This section aims to contextualize the circuit and framework for their application in multiple areas and conditions, in addition to expanding on what that would entail.
Reference: Bruetschy, C. (2019). The EU regulatory framework on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Transgenic Research, 28(S2), 169–174.
The circuit’s design was focused on its application, taking into account punctual requirements depending on the user’s specifications. If interested in the specific design objectives of our circuit itself, check out Description. Through our implementation proposal we aim to contextualize and create real strategies for the introduction of our genetic suicide circuit across the scientific borders, in addition to assess their possible and probable implications.
Finally, we highlight the advantages and functionality of a system like ours, which builds upon previous techniques and methodologies to keep expanding the barriers of science.
-iGEM Ohio State (2020). Biocontainment Reimagined. iGEM Team Ohio State.
-Chan, C. T., Lee, J. W., Cameron, D. E., Bashor, C. J., & Collins, J. J. (2016). 'Deadman'and'Passcode'microbial kill switches for bacterial containment. Nature chemical biology, 12(2), 82-86.
-Stirling, F., Bitzan, L., O’Keefe, S., Redfield, E., Oliver, J. W., Way, J., & Silver, P. A. (2017). Rational design of evolutionarily stable microbial kill switches. Molecular cell, 68(4), 686-697.
Reference: Subsoontorn, P., & Endy, D. (2012). Design and analysis of genetically encoded counters. Procedia Computer Science, 11, 43-54.
Our suicide circuit can be applied in many areas once it is further improved for a specific application. Many tasks need a limited life organism to make more efficient and overall improve a certain process or system; with our circuit these jobs could be carried out. We based ourselves on experts feedback, literature and iGEM projects proposal to choose four areas to explain and demonstrate the utility of our circuit that are described below.
We all know that the contamination around the world is always increasing. Oil
spills, heavy metals in the soil and pesticides are some of many contaminants
that affect the environment according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
(Philp, 2015) Genetically engineered organisms can improve bioremediation
techniques but are limited because regulatory policies regarding their use in
uncontrolled environments are not completely developed, and their environmental
impact is still a cause for concern.
We could apply our system for specific bioremediation applications,
such as wastewater treatment; particularly for the elimination of hazardous
compounds or for bioremediating a contaminated environment in situ to avoid loss
of balance and natural properties. Our system could also complement existing
proposals, just as iGEM NAU-China 2020 project, that aimed for the remediation
of heavy metals using earthworms and engineered bacteria. Its mechanism starts
when the engineered bacteria leave the intestine of the earthworm and, in this
environment, don't have a specific protein and RNA of the earthworm, inducing
the killing circuit. This makes the killswitch dependent on its environment,
which could backfire, since remnants of the specific protein in the bacteria may
affect the efficiency of the circuit. Our circuit could automatize the death
phase and make it independent from the environment.
We also talked with professionals that, themselves, suggested the
application of our system for bioremediation aspects. M.Sc. Carola Scholz told
us that our circuit has potential in bioaugmentation studies, water treatment
techniques and environmental assays. PhD. Frank Solano Campos, Lic. Juan Carlos
Hernández and Ph.D. Candidate Kattia Nuñez Montero also mentioned that the
circuit could be applied in bioremediation, while M. Eng. Randall Chacón Cerdas
saw an application for metals bioremediation specifically. Bioremediation was
the most agreed upon application across our discussion with different experts
and waster-water treatment was the most specific action of use mentioned by the
specialists in this field.
Pant, G., Garlapati, D., Agrawal, U., Prasuna, R. G., Mathimani, T., &
Pugazhendhi, A. (2020). Biological approaches practised using genetically
engineered microbes for a sustainable environment: A review. Journal of
Hazardous Materials.
Kumar, S., Dagar, V. K., Khasa, Y. P., & Kuhad, R. C. (2013). Genetically
modified microorganisms (GMOs) for bioremediation. In Biotechnology for
environmental management and resource recovery (pp. 191-218). Springer, India.
Biomedicine and Therapeutics
Biomedicine and therapeutics are always improving due the new technologies
based on biotechnology, genetic engineering and synthetic biology. These areas
can expand the medical field but, according to Amrofell et al 2020, genetic
tools need to be developed to implement engineered organisms as smart treatments
and novel therapies to achieve the application of synthetic biology in medicine
areas. Engineered organisms have been a focus of attention for biomedical
applications, such as diagnosis systems and treatment tools for specific
diseases, and could be great platforms to improve medical strategies (Ruder et
al. 2011). Our circuit offers a new possibility to include methodologies based
on synthetic biology in the medical field. Currently, the development of these
applications is based on generalistic treatments, invasive methodologies and
robust techniques of operation (Bober et al. 2018); we want to implement our
circuit to facilitate these processes by providing a novel mechanism of cellular
death into engineered organisms to target specific diseases and to develop new
therapies based on the patients needs.
