

Dry Lab

Damian Espinoza

Shani Leyva

Emiliano González

Daniel Cuellar

Emilio Ortiz

Lucero Cruz

Juan Antonio Alfaro

Montserrat González

Alejandro Alamilla

Samara Villalón

The dry lab team came up with the project idea working for over a year to make a detailed investigation to back the project up in order to proceed with the laboratory tasks and performed the in silico analysis of the parts to ensure its viability. Damian Espinoza and Samara Villalón were the principal contributors to the investigation of the different cell-free protocols utilizing E. coli. Montserrat González and Shani Leyva were in charge of consulting different ways to improve such systems, with the goal of making them more accessible for the lab and as a product. Emiliano González, Emilio Fabian and Juan Antonio, developed the team’s software: Toehold Switch Creator, which will contribute to future iGEM teams and the whole scientific community by facilitating the optimal design of toehold switches. They also provided the best toehold sequences, which were then added into our final constructs by Damian Espinoza and Shani Leyva, who also came up with our experimental strategies.

Wet lab

Damian Espinoza

Emiliano González

Daniel Cuellar

Emilio Ortiz

Lucero Cruz

Damian Espinoza was the main coordinator of the wet lab team, which performed all the necessary experimentation at the laboratory in order to confirm the functionality of our toehold switches and characterize them.

Software & Modelling

Emiliano González

Emilio Ortiz

Juan Antonio Alfaro

Emiliano González was the main coordinator of the Software & Modeling team, Juan Antonio Alfaro and Emilio Fabian contributed with the development of the python based software that allowed the team to design the parts, as well as the mathematical modelling included within. Juan Antonio also contributed to the making of a web app for an easy-to-use implementation of the software.

Human Practices

Ana Sofia Garza

Mónica Núñez

Ana Sofia Garza was the coordinator and principal contributor of the human practices team, which developed a handbook to combine our investigation of various agave diseases with the experience of the farmers working with them to create a manual in which it includes both parts, the scientific information found during the investigation and the experimental information collected by talking to farmers who have a closer approach on how diseases and treatments affects the agave. Benjamin Telles, Iván Delgado, Cristián de León, Laura Puente, Alicia Terrazas and Daniela Jimenez contributed in the part of investigating the diseases in literature, how the different diseases affect agave plant, symptoms, how the disease is visually seen during its stages of the expansion through the plant till causing its death, and possible treatments that can be used to stop the disease from spreading through the plant and other agave plants. Mónica helped with the contact of agave farmers to obtain the experimental information needed for this handbook.

Educational & Public Engagement

Daniel Cuellar

Jose Manuel Lopez

Rafael Altamirano

Daniel Cuellar was the main coordinator and principal contributor of the educational team, Jose Manuel Lopez Villasuso contributed to the diffusion in social media of the podcast, as well as coordinating collaborators and writing of the scripts. Rafael Emilio Altamirano Torres contributed with several recordings in the podcast. Karina Jiménez contributed with the script and recordings for the first episode. Juan Manuel Domínguez Larrieta wrote the script and recorded the majority of episode 3 of the podcast, Luis Fernando Contreras Valtierra did as well with episode 4 and Luis Ignacio Cepeda Morales with episode 5. We would also like to give special thanks to our guests for their interesting insights: Dr. Heber Torres, Dr. Teresa Vargas, Javier Villela, Dr. Bertha Barba and Dr. Arturo Gonzales. Last but not least, we would like to give thanks to Dr. Cristina, M.Ed. Evelyn Escalantes and the wonderful research group of “Edumakers” for their help.


Sofía Mendoza

Mireya Navarro

Sofía Mendoza was the main coordinator of Marketing and Communication and Mireya Navarro was the coordinator of design which contributed with the making of videos, scientific diffusion in social media, coordinating collaborators as well as writing scripts and preparing the design for the Wiki. Alejandro González Rodríguez contributed with the editing of the team’s video presentation.

Finances & Entrepreneurship

Sofia Goitia

Adriana Salazar

Emiliano González

Sofia Goitia was the coordinator of Commercial Management and principal contributor of Entrepreneurship. She contributed by preparing the team’s pitches and material for contests, and by seeking sponsorships. She was in charge of the entrepreneurship section of the wiki. Adriana Salazar was the coordinator of Finance and she contributed by making invoices, updating the budget and creating sponsorships. She helped with the information of the entrepreneurship section of the wiki. Adriana and Sofia contributed equally on the design of crowdfunding and ticket revenue fundraising pages. Emiliano González contributed with the contact and closing of sponsorships.

