Difference between revisions of "Team:Warwick/Communication"

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             var messages = [
             var messages = [
                 "Generating witty dialog...",
                 "Generating witty dialog...",
                "We need a new fuse...",
                 "...and enjoy the elevator music...",
                 "...and enjoy the elevator music...",
                 "Go ahead -- hold your breath!",
                 "Go ahead -- hold your breath!",
                 "...at least you're not on hold...",
                 "...at least you're not on hold...",
                "Why don't you order a sandwich?",
                 "It's still faster than you could draw it",
                 "It's still faster than you could draw it",
                 "My other loading screen is much faster.",
                 "My other loading screen is much faster.",
                "Reconfoobling energymotron...",
                 "Are we there yet?",
                 "Are we there yet?",
                 "Just count to 10",
                 "Just count to 10",
                 "Don't panic...",
                 "Don't panic...",
                "Do not run! We are your friends!",
                 "Warning: Don't set yourself on fire.",
                 "Warning: Don't set yourself on fire.",
                 "Creating time-loop inversion field",
                 "Creating time-loop inversion field",
Line 104: Line 100:
                 "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.",
                 "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.",
                 "I feel like im supposed to be loading something...",
                 "I feel like im supposed to be loading something...",
                "Adjusting flux capacitor...",
                 "I swear it's almost done.",
                 "I swear it's almost done.",
                 "Let's take a mindfulness minute...",
                 "Let's take a mindfulness minute...",
Line 115: Line 110:
                 "Your left thumb points to the right and your right thumb points to the left.",
                 "Your left thumb points to the right and your right thumb points to the left.",
                 "How did you get here?",
                 "How did you get here?",
                "Wait, do you smell something burning?",
                 "Computing the secret to life, the universe, and everything.",
                 "Computing the secret to life, the universe, and everything.",
                 "Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?",
                 "Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again?",
                "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?",
                 "Hello, IT... Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?",
                 "Hello, IT... Have you tried forcing an unexpected reboot?",
                 "Didn't know paint dried so quickly.",
                 "Didn't know paint dried so quickly.",
                 "Twiddling thumbs...",
                 "Twiddling thumbs...",
                "Sending data to NS-i mean, our servers.",
                 "Looking for sense of humour, please hold on.",
                 "Looking for sense of humour, please hold on.",
                 "A different error message? Finally, some progress!",
                 "A different error message? Finally, some progress!",
                 "Distracted by cat gifs",
                 "Distracted by cat gifs",
                "@todo Insert witty loading message",
                "Let's hope it's worth the wait",
                 "Whatever you do, don't look behind you...",
                 "Whatever you do, don't look behind you...",
                 "Please wait... Consulting the manual...",
                 "Please wait... Consulting the manual...",
Line 134: Line 124:
                 "Help, I'm trapped in a loader!",
                 "Help, I'm trapped in a loader!",
                 "Never let a computer know you're in a hurry.",
                 "Never let a computer know you're in a hurry.",
                "How about this weather, eh?",
                 "Reading Terms and Conditions for you.",
                 "Reading Terms and Conditions for you.",
                 "Discovering new ways of making you wait...",
                 "Discovering new ways of making you wait...",
                 "Your time is very important to us. Please wait while we ignore you...",
                 "Your time is very important to us. Please wait while we ignore you...",
                "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana",
                "Two men walked into a bar; the third ducked...",
                 "TODO: Insert elevator music",
                 "TODO: Insert elevator music",
                 "We're working very Hard .... Really",
                 "We're working very Hard .... Really",
                 "You are number 2843684714 in the queue"
                 "Two blood cells met and fell in love. Sadly, it was all in vein.",
                "Ants never get sick. They have little anty bodies",
                "I wish I was adenine, then I could get paired with U.",
                "What did Gregor Mendel say when he founded genetics? Woopea!",
                "Did you hear about the man who got cooled to absolute zero? He’s 0K now.",
                "I had to make these bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones Argon.",
                "If I go to jail, my nickname would be mitochondria so I’m the powerhouse of the cell",
                "When plants are sad, they photosympathise with each other.",
                "Cows have hooves instead of feet, because they lactose",
                "It’s going tibia okay.",
                "Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide.",
                "What do you call an acid with an attitude? An a-mean-oh-acid",
                "A dog and a marine biologist are quite similar. One wags a tail and the other tags a whale."