Our system enables a brand new machinery to implement these ideas to
the real world due to their intrinsic modules that are not found in other
killing or biocontainment systems, such as its autonomy, it's mechanism based on
sequential logic and the evolutionary stability of the modules. We also expect
that our circuit complements promising ideas and projects regarding this area
like iGEM UNILausanne 2020 project. They aimed to make a treatment based on
probiotics to target colorectal cancer, in this case our system could work as a
death mechanism to finish the job of the bacteria in a very useful way. Experts
such as M. Sc. Silvia Castro Piedra valued the impact of our tool in the area,
and suggested that a system like ours could function in an interesting way to
attack pathogenic infections, to prevent severe immune responses, to develop
responsive macrophages that differentiate as needed, to create extracellular
matrices without the need of synthetic materials, and even fibrosis and COVID-19
treatments. PhD. César Rodríguez Sánchez and Lic. Rossy Guillén Watson saw the
applicability of the circuit for making in vivo assays regarding interaction
between bacteria and the organism, and for experimentation with different
pathogenic bacterias, respectively. PhD. Rodrigo Mora Rodríguez told us that it
could be interesting to analyze the mechanism of action of new types of
antibiotics, while Dr. rer. nat. Miguel Rojas suggested the use of this
technology to develop effective in vivo models for drugs and other compounds of
interest. The biomedical field is an area of expansion ready for the
implementation of synthetic biology systems and we aim to do it with our
-Amrofell, M. B., Rottinghaus, A. G., & Moon, T. S. (2020). Engineering
microbial diagnostics and therapeutics with smart control. Current opinion in
biotechnology, 66, 11-17
-Ruder, W. C., Lu, T., & Collins, J. J. (2011). Synthetic biology moving
into the clinic. Science, 333(6047), 1248-1252.
-Bober, J. R., Beisel, C. L., & Nair, N. U. (2018). Synthetic Biology
Approaches to Engineer Probiotics and Members of the Human Microbiota for
Biomedical Applications. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 20(1),
The industrial area has been improved by synthetic biology across the years. Many areas in the industry, like agriculture development, biofuel synthesis, pest control systems and the production of diverse compounds like metabolites of interest and drugs got more efficient due to the use of engineered organisms. Methodologies based on the use of synthetic biology and engineered organisms for industry aspects have been a great tool to upgrade the industry itself, but, can we go further? We think that our circuit could allow new mechanisms for diverse industry processes either to improve existing methodologies to increase their efficiency and applicability or to establish new ones due to the intrinsic characteristics of our construct. Optimizing the conditions for the production of specific biomolecules, preventing their misfolding and aggregation; industrial processes involving intracellular metabolites and their timely liberation, along with the reduction of involved hardware and the independence from environmental conditions; and the production of determined food like beer or yogurt with desired conditions and properties, like the inability to isolate them from the final product, allowing a business model based on this exclusivity are some of the applications that our circuit could be used for in the industrial area. Other strategies could be developed from functions of interest such as the augmentation of bioavailability of phosphorus in soil, the ability to co-culture in fermentations in order to align resources, and the optimized trying out of different conditions. Also our system could complement industrial ideas like iGEM UM Macau 2020 project, they proposed an interesting system to remove the biofilm formation inside aquariums and ocean parks. Our circuit could complement their system in the moment when it’s necessary to remove the engineered bacteria after finishing its biofilm degradation job. Additionally, we received feedback from experts, PhD. Karla Meneses Montero and M. Sc. Raúl Trejos Espinoza, who suggested applications for our circuit in industry aspects. They mention that it could be very useful as a biocontrol system for bacteria and to diminish production costs in optimized systems as fermentations by improving strategies of use, respectively.
Biosensors are analytical tools that work to detect one or more specific
compounds in a complex system such as an uncontrolled environment. Some
organisms are engineered to be used in biosensing applications to target and
detect molecules in a simpler and efficient way. Our circuit would allow the
development of new systems of biosensing that are based on an expected death of
the organism after the biosensing application. This is useful for applications
such as detection of diseases that are difficult to prevent, toxic compounds’
detection in an open environment or to verify the quality of a molecule of
interest. In some cases the biosensing of a sample can be difficult due to its
complex calibration and detection limit, this can cause false negatives or false
positives when we analyze a system with a biosensor; these factors have caused
the implementation of biosensors to be slow. It is necessary to increase the
robustness of these systems to incorporate its capacities and utilities across
other fields.