Strategic Planning and Projects

Ethel Valenzuela

Nicole Primo

Julia Zapata

Ethel Valenzuela was the main contributor to the strategic planning and projects area, she was in charge of several activities, workshops, and of contacting different companies and researchers. She was also responsible for the direction of the coordinators and collaborators of this area, the design and execution of a synthetic biology hackathon and more activities. Nicole Primo was the coordinator of content, contributed with the contact and deal closing of speakers, researchers and professors for various events, and the development of workshops for crowdfunding. Julia Zapata was the coordinator of logistics, she was responsible for contacting companies, speakers and sponsors as well as the organizing of event schedules.


Diego Estrada

Diego Estrada was the main coordinator and facilitator of the wiki development during the duration of the project. This involved collaboration with the different team areas in order to accurately represent the team’s advancements week by week. He was also in charge of designing the main template used by the team members to portray the project goal and results in an accurate and concise way.

Instructors and advisors

  • Jesús Hernández (Chucho)
    Chucho helped us through the project with every technical question we had about our sequences and experimental designs. He was with us at every step of the way, provided us with reagents and reviewed our work. We would like to specially thank him for putting so much time and effort into our team.
  • César Puente
    César fulfilled the role of our Principal Instructor. He attended our meetings for updates and helped us with the management of our resources and specific questions about agave. He also contacted us with agave farmers who contributed to our project.
  • Teresa Vargas
    Teresa gave us technical advice and conducted workshops organized by our team at the university.
  • Erika Leal
    Erika is the main coordinator of the laboratories at our institution. She facilitated us with laboratory access and equipment for the experimental part of our project.
  • José Antonio Rentería Salcedo
    José Antonio supported our student group and helped us obtain the necessary resources to participate in the iGEM Competition.
  • Adrián Eguía
    Adrián referred us to the authorities responsible for giving us laboratory access and resources to participate in the competition. He also helped with the diffusion of our project and workshops at the institution.
  • A collaborator from AGMEL SA DE CV
    He helped us by providing valuable feedback and validation of our project.
  • MBA María del Rosario Olloqui
    María gave us mentorship on the entrepreneurial aspects of our project.
  • Alejandro Espinosa Carrillo (Alex)
    Alex gave us mentorship on sponsorships and entrepreneurship.
  • Yoshihiro Shimizu
    Yoshihiro provided us with a set of plasmids necessary to produce a recombinant protein expression cell-free system.
  • Anna Khusnutdinova
    Anna provided us with a plasmid containing CHU0107 enzyme.
  • Cristina Reynaga
    Dr. Cristina guided us on the design of our educational material, contacted us with SEP officials and gave feedback.
  • Evelyn Escalantes
    M. Ed. Evelyn gave us valuable feedback on our educational proposals and insights on how to communicate this information better to the blind and visually impaired.


  • Software & Model
    Ana Paola Morales Mendoza, Alejandra Lazo Barroeta, Diana Trinidad Casas Antillón.
  • Illustrations
    Ana Paola Morales Mendoza
  • Finances & Entrepreneurship
    Wendy Candice Ramírez Cruz, Frida Nezhime Gallegos Garza.
  • Marketing
    Alejandro González Rodríguez, Ana Sofía Macías Amador, Mariana Sotomayor Valdez, Juan Salvador Vallejo Delgado, Sara Jaimes Lobato, Ximena Castro Delgado, Romel Bernardo Castañeda Andrade, Angela Castillo Alvarez.
  • Strategic Planning & Projects
    Angélica Cruz Cruz, Carolina Lopez Flores, Elizabeth Cervantez Macedo, Rodrigo Barragán García, Daniela Ruiz Mendoza, Diego Alonso Cordova Limón, Ana Paula Rodriguez Cavazos, Ana Valeria García Lartigue, Kevin Carbajal Agüero.
  • Dry Lab
    Itzel Astrid Aviña Avalos, Alejandro González Almazán, Rafael Emilio Altamirano Torres, Adriana Sofia Cadenas Aguilar, Samara Villalón Tavizon, Ximena Aranda Jarillo, Ana Teresa Sánchez Cruz, Rebeca Sánchez Sobrevilla.
  • Educational
    Karina Jiménez, Juan Manuel Domínguez Larrieta, Luis Ignacio Cepeda Morales, Luis Ignacio Cepeda Morales, Carlos Darío Saucedo.
  • Human Practices
    Cristian De León, Iván Delgado, Benjamin Telles, Alicia Terrazas, Laura Puente, Daniela Jimenez, Sergio Armenta, Andrea Benitez, Rafael Altamirano, Sofia Adriana Cadenas.