
With HZAU-China

Throughout year 2021, we worked very closely with team HZAU-China. This partnership is essential for the success of both our projects.

1. At the beginning of the competition, because we were both applying two-component regulatory systems to our projects, the information they shared with us greatly influenced the overall design of our project. For example, they introduced an article about a model of the envZ-ompR circuit to us. This model predicts that the circuit output is insensitive to variations in the level of EnvZ, but sensitive to variations in the level of OmpR at the lowest level of it [1], which in our case, refer to CcaS and CcaR respectively. This assumption guided us to directly change the expression level of CcaR to the lowest, instead of making any modifications to CcaS level. This strategy was proven to be right later by experiments and saved our precious time.

2. We attended to a HP activity that they hosted, which is a speech and debate about bioethics.

3. The plasmid containing J23115-ccaR-eGFP that we provided for them became the initial backbone of their 13 composite parts. Other circuits of them which involve reporting and measurement were also constructed by using the codon optimized eGFP on this plasmid as a template.

4. Our light-control device was borrowed from them. They inherited the device from HZAU-China-2017 and generously thought us how to use it.