Due to the killing mechanism of our circuit, all the parameters can be
optimized to expect the death of the organism in a specific moment of the growth
and development of the organism, in relation to its biosensing ability, as
required. This can be applied and implemented to multiple projects that propose
biosensors like the iGEM Hannover 2020 project. They aimed to design a biosensor
that detects the formation of a biofilm in a patient’s implant to avoid the
caused inflammations and infections across the body. We think that our
autonomous suicide circuit could fit very well inside this project because it
could allow the development of a limited life biosensor to incorpored it in a
uncontrolled system like the human body. Dr.rer.nat Miguel Rojas Chaves
suggested that a system like ours could work to further analyze how a specific
bacteria reacts to certain components and to obtain effectiveness models of
these compounds.
Reference: Turner, A. P. (2013). Biosensors: sense and sensibility.
Chemical Society Reviews, 42(8), 3184-3196.
Risk Assessment
To identify potential risks and hazards, we made a risk assessment to analyze the potential affectations that our circuit could be involved in. It’s important to prevent and note the potential impacts that our technology could have, in order to establish its correct use and implementation. For the development of the risk assessment we followed several steps to perform it in the best way. First we identified the potential risks, in which we define circuits malfunction, environmental interactions, bioterrorism and the dual-use of our technology as our main risks. It is important to consider that no system is perfect, some issues can appear and affect the functionality of the circuit. External and internal factors could affect the mechanism of the circuit and it is crucial to denote these aspects and solve them to ensure the stability and robustness of the circuit. The environmental interactions of our engineered bacteria with the wild organisms in an uncontrolled system is also an extremely relevant issue to contemplate. Introducing an external organism into an open environment like a wetland or inside another organism causes the preoccupation of how the engineered organism can affect or influence other living beings in different forms. For bioterrorism, we came to the conclusion that society itself could get harmed due to the possibility of a bioweapon developed based on our circuit. For the dual-use of our technology we focused most on the applicability of the circuit. We discuss that our circuit could be useful to facilitate the improvement and innovation in areas of interest, but could also be misused due to its capacities and characteristics. Below we described in a more punctual way these four potential risks, their considerations and strategies to tackle them to ensure safety.
Circuits Malfunction
Biological systems can malfunction depending on the construct stability; the factors on their environment like pH, temperature or can affect the development and functionality of a system. If a factor is too strong it can disable the system completely. In our case, we need to ensure the robustness of the different modules of our system to archive its correct work. The initial repression, the count mechanism, the expand count and the kill-switch need to function as a whole to generate a correct use in a specific application. Internal factors like mutations and genetic material degradation can affect the circuit, this issue is assessed in {Description-Characteristics}. On the other hand, external factors could also affect the correct function of the system. It is necessary to consider that these elements are more unpredictable, and include the natural death of the engineered bacteria in the environment or the extrinsic affectations of the modules by the environmental parameters like pH. It is possible to reduce these affections by thoroughly analyzing the target environment in which the system is going to function and troubleshoot every possibility of malfunction in that specific area. The malfunction of the circuit is part of it and its development, but we can take actions to ensure its correct function and minimize the risk of failure of the system.
Environmental interactions
The introduction of engineered organisms into an open environment causes
the interaction between the engineered organisms and the different parts
of the ecosystem. Singh et al mention that efforts should be made to
examine the performance of survival and potential gene transfer of
engineered bacteria because these aspects can affect the endogenous
organism in the environment. To tackle this type of issue it is
important to include a robust biocontainment system to avoid leaks of
genetic material into wild bacterias in the first place. Also it is
crucial to determine all the overall risks that the engineered bacteria
could have in the open environment and make multiple assays to see the
interaction of the engineered organism with the parameters of the
expected space of application. Characterizing the environment of
implementation and making the correct optimization of the system makes
it easier to anticipate potential interactions between the engineered
organism and the environment. Taking into consideration all these
factors would ensure the correct development and expected performance of
the desired system. Singh et al also highlight that there's no evidence
that engineered organisms have caused a significant adverse impact on
the natural community but since the possibility exists and it is an
important risk that we need to consider for the expected application and
real implementation of our system.
Reference: Singh, J. S., Abhilash, P. C., Singh, H. B., Singh,
R. P., & Singh, D. P. (2011). Genetically engineered bacteria: An
emerging tool for environmental remediation and future research
perspectives. Gene, 480(1-2), 1–9.
Bioterrorism is based on the use of biological elements to propagate death and damage to living beings. Biological elements like bacterias, viruses and toxins with specific characteristics are normally in the eye of bioterrorists to use them as hazardous weapons to affect the integrity of the society. We consider that our circuit could have a potential as a biological weapon, thus all the problems of bioterrorism should be contemplated as a safety aspect. In one of multiple worst scenarios our circuit could be implemented into a dangerous organism to spread a disease or toxin; then the organism would just be eliminated leaving no trace. The fight against bioterrorism is always in development; methodologies for regulations about dangerous pathogens, surveillance, detection, response and risk communication are in constant improvement to minimize bioterrorism and its consequences. We expect that our system will never be used as a biological weapon, but it is important to mark bioterrorism as a possible risk to ensure safety of our technology and society. To prevent these types of dangerous actions based on biological parts, it is important to develop a plan of action to reduce the risk of a bioterrorism attack. Also the divulgation of information generated by experts about these risks helps the understanding of the population to know how to act and minimize the issue.
