėlės atliepiančios amebiazės plitimo priežastis). After exposure to E. histolytica cysts, excystation occurs in the small intestine with the release of motile trophozoites. Trophozoites then migrate to the large intestine where they mature and begin encystation. There are two possible pathogenesis pathways. First, trophozoites stay in the large intestine, proliferate, do not cause any symptoms, and leave the intestine as newly formed cysts.  In this case, an infected person becomes an infection carrier. Second,  trophozoites might proliferate if the infected faces stress or microbiota disruptions. In this case, trophozoites adhere to the colonic epithelium by Gal/GalNac lectin, secrete proteolytic enzymes, amebaphores, causing cell lysis, or conduct contact-dependent target cells lysis. It leads to the destruction of the protective mucous barrier, surrounding cells fagocytation.
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            Symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis include abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis with mucus and blood, bloody diarrhea which later on progresses to raspberry-jelly-like stool, appendicitis, and ulcers. However, in more progressed inflammation, trophozoites from the intestine travel through the portal vein into the liver and cause an amoebic liver abscess, or less frequently lung, brain abscess, or skin infection. (Proceso iliustracija: žmogus (žemiau pateiktas paveikslėlio pvz), jame gif formatu pavaizduota histolytica kelionė (per burną, į žarnyną, kur iš rutuliuko virsta į banguojačią dėmelę, per vartų veną į kepenis ir vėliau į plaučius, smegenis nukeliauja).
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              Fig 1
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            Antraste 2
            Supplementary data
            <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,              maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
            <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,              maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
             <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,             maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
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        Trundle, K. Teaching Science During the Early Childhood Years. National Geographic Learning (2010).
          <h1 id="title">            COLLABORATIONS         
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            <h3 class="index-headline">          Introduction         
            <p>          This year our team was lucky to communicate with numerous iGEM teams from all over the world. Some of the interactions were initiated by us and some - by other teams. Our list of collaborations is in an especially broad spectrum of topics: integrated human practices on amebiasis, education, and communication.         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          Gaining insights on amebiasis with the IISER Tirupati team         
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            <p>          We got in touch with the         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:IISER-Tirupati_India" target="_blank">            IISER-Tirupati India         
              </a>          team regarding their request for collaboration. We had already chosen target regions, of which one was India. We asked for contacts of professionals that are working with the disease in a laboratory or clinical setting. As a result, IISER Tirupati kindly sent us a full excel sheet with various contacts we used later on.         
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            <h3 class="index-headline">          Gaining insights on amebiasis with the IISER Berhampur team         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:IISER_Berhampur" target="_blank">            IISER Berhampur         
      <div class="placeholder-social-icon">
              </a>          and our team both analyzed human infectious diseases that are more common in developing regions. Thus, we organized a call to get to know each other better and decided on further collaborations. Afterward, we exchanged contact information of specialists from relevant areas in our countries.         
      <div class="placeholder-social-icon">
            <p>          We also have participated in the IISER Berhampur podcast series "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uefNLV1RR5Y&amp;list=PLR4FwA4pM7Uf17TJ6ZpJC2COh7-3V4IlI&amp;index=5" target="_blank">SynVERSE</a>" and shared our perspectives on synthetic biology, "AmeBye", and our team.              Lastly, the IISER Berhampur team offered help on our educational poster about amebiasis, proofread its contents and translated to three native languages.         
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              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/c/c6/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Berhampur_meeting.png"/>
                <b>            Fig. 1.          
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                </b>            Meeting with IISER Berhampur team         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          Gaining insights on amebiasis with the FCB-UANL team         
    <a href="mailto:info@vilniusigem.lt">
            <p>          One of the countries our project targets is Mexico. Therefore, we contacted iGEM team from there -         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:FCB-UANL " target=”_blank”>            FCB-UANL.         
              </a>            We were very pleased that they were interested and agreed on a call. At first, we got to know each other better, gained new insight into our human practices activities, and agreed on collaboration. The team connected us with Dr. María del Socorro Flores González, Professor at Instituto de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UANL. We gained invaluable insights on the wet lab processes, that can be found on         
    <div class="grid-sponsors">
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices" target=”_blank”>            Integrated Human Practices         
              </a>          page.         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/d/dc/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--VU.svg">
            <p>          Moreover, FCB-UANL has kindly proofread and translated our educational poster on amebiasis into their native language. They also shared it on their social media and added to the broader spread of the message.         
            <div class="figure-container">
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/b/bb/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--GMC.svg">
              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/b/ba/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--FCB_UANL_meeting.png"/>
                <b>            Fig. 2.           
                </b>            Meeting with FCB-UANL team         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/d/df/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--SnapGene.svg">
            <h3 class="index-headline">          Gaining insights on amebiasis with the AFCM Egypt         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/b/bf/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Termofisher.svg">
            <p>          While planning our project, we wanted to gain insights into the experiences regarding amebiasis in African regions. Luckily, team         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:AFCM-Egypt" target=”_blank”>            AFCM Egypt         
              </a>          agreed on collaborating with us. They kindly offered to organize a meeting with the team itself and prof. Azza El-Adawy, who is a professor of Medical Parasitology in a Parasitology department of the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University. Professor shared some useful insights on amebiasis, that are discussed in         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Human_Practices" target=”_blank”>            Integrated Human Practices         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/9/98/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Nanodiagnostika.svg">