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                 <div class="content-page">
                     <h2 id="igem-collective-magazine">iGEM Collective Magazine</h2>
                     <h2 id="igem-collective-magazine">iGEM Collective Magazine</h2>
<p>Education is a key aspect of iGEM Warwick’s work this year. The importance of sharing knowledge, creating resources, and educating the next generation of students on the vast array of topics within Biology is paramount.</p>
<p>Education is a key aspect of iGEM Warwick’s work this year. The importance of
<p>Our aim was exactly that, to create educational resources to share knowledge and teach others about the field of Synthetic Biology. iGEM Warwick believed the best way to do this was to create an IGEM Collective Magazine which would contain entries from a range of iGEM teams globally describing their project, the importance of synthetic biology to their project, the impact of their project and also a research task. We wanted to introduce to students 16-18 year olds who would be embarking on their KS5 qualification (pre university), the vast application synthetic biology has and the solutions it can create to current issues being faced. With each iGEM team involved in the booklet submitting a research tasks for students to complete it will allow them to further develop their knowledge on a range of areas of synthetic biology and complete independent learning in the areas which interest them the most, which gives the student autonomy over their own learning which will allow them to find what really interests them.</p>
sharing knowledge, creating resources, and educating the next generation of
<p>IGEM Warwick initially reached out to IGEM teams via a campaign on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. We created a google form which contained 4 questions for teams to complete which was made available via our social media platforms and also by direct request. We collated the information from the forms and dedicated a page to each team in the booklet and simplified some terms and description in order to adapt it to our target audience (16-18 year olds). We included a brief introduction page describing iGEM, synthetic biology and aim of the booklet furthermore we also had a tracker page where students could highlight each IGEM team name when they have completed their task. At the end of the booklet their was a certificate of achievement for student to fill in themselves as evidence that the have completed the research tasks in the booklet. This booklet was distributed to widening participation school in and around Coventry which is the city the University of Warwick is based in. It was made available to teachers in school via a monthly newsletter created by the Outreach team at the department of Science, Engineering and Maths and is also available to access on their website.
students on the vast array of topics within Synthetic Biology is paramount.</p>
<a href="https://www.canva.com/design/DAEilsL-k1M/75ZTPjU7mcVP7iwn9TrXkQ/view">https://www.canva.com/design/DAEilsL-k1M/75ZTPjU7mcVP7iwn9TrXkQ/view</a></p>
<p>Our aim was exactly that, to create educational resources to share knowledge and
<p>A second version of the booklet was created which was unedited therefore was not simplified and was made available to members of BIOSOC ( University of Warwick Life Sciences Society). This was made available on their website alongside an article on aim of booklet and iGEM overall.
teach others about the field of Synthetic Biology. We believed the best way to
<a href="https://warwickbiosoc.wixsite.com/website/research-internships">Research and Internships | Warwick BioSoc</a></p>
do this was to create an IGEM Collective Magazine which would contain entries
<p>The booklet was also distributed to all team which participated in order for their to share the resource in their country and with schools local to their university.</p>
from a range of iGEM teams globally describing their project, the importance of
<p>Overall the booklet contained entries from 20 teams over the 3 different continents (Asia, Europe, North America).</p>
synthetic biology to their project, the impact of their project and a research
task. We wanted to introduce to students 16–18-year-olds who would be embarking
on their KS5 qualification (pre university), the vast application synthetic
biology has and the solutions it can create to aid the current real-world
issues. With the wide breadth of IGEM teams who submitted unique tasks, the
magazine allows students to further develop their knowledge on a wide range of
synthetic biology topics. The free flow nature of the magazine encourages
independent learning and allows students to research the topics that interest
them the most. We believe this encourages students to pursue their own passion
while experiencing self-driven study which lays the groundwork for higher level
<p>IGEM Warwick initially reached out to IGEM teams via a campaign on social media
platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. We created a google form which
contained 4 questions for teams to complete which was made available via our
social media platforms and by direct request. We collated the information from
the forms and dedicated a page to each team in the booklet and simplified some
terms and description in order to adapt it to our target audience
(16–18-year-olds). We included a brief introduction page describing iGEM ,
synthetic biology and aim of the booklet furthermore we also had a tracker page
where students could highlight each IGEM team name when they have completed
their task. At the end of the booklet there was a certificate of achievement
which the student can fill in themselves as evidence that they have completed
the research tasks in the booklet. This booklet was distributed to widening
participation school in and around Coventry which is the city the University of
Warwick is based in. It was made available to teachers in school via a <a href="https://www.canva.com/design/DAEilsL-k1M/75ZTPjU7mcVP7iwn9TrXkQ/view">monthly newsletter created by the Outreach team at the department of Science, Engineering and Maths and is also available to access on their website</a>.</p>
<p>A second version of the booklet was created which was unedited therefore was not
simplified and was made available to members of BIOSOC (University of Warwick
Life Sciences Society). This was made available on their website alongside an
article on aim of booklet and iGEM overall. <a href="https://warwickbiosoc.wixsite.com/website/research-internships">Research and Internships | Warwick BioSoc</a></p>
<p>The booklet was also distributed to all teams which participated so they could
share the resource in their country and with schools local to their university.</p>
<p>Overall, the booklet contained entries from 20 teams over the 3 different
continents (Asia, Europe, North America).</p>
<h2 id="nuffield-placement-students">Nuffield Placement Students</h2>
<h2 id="nuffield-placement-students">Nuffield Placement Students</h2>
<p>The importance of sharing knowledge and providing support for the next cohort of university of students was another important educational aspect to iGEM Warwick. Therefore we contact Nuffield Foundation to express an interest in hosting students (16-18 year olds ) to complete a research project with iGEM Warwick. We were able to host 2 students in July for 2 weeks to assist them on their research essay and also research poster. As this was their first introduction to academic writing and posters in this manner we hosted biweekly meetings as well as extra meetings if needed to assist them in the process . This included helping them to understand scientific terminology they have not come across before in research papers, introducing them to referencing and the basic backbone of a research paper as well as advising them on where to find resources and also attending presentations given by our primary PI Dr Christopher Corre on different topics they could base their research on, including antibiotic resistance and also natural sunscreens based from marine life. We also hosted presentations on different iGEM Warwick team projects from 2016-2021 to allow them to start exploring the range of applications synthetic Biology has and what area in particular they may want to focus their research on.</p>
<p>The importance of sharing knowledge and providing support for the next cohort of
university of students was another important educational aspect to iGEM Warwick.