Dual-use implementation
Dual-use implementation refers to the application of a technology for multiple objectives in a specific moment, where these objectives can be for good purposes or not. This aspect can promote the use of a system in a way not stipulated or expected, i.e. an incorrect use. This incorrect use or misuse can be generated by the potential capacities and intraspecific qualities of a technology. In our case, this issue could affect our circuit in practically any area. To make it more demonstrative, let's consider the bioremediation area. Having an organism incorporated with our circuit that degrades oil spills and then kills itself could be a great tool for treating this kind of contamination, but having this potential option to solve this kind of problem could allow the incorrect treatment of oil spills and even the loss of its importance if one occurs, just because there's a tool to solve it. This is just one example of many scenarios that can happen if the system is implemented in an incorrect way; it is possible to prevent this by establishing standardized protocols of use, promote information about the correct operation mode of these type of systems and explain that the special qualities of a technology are for help and improve society not for abuse of it. Communication, moral, awareness and follow-up of the system’s implementation are key for the prevention of this issue. We took it upon ourselves to analyze risks in an integral perspective, with the Next-Level Biosecurity: Dual Use Research of Concern Workshop organized by iGEM.
Reference: Marris, C., Jefferson, C., & Lentzos, F. (2014). Negotiating the dynamics of uncomfortable knowledge: The case of dual use and synthetic biology. BioSocieties, 9(4), 393-420.
Autonomous system, our circuit doesn’t depend on determined
external/environmental parameters like chemical or physical triggers
Limited life based system that allows the death control and
lifespan of a specific organism
Use of sequential logic, we chose a different approach for the
development of the genetic circuit that enables more efficiency
Modularity of the construct for case-based implementation
Applicable in multiple areas and ways
Optimization and characterization is required to be specifically
implemented for an application
It’s necessary to make multiple assays in order to determine
the efficiency and reliability of the system
Possibility for DNA transfer into wild organisms in the
environment and impact on the environment
RNA transcript length and synthetic DNA conformation
Promoter pulse might be insufficient
Natural death presents unforeseen consequences
The implementation of a new autonomous suicide circuit across the
scientific community
Divulgation and explanation of sequential logic as a potential
system that needs to be further explorer and can be applied in
multiple applications
Promote the advantages of a system like ours to expand the
benefits of synthetic biology across multiple areas
Due to the novelty of the system there's a lot of opportunities
for its exploitation, optimization and implementation
Uncertainty of uncontrolled environments and their characteristics
that can affect the functionality of the system
Regulations about GMO’s that can limit the potential of the
system and delay the implementation of the circuit in real life
Potential users could prefer a more described and characterized
suicide mechanism than ours
Unforeseen circumstances could bring about unforeseen
Technology beginning to be explored
Reduced information about sequential logic systems and circuits
like ours
How we are targeting those threats
Optimizating of the DNA sequence to prevent its misfolding
Beginning the characterization of the system to further explore the
possibilities of using our circuit in an uncontrolled environment. Plan
for its further characterization.
Reporting and communicating all the data of assays using our
system, to study and prove the utility of the system and its advantages.
The system has a multi-biocontainment system for the genetic
material. When the organism dies, all the DNA is degraded to avoid the
exchange of genetic material between wild type organisms in the
environment and our synthetic organism
Regulations for the use and application of synthetic biology ideas is completely
necessary. New tools and projects are in constant development, and their regulation is
usually right behind, affecting their implementation and development. Regulations are
established to ensure safety to the population and prevent any risk that can be caused
by a synthetic biology system. However, due to the increase and expansion of science
nowadays, regulations for more complex projects with great objectives are lagging behind
due to ambiguity, bureaucracy and even the case-by-case studies required in most cases.
For example the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which was signed and applied by the
international community in 2003 for the regulation of modified organisms across
countries and allowed the expansion of use of modified organisms, but its incorporation
to national legislation varies. Costa Rica’s being determined by political aspects as
explained in {Human Practices-Shipping & Policy}. Additionally, for a specific project
or idea it is necessary to evaluate the technology used for the development of the
product because the regulations also depend on it. Besides that, each country decides
the necessary studies and analysis that have to be done for proposing regulations, in
which socioeconomic and sociopolitical aspects are considered depending on the focus.
For the effective regulation and approval of novel technologies, developers need to
communicate closely with regulators, get involved in their work and give as much support
as possible, since without legislation, production and commercialization doesn't exist.