              </a>          page. The team has also stressed the importance of raising awareness on amebiasis and kindly proofread, translated our educational poster, and presented it at the SynFair conference.
              Moreover, our team reviewed AFCM Egypt surveys on vaccines and synthetic biology, suggested several alterations, and participated in them.         
            <div class="figure-container">
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/3/3e/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Laborama.svg">
              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/9/9c/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--AFCM_Egypt.png"/>
                <b>            Fig. 3.           
                </b>            Meeting with AFCM Egypt team and prof. Azza El-Adawy         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/1/16/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Telesoftas.svg">
            <h3 class="index-headline">          The postcard project with Düsseldorf         
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/c/c1/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Biotecha.svg">
            <p>          We collaborated with team Düsseldorf in their iGEM postcard project. Our team sent out a package of postcards along with         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Education" target=”_blank”>
                <i>            6th SynBio Sense           
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/7/70/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Kopicentras.svg">
              </a>          markers that were spread with teams all around the world. This activity was a way to present our project to other teams and build stronger connections in the iGEM community. The postcards we received helped us to learn more about other projects that are being created this year.         
            <div class="figure-container">
              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/d/d7/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--postcard.jpg"/>
      <object data="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/4/4f/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Grida.svg">
                <b>            Fig. 4.           
                </b>            Postcard project         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          TU Darmstadt airplane video         
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            <p>          Our team took part in         
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              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:TU_Darmstadt/" target="_blank">            TU Darmstadt's         
              </a>          airplane video project showing our support for the iGEM community. This activity was a fun way to show how widespread synthetic biology is.         
  <script src="https://2021.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Vilnius-Lithuania/scripts/contentpage&amp;action=raw&amp;ctype=text/javascript" type="text/javascript">
            <p>          Take a look at the video         
  <script src="https://2021.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Template:Vilnius-Lithuania/scripts/navbar&amp;action=raw&amp;ctype=text/javascript" type="text/javascript">
              <a href="https://www.instagram.com/tv/CTb_VAiDWdX/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet" target="_blank">            here         
              </a>          .         
  contentPage(        "Sections",        true,        300,      )
            <h3 class="index-headline">          iGEM Guelph interview         
            <p>          We participated in an iGEM Guelph team interview project focused on presenting iGEM projects from around the world. Our team shared this year's topic and specifics of Lab, IT, and HP processes. This collaboration allowed to spread the idea of “AmeBye” internationally.         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          TAU Israel         
            <p>          We participated in the ASYV (Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village) initiative organized by         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:TAU_Israel" target="_blank">            TAU Israel team.  
              </a>For this purpose, we conducted an online lesson for school students in Uganda about probiotics. We also shared more information on our project as we were constructing genetically modified probiotics for the “Amebye” project.         
            <div class="figure-container">  
              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/a/a4/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--TAU_Israel_ASYV.png"/>
                <b>            Fig. 5.           
                </b>            Meeting for planning the project         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          6th SynBio Sense development         
            <p>          Continuing the augmented reality project “6th synbio sense”, we wanted it to reach              an international audience, so we offered the iGEM community to help with the spread              of the project. The         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:IISER_TVM" target="_blank">            IISER TVM         
              </a>          ,         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Bonn-Rheinbach/Team" target="_blank">            Bonn-Rheinbach         
              </a>          ,         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Stony_Brook" target="_blank">            Stony_Brook         
              </a>          , and         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Stanford" target="_blank">            Stanford         
              </a>          teams responded to our invitation to participate in the project. We shared the              sticker files with them, which they printed and pasted in their cities for everyone to use.         
            <p>          Moreover, we participated in the postcard project organized by         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Duesseldorf" target="_blank">            iGEM Düsseldorf         
              </a>          and added several QR stickers to share the project with 90 teams from all over the world.         
            <div class="figure-container center">
              <img alt="" width = 500 px src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/f/f9/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--stanford_collaboration.jpeg"/>
                <b>            Fig. 6.           
                </b>            Stanford team with “6th synbio sense” stickers         
            <h3 class="index-headline">          Stockholm 2021 workshop “From iGEM to Entrepreneur”         
            <p>          We took part in the workshop “From iGEM to Entrepreneur,” organized by              the         
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:Stockholm" target="_blank">            Stockholm 2021 team,         
              </a>                          where we learned about the principles of business planning. This collaboration was a              great help as the Vilnius-Lithuania team was preparing a business plan for the first              time. We gained invaluable insights into businesses in the biotechnology field and built a solid knowledge for further activities in the business field.         
            <div class="figure-container">  
              <img alt="" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/a/a0/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Stockholm_entrepreneur.jpg"/>
                <b>            Fig. 7.           
                </b>            An outtake from lecture         
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Latest revision as of 00:33, 22 October 2021