Therefore, we contacted Nuffield Foundation to express an interest in hosting
students (16–18-year-olds) to complete a research project with iGEM Warwick. We
were able to host 2 students in July for 2 weeks to assist them on their
research essay and research poster. As this was their first introduction to
academic writing and posters in this manner, we hosted biweekly meetings as well
as extra meetings if needed to assist them in the process. This included helping
them to understand scientific terminology they have not come across before in
research papers, introducing them to referencing and the basic backbone of a
research paper as well as advising them on where to find resources. We also
attended presentations given by our primary PI Dr Christopher Corre on different
topics they could base their research on, including antibiotic resistance and
natural sunscreens based on marine life. We also hosted presentations on
different iGEM Warwick team projects from 2016-2021 to allow them to start
exploring the range of applications Synthetic Biology has and what area they may
want to focus their research on.</p>
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<h2 id="educational-resources">Educational Resources</h2>
<h2 id="educational-resources">Educational Resources</h2>
<p>Using our social media pages such as Instagram we spread the awareness of other IGEM Team educational projects such as iGEM KCL and we also made available via our social media pages educational posters.</p>
<p>Using our social media pages such as Instagram we spread the awareness of other
IGEM Team educational projects such as iGEM KCL and we also made available via
our social media pages educational posters.</p>
<h3 id="social-media">Social Media</h3>
<h3 id="social-media">Social Media</h3>
<p>From early March we decided to use social media to gain advice and knowledge on our project idea as well as use it as a platform to network with a range of iGEM teams globally. We had from June – August virtual meetups to discuss our project development and ideas with teams such as iGEM KCL , iGEM Mingdao , iGEM Stonybrook to name a few. We gained useful insights into how to improve our wiki as well which direction to go in when working on human practices and the type of individuals we should contact which we acted on. Furthermore, through our social media pages we were able to be involved in many collaborative projects such as in June with McMaster iGEM team where we worked with them on an educational song to iGEM Aix Marseille in September for their emoji project game on Instagram where we shared details of our project on their social media platforms.</p>
<p>From early March we decided to use social media to gain advice and knowledge on
our project idea as well as use it as a platform to network with a range of iGEM
teams globally. We had from June – August virtual meetups to discuss our project
development and ideas with teams such as iGEM KCL, iGEM Mingdao, iGEM
Stonybrook to name a few.</p>
<div class="text-center">
    <img alt="A social media story for outreach on Instagram" class="centered-image" decoding="async" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/8/84/T--Warwick--content--communication--socialMediaStory.png"/>
        <p class="hugo-figure-caption">A social media story for outreach on Instagram</p>
<p>We gained useful insights into how to improve our wiki
as well which direction to go in when working on human practices and the type of
individuals we should contact which we acted on. Furthermore, through our social
media pages we were able to be involved in many collaborative projects such as
in June with McMaster iGEM team where we worked with them on an educational song
to iGEM Aix Marseille in September for their emoji project game on Instagram
where we shared details of our project on their social media platforms.</p>
<div class="text-center">
<div class="text-center">
     <img alt="A social media 'story' for outreach on Instagram" class="centered-image" decoding="async" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/8/84/T--Warwick--content--communication--socialMediaStory.png"/>
     <img alt="A picture of the Warwick 2021 iGEM Instagram feed" class="centered-image" decoding="async" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/3/3f/T--Warwick--content--communication--socialMediaFeed.jpg"/>
         <p class="hugo-figure-caption">A social media ‘story’ for outreach on Instagram</p>
         <p class="hugo-figure-caption">A picture of the Warwick 2021 iGEM Instagram feed</p>
<h3 id="educational-posters">Educational Posters</h3>
<h3 id="educational-posters">Educational Posters</h3>
<p>At iGEM Warwick we created educational posters on different topics such as Microorganisms in hospitals, PCR, Carbapenem resistance Enterobacteriaceae and ethics in synthetic biology. This was made available by filling out a google form via a link on our social media pages for teams to provide their email address in order for us to send the posters to them. This will allow them to have access the poster in PDF form in English for them use in their own educational campaigns when working with schools or to send to schools and teachers to distribute to their students. The posters are basic introductions in to topics with short bursts of information in order for it to be easier to understand by our target audience which is 11-15 years old.</p>
<p>At iGEM Warwick we created educational posters on different topics such as
Microorganisms in hospitals, PCR, Carbapenem resistance Enterobacteriaceae and
ethics in synthetic biology. This was made available by filling out a google
form via a link on our social media pages for teams to provide their email
address in order for us to send the posters to them. This will allow them to
have access the poster in PDF form in English for them use in their own
educational campaigns when working with schools or to send to schools and
teachers to distribute to their students. The posters are basic introductions in
to topics with short bursts of information in order for it to be easier to
understand by our target audience which is 11-15 years old.</p>
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<p>Through our education aims we set we wanted to target a range of age groups from our resources and initiatives in order to make information and resources on synthetic biology accessible to a range of students and different stages of their academic learning. We believe we have achieved this by using posters, booklets, social media and by hosting students personally as well as involving a range of iGEM teams so that they can also further spread the resources and knowledge of biology and the topic of synthetic Biology even further in their own countries.</p>
<p>Our aim for education was to make synthetic biology knowledge accessible to a
wide range of students at different stages of their academic learning. We
believe we have achieved this by using posters, booklets, social media and by
hosting students personally as well as involving a range of iGEM teams so that
they can also further spread the resources and knowledge of biology and the
topic of synthetic Biology even further in their own countries.</p>
<h2 id="lmsu-fem-club">LMSU FEM Club</h2>
<h2 id="lmsu-fem-club">LMSU FEM Club</h2>
<p>LMSU invited those who identify as Female from iGEM Warwick Team to a Fem club talk hosted by them where we discussed our projects, issues females face working in science how our countries are working towards tackling issues females face as well as improving inclusivity of females in STEM fields and opportunities for females to work and study STEM. We went through issues faced by females in the UK ,Switzerland Russia as well as solutions and changes occurring. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn more from different teams about educational opportunities for females as well as share ideas on what should be done to make STEM fields more open to females.</p>
<p>LMSU hosted a Fem club talk and invited those who identified as Female from iGEM
Warwick Team to attend. In the talk we discussed our projects, issues females
face working in science how our countries are working towards tackling issues
females face as well as improving inclusivity of females in STEM fields and
opportunities for females to work and study STEM. We went through issues faced
by females in the UK, Switzerland and Russia as well as solutions and changes
occurring. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn more from different teams
about educational opportunities for females, as well as share ideas on what
should be done to make STEM fields more open to females.</p>
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<h2 id="welcome-week-talk">Welcome Week Talk</h2>
<h2 id="welcome-week-talk">Welcome Week Talk</h2>
<p>iGEM Warwick were invited on the 30th September to present to the new 1st year Life sciences cohort at the University of Warwick the GEM Competition and our project for 2021. This was done via a presentation created and presented on Microsoft teams. The aim was to introduce the competition to students and why they should get involved and participate in iGEM as well as explain our project this year using models created and also the outreach and collaboration work we have done. We wanted to show them the range of aspects which make up the iGEM competition and the range of areas of synthetic biology they can work in and therefore its significance. As this was an introduction to students unaware previously of what iGEM is and with little knowledge on what synthetic biology is also, we wanted to present to them a taster of iGEM and Syn Bio in order to get them interested in getting involved in the iGEM Warwick Team 2022.</p>
<p>iGEM Warwick were invited on the 30th of September to present in front of the
new 1st year Life sciences cohort at the University of Warwick about the iGEM
Competition and our project for 2021. We prepared a presentation prior to the
date and presented virtually through Microsoft teams. The aim was to introduce
the competition to students and encourage them to get involved with iGEM, as
well as explain our project this year, ranging from the lab and modelling work
to the outreach and collaboration work we accomplished. We wanted to show them
all the aspects which make up the iGEM competition and the range of topics
present in the field of Synthetic Biology. The students had not been exposed to
Synthetic Biology nor iGEM and so the intention of our presentation was to give
them a taste of the wonderful world of Synthetic Biology and iGEM.  Hopefully
this helped develop curiosity towards Synthetic Biology and perhaps encouraged
them to consider the possibility of working within the field in the future.</p>

Latest revision as of 12:31, 21 October 2021