It’s crucial to orient the legislation to establish new regulations as needed, but it’s
also important to promote the process and development to keep improving in different
areas hand in hand with regulations that can enable a real implementation of synthetic
biology systems. The generation of new data is required to evaluate the products and
optimize its regulation, and furthermore it’s necessary to fight for the accessibility
of the technology, not only its development. For this and more aspects, the legislation
needs to be constantly reviewed in order to continue expanding the implementation
possibilities for great technologies.
Guan, Z., Schmidt, M., Pei, L., Wei, W., & Ma, K. (2013). Biosafety Considerations
of Synthetic Biology in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)
Competition. BioScience, 63(1), 25–34.
O´neal-Coto, K (Dicember 20, 2019). La región está por definir el tratamiento legal
para los productos derivados de la edición de genomas. Universidad de Costa Rica.
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Panamá. (2021)
Regulaciones internacionales sobre algunos productos biotecnológicos. Clayton, República
de Panamá.
Green, M. S., LeDuc, J., Cohen, D., & Franz, D. R. (2019). Confronting the threat
of bioterrorism: realities, challenges, and defensive strategies. The Lancet Infectious
Diseases, 19(1), e2-e13.
Mariner, W. (2020). Bioterrorism Act: the wrong response. In Bioterrorism: The
History of a Crisis in American Society (pp. 24-24). Routledge.
To analyze and define our potential end users we choose four main stakeholder areas that have a direct relationship with the proposed applications mentioned above. First we selected industrial stakeholders that incorporate food and agricultural producers, industry owners and multinational companies. Industry has great implementation potential due to their daily activities and functions of constant development. Next, we selected bioremediation stakeholders that include bioremediation companies and environmentally focused non-governmental organizations. Bioremediation methodologies are always in expansion to fight contamination, thus our suicide circuit has potential to be incorporated into new approaches of bioremediation techniques. Subsequently we chose biomedical stakeholders that include the pharmaceutical industry and private biomedical companies. The improvement of medical areas is expanding hand in hand with synthetic biology technologies due to this aspect, our circuit could be very useful for an implementation in biomedical aspects and its users. Finally, we pick governmental stakeholders: national biotechnology laboratories, state universities and national ministries are part of this section. Governmental users have the power to start applying our system in a real way, empower its development and could help us exceed limitations for the implementation of the circuit.
Stakeholder map
We made a stakeholder map as well, using the virtual tool “iGEMers Guide to the Future” ( developed by a collaboration between iGEM teams and the European Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Action Platform SYNENERGENE. In this map we see our chosen stakeholders in a graph in which the x-axis means the interest of the stakeholder in our project and the y-axis means the power of the stakeholder to influence our project in a positive or negative way.
By making the stakeholder map and the analysis behind it, we obtain that a great option to start the implementation of our circuit would be in state universities. State universities could have a great interest in the system, we discussed the project with several experts from state universities and saw a relevant use for the circuit. This could also have a big impact and influence for our project due to its validation as approved by relevant entities, hence opening many doors for us. On the other hand, multinational companies and industry owners may perhaps not be as interested in the system due its complexity and, in a generalized way, they may not understand the utility of the circuit. Thus, if we expect to implement our circuit with these stakeholders, very effective communication must be prepared, along with the specification of benefits that they would obtain when working with this. Optimization of the system for specific applications would also be very valuable for these types of stakeholders. Policy makers who regulate the implementation of our proposal are another critical group with whom dialogue should be pursued when possible; the more involved the developer is, the less likely things are to go sideways. Other groups, such as environmental activists could even display a strong position against the release and use of engineered organisms, given the uncertainty of the consequences it has. Work should be done with both stakeholders in order to include them into the development process, optimizing the project and creating the right conditions for its carrying out.
Impact on scientific community
We mentioned above that our circuit could be implemented in different areas of research in a very useful way, but how could this have a real repercussion in the scientific community? With our circuit we aim to solve scientists’ problems, enabling them to keep improving society. As a tool, our construct can be used to start working on areas that have not been completely addressed so far, like complex environments. We also want to focus the perspective about the use and release of engineered organisms, they have great potential of use but due to concerns and regulations the applicability is limited. We expect to have an impact across the scientific community because with our circuit we can open many doors in this scope, explore new possibilities and approaches in a novel form that has not been done before.
Future approaches
Hand in hand with experts feedback, we also aim to implement our suicide circuit into new development areas and for advanced applications to keep expanting the applicabiliy of synthetic biology. First of all, the bioelectronics field, with our system, could be possible to generate or eliminate potential charges after the expected death of the organism, this for the controlled construction of biocircuits. Our circuit could be useful for the generation of synthetic extracellular matrices for the synthesis of specific metabolites and then expect cell death, to only adquiere the molecules of interest and eliminate any background interference compound. It could also be applicable to study events that are difficult to define like the determination of cytotoxicity, circadian cycles, planned obsolescence, oscillation frequencies, the quantification of bacterial proliferation and bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Plant varieties could also be developed and agriculture could be improved by adding bacteria that promote plant growth and don't generate metabolic issues.
Future snapshots
We made a future snapshots analysis to anticipate the utility and implementation of our circuit in a hypothetical future basing ourselves on the fact that our system was completely accepted into society, since we believe that although it may pose some concerns initially, slowly it will become accepted. First, we visualize an increase in different applications based on the use of engineering organisms with limited life. One of the conferences we attended even proposed that a whole industry would probably be built out of different organism liberation methods. We think that our system will be completely characterized and optimized as a tool that can be implemented to any idea or project. We consider that regulations about synthetic biology and the use of engineered organisms may be changed to establish aspects about the correct use of systems like ours. Finally, we want to be an inspiration to the scientific community and further projects that aim to keep improving synthetic biology and the society itself.
Reference: Madec, M., Rosati, E., & Lallement, C. (2021). Feasibility and reliability of sequential logic with gene regulatory networks. PloS one, 16(3).
We designed our framework and software to make a tool that can guide, construct and assess diverse types of synthetic genetic circuits according to the user's wants and needs. Our inspiration was based on creating a general and modular system for the exploration of sequential logic based synthetic biology to benefit experts and scientists with different types of knowledge, in a novel way that can be applicable in many fields of action.
Sequential logic gives a new perspective for the resolution of complex scenarios and we want to take advantage of its characteristics to give the scientific community a novel tool based on this mindset. During our user interviews one of the interviewees even told us that she understood where we were going when we had only explained sequential logic in theory. With our framework the user can establish the conditions for different situations to occur in each specific state of action, this increases the generation of results and data of parameters of interest according to the application and visualizes their affectations on the overall model.
Reference: Lakhan, S. E., & Jhunjhunwala, K. (2008). Open source software in education. Educause Quarterly, 31(2), 32.
Our framework enables the possibility to solve conceptual issues across the scientific community based on sequential logic steps. The qualities and characteristics of our framework could help the improvement of emerging ideas and existing mechanisms by giving a new perspective of action for the solution of complex problems. Based on experts feedback, literature and iGEM project proposals we choose four areas to visualize the applicability and implementation for our framework and software that are described below.
Polluted environments are normally contaminated with multiple toxic molecules, such as: pesticides, heavy metals and dangerous chemical compounds, generating a complex situation to remediate. Bioremediation on an uncontrolled system as a river or soil is difficult because every compound (either toxic or not) can affect the biological diversity and physicochemical properties of the environment. With our framework and visualizing this issue as a state machine, we can establish a solution model based on the bioremediation of specific compounds in certain timeframes to reduce the changes in the uncontrolled system and effectuate the remediation job in a more efficient way. It is also possible to construct a mechanism in only one chassis organism that could contain all the bioremediation system, without necessarily expressing it all at once, having the advantages of reducing costs and making the methodology simpler. Our framework could improve projects by simplifying their circuits, for example iGEM Hong Kong-City U 2020 aimed to make engineered bacteria that secrete multiple degradation enzymes to improve and make more efficient the plastic waste pollution. With sequential logic we can construct a system that expresses different degradation enzymes depending on the substrate and the specific moment. We talked to experts for feedback regarding the impact of sequential logic in bioremediation; Ing. Johan Morales Sánchez and Lic. Rossy Guillén Watson suggested that our system could be useful for waste-water treatment and for antibiotic traceability under different conditions. In addition, Lic. Victoria Zamora and Lic. Juan Carlos Hernández mentioned that bioremediation of multiple substances according to the present stimuli, environment and followed pathway could allow a remediation in the correct order to maintain balance and execute the task efficiently.
Biomedicine and Therapeutics
Diseases cause multiple metabolic and physiological reactions in the organism. If we visualize a disease as a state machine that changes through time with the biological responses of the organism, we can apply our framework to treat specific diseases in a more accurate way. Sequential logic allows us to treat diseases as a step by step issue, hence several solution pathways can be explored based on the state of development of the disease. Sequential logic could even aid the determination of a disease’s state, avoiding the use of invasive methodologies and improving the biomedicine field using sequential logic and synthetic biology. Our framework could also improve ideas and projects in the biomedical field like iGEM Nottingham 2020’s project. They aimed to make a biotherapeutic strain of Clostridium sporogenes to prevent, detect and treat neurodegeneration in patients. With our framework we can propose a system to know the state of neurodegeneration and make a personalized treatment depending on the development of the disease, complementing the iGEM Nottingham 2020 idea. When discussing this issue with experts they saw a relevant applicability of our framework to biomedicine and therapeutic aspects. Lic. Kendall Alfaro Jiménez and PhD. Carolina Centeno Cerdas suggested that our system could be useful to know when it’s necessary to change a treatment, such as chemotherapy or immunotherapy, and to establish diseases as a state machine in order to develop decision pathways to treat a certain sickness according to its real progression. Additionally, Ph.D. Candidate Kattia Nuñez Montero and PhD. Rodrigo Mora Rodríguez mentioned that with this system it would be possible to exchange a bacteria consortia to a single bacteria with multiple sequential capabilities, to develop an excellent screening system for different behaviors or pathways, and circuits that respond to different stimuli and follow diverse routes depending on the specific interest. This could help with diseases with inherent heterogeneity, such as cancer, allowing the exclusion of normal cells while covering the different subpopulations. Also, activating the therapy under specific conditions improves its specificity. These could be possible applications for the development of our framework in the biomedical and therapeutics field.
Every product of an industrial process needs to follow certain steps or states to produce the expected result. By visualizing industrial systems as state mechanisms, our framework and the sequential logic itself can be applied into the industry to optimize the paths followed for production according to specific requirements, products, methods and user needs. It could be possible to explore different pathways to produce a specific product and determine which pathway is the more efficient one. This could be achieved by making decision patterns that reduce metabolic burden while using metabolic engineering to reduce costs and improve methodologies of production and develop new mechanisms for the synthesis of certain compounds that are too complex or too expensive to produce. Our framework could be applied to characterize new methodologies and mechanisms of production, like the project from iGEM BIT-China 2020. Their idea was focused on the production of a co-culture of E.coli and S.cerevisiae to improve the fermentation industry of a specific vegetal compound (eriodictyol) with medical value. Our framework could be implemented to optimize the functionality of the system for the effective production of this molecule by establishing more efficient pathways of development and selecting the desired characteristics to applied into the circuit. Experts also told us that our framework could be really useful for industrial processes; PhD. Monserrat Jarquín Cordero, PhD. Pablo Jiménez Bonilla and PhD. Stefany Solano González suggested that our system could be functional for studying different pathways in just one circuit, determining the interaction of specific synthetic compounds with its sub-products, inducing production after a certain time and for verifying the functionality of a specific process. In addition, Bach. Laura Chaves Martínez, Ph.D. Candidate Olman Gómez Espinoza and M.Ed. Carolina Sancho Blanco mentioned that the formulation and development of nanoparticles, opening a path and segmentation for large scale metabolic engineering and determining the production and interaction of an expected product with its subproducts are potential applications for our system across the industry.
Biosensors are based on detecting specific responses or compounds, therefore they report a certain signal. Biosensors follow certain steps to make a response, acting like state machines, and with our framework it is possible to improve the biosensing mechanism and its development using sequential logic. Our framework could allow the construction of complex biosensors that detect multiple compounds in a specific order by exploring different detection mechanisms in only one circuit. It also could enable the recognition and determination of the interaction between different target molecules by evaluating its functionality in certain conditions and optimizing parameters. Also, our framework could improve proposed biosensor ideas like iGEM DeNovocastrians 2020. Their biosensor was focused on detecting, importing and degrading the petrochemical benzene in the natural environment. With our framework it's possible to establish different pathways of response depending on the conformation of the target molecule and the state of the biosensor. Additionally, Ph.D. Candidate Olman Gómez Espinoza and Lic. Juan Carlos Hernández told us that our system is useful to study different degradation pathways and for allocating resources or changing qualities for periods of time while maintaining balance in a complex environment.
Modular approach to the resolution of complex problems
Extrapolatable system to multiple areas by abstraction level
Allows conceptualizing complex functions and processes in a more
straightforward way
Establishes a generalist and robust guide for the implementation of tools that
are based on sequential logic focused in biological systems
Allows the exploration of multiple alternative biological scenarios
The focus is on the overall behavior rather than only in a specific DNA
It considers complete processes instead of a single response or function
Enables a wider, more efficient, and more objective design due to the computational methodologyExpands the use and design of circuits using sequential logic
It is thoroughly documented to facilitate users experience
Due to the generalist approach, modeling detail gets lost
Requires a learning curve since it hasn't been thoroughly explored in biology
Due to being a novel conceptual base, there didn't exist a strong guide to
develop the system.