This year our team was lucky to communicate with numerous iGEM teams from all over the world. Some of the interactions were initiated by us and some - by other teams. Our list of collaborations is in an especially broad spectrum of topics: integrated human practices on amebiasis, education, and communication.

Gaining insights on amebiasis with the IISER Tirupati team

We got in touch with the IISER-Tirupati India team regarding their request for collaboration. We had already chosen target regions, of which one was India. We asked for contacts of professionals that are working with the disease in a laboratory or clinical setting. As a result, IISER Tirupati kindly sent us a full excel sheet with various contacts we used later on.

Gaining insights on amebiasis with the IISER Berhampur team

IISER Berhampur and our team both analyzed human infectious diseases that are more common in developing regions. Thus, we organized a call to get to know each other better and decided on further collaborations. Afterward, we exchanged contact information of specialists from relevant areas in our countries.

We also have participated in the IISER Berhampur podcast series "SynVERSE" and shared our perspectives on synthetic biology, "AmeBye", and our team. Lastly, the IISER Berhampur team offered help on our educational poster about amebiasis, proofread its contents and translated to three native languages.

Fig. 1. Meeting with IISER Berhampur team

Gaining insights on amebiasis with the FCB-UANL team

One of the countries our project targets is Mexico. Therefore, we contacted iGEM team from there - FCB-UANL. We were very pleased that they were interested and agreed on a call. At first, we got to know each other better, gained new insight into our human practices activities, and agreed on collaboration. The team connected us with Dr. María del Socorro Flores González, Professor at Instituto de Biotecnología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UANL. We gained invaluable insights on the wet lab processes, that can be found on Integrated Human Practices page.

Moreover, FCB-UANL has kindly proofread and translated our educational poster on amebiasis into their native language. They also shared it on their social media and added to the broader spread of the message.

Fig. 2. Meeting with FCB-UANL team

Gaining insights on amebiasis with the AFCM Egypt

While planning our project, we wanted to gain insights into the experiences regarding amebiasis in African regions. Luckily, team AFCM Egypt agreed on collaborating with us. They kindly offered to organize a meeting with the team itself and prof. Azza El-Adawy, who is a professor of Medical Parasitology in a Parasitology department of the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University. Professor shared some useful insights on amebiasis, that are discussed in Integrated Human Practices page. The team has also stressed the importance of raising awareness on amebiasis and kindly proofread, translated our educational poster, and presented it at the SynFair conference. Moreover, our team reviewed AFCM Egypt surveys on vaccines and synthetic biology, suggested several alterations, and participated in them.

Fig. 3. Meeting with AFCM Egypt team and prof. Azza El-Adawy

The postcard project with Düsseldorf

We collaborated with team Düsseldorf in their iGEM postcard project. Our team sent out a package of postcards along with 6th SynBio Sense markers that were spread with teams all around the world. This activity was a way to present our project to other teams and build stronger connections in the iGEM community. The postcards we received helped us to learn more about other projects that are being created this year.

Fig. 4. Postcard project

TU Darmstadt airplane video

Our team took part in TU Darmstadt's airplane video project showing our support for the iGEM community. This activity was a fun way to show how widespread synthetic biology is.

Take a look at the video here .

iGEM Guelph interview

We participated in an iGEM Guelph team interview project focused on presenting iGEM projects from around the world. Our team shared this year's topic and specifics of Lab, IT, and HP processes. This collaboration allowed to spread the idea of “AmeBye” internationally.

TAU Israel

We participated in the ASYV (Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village) initiative organized by TAU Israel team. For this purpose, we conducted an online lesson for school students in Uganda about probiotics. We also shared more information on our project as we were constructing genetically modified probiotics for the “Amebye” project.

Fig. 5. Meeting for planning the project

6th SynBio Sense development

Continuing the augmented reality project “6th synbio sense”, we wanted it to reach an international audience, so we offered the iGEM community to help with the spread of the project. The IISER TVM , Bonn-Rheinbach , Stony_Brook , and Stanford teams responded to our invitation to participate in the project. We shared the sticker files with them, which they printed and pasted in their cities for everyone to use.

Moreover, we participated in the postcard project organized by iGEM Düsseldorf and added several QR stickers to share the project with 90 teams from all over the world.

Fig. 6. Stanford team with “6th synbio sense” stickers

Stockholm 2021 workshop “From iGEM to Entrepreneur”

We took part in the workshop “From iGEM to Entrepreneur,” organized by the Stockholm 2021 team, where we learned about the principles of business planning. This collaboration was a great help as the Vilnius-Lithuania team was preparing a business plan for the first time. We gained invaluable insights into businesses in the biotechnology field and built a solid knowledge for further activities in the business field.

Fig. 7. An outtake from lecture