It is not a final product for a last stage of implementation, but instead a
guide for the development of genetic constructs
Since it is a niche approach (specific for sequential systems), its application might be overlooked, specially in initial stages of an study such as the circuit designIt does not entail a high fidelity mathematical modelling, therefore biological accuracy is lost
Easily applicable and modifiable for different research areas
Biological systems (beyond genetic circuits) can be explored from a whole new
perspective through the use of sequential logic
there's a lot of opportunity for their optimization and implementation, due to
the small exploration and research about systems like ours
It can be integrated with other existing tools like databases and analysis systems depending on the specific applications.It is possible to generate a more descriptive modeling level that considers elements like specific parts or certain parameters for the expected development of the system
Other methodologies and approaches are more described and established, due to the
long history of investigation and characterization and thus can affect the
selection/ choice of using our system
For certain areas, other conceptualization approaches are more appropriate for
the biological system, such as combinatorial logic, due to the long history of
investigation and characterization for these types of systems
A manual design for a genetic circuit may be more accessible and simpleCircuits based on combinatorial logic could be favorable for certain areas of research and implementation due to their high level of characterization and optimization
How we are targeting those threats
Promote the use and application of our system to characterize better it´s functionality
and implementation
Give examples, success scenarios and advantages to defend the use of our technology
to detail its applicability
Define the scope of complex applications, considering other methodologies as viable
alternatives depending on the area, to define for the users the correct and efficient
use of the system
For our framework and software we define four areas of interest to focus our potential end users based on the applications we mention above. The four areas are the same as the circuit’s, but this section has a whole new perspective and interaction. First we select industrial stakeholders, the industrial area can be easily applied to sequential logic based systems due to its operation processes for the development of different products. Next we select bioremediation stakeholders that include bioremediation companies and environmentally focused non-governmental organizations. The same principles apply to bioremediation companies and biomedical stakeholders including the pharmaceutical industry. We picked gubernamental stakeholders: national biotechnology laboratories, public universities and national ministries. Gubernamental users have the power to start applying our system in a real setting . This would help us to introduce the implementation of the framework and software to start employing it as a new tool for the resolution of complex scenarios. Computation and bioinformatics users as well as researchers focused on investigation are important groups to consider for the introduction of the conceptual framework and software framework. Due to the computational understanding of these groups they could see a pioneering idea to expand this field of action. M. Sc. Raúl Trejos Espinoza mentioned to us that doing this project is great and a big challenge itself and can be a foundational work for projects and similar systems to come. In addition to this, companies that focus on the development of softwares and computational systems may be interested in our system in order to expand its catalogue and generate similar frameworks and softwares for different uses. On the other hand, policy makers who regulate the application of our technology are a crucial group to dialogue with due to the all potential applications that our system could be involved with. It's necessary to include these stakeholders to establish the correct development, regulations and conditions for the expected implementation of the project.
Stakeholder Map
We made a stakeholder map using the virtual tool “iGEMers Guide to the Future” ( developed by a collaboration between iGEM teams and the European Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Action Platform SYNENERGENE. In this map we see our chosen stakeholders in a graph in which the x-axis means the interest of the stakeholder in our project and the y-axis means the power of the stakeholder to influence our project in a positive or negative way.
By making the stakeholder map and its analysis, we find that a great option to begin the implementation of our framework and software would be in collaboration with computational-bioinformatics experts and software companies. These stakeholders have the learning, experience, tools and interest to start applying the framework and software into test studies, new developments and even products. When the implementation of the system has been more structured, we aim to focus on the industry stakeholders. Our system could be easily adapted into industrial applications to diminish costs of production and for optimizing complex fabrication processes. For biomedical and bioremediation stakeholders, we expect to work with them when we expand data and results of our framework-software into the database, at that moment we expect to already have protocols, guides and models for different uses to start applying it into new models of resolution in these areas. For the regulation aspects, we aim to discuss with the policy makers to show them the functionality and applicability of our system to create the correct development route and conditions of use of the framework-software hand to hand with them. Actions have to be taken to guide the expected proposal of implementation for our system, but with dialogue between the different groups of stakeholders it should be possible to start including our technology within the real world. But in its first stage of introduction we aim to highlight the utility and applicability of the system to target groups to start developing the full potential of the conceptual framework and software framework.
Impact on scientific community
In the same way as our suicide circuit, we want the framework-software to have a real repercussion across the scientific community. Due to its capacities and fields of application mentioned above, we really see that our framework-software has the potential to be a novel and great tool that could expand the toolbox of the scientific community. This system can open many doors across the scientific community to make the construction of genetic circuits more practical, efficient and accurate. We expect that in its most structured form the software will be applied in any field of interest, to add another option in the workflow for the resolution of complex problems besides combinatorial logic based systems. Hopefully we expand the use of sequential logic based systems to explore new mechanisms, possibilities and emerging ideas that can be achieved by frameworks, softwares and circuits like ours.
Future approaches
To further explore more possibilities and options for our software framework, in addition with expert feedback, our software could be applied to gene-regulatory applications, enabling the determination of necessary gene expression, along with its time frame, for specific tasks. The software framework and sequential logic could be useful in the metabolomics area by having the possibility to explore different biosynthetic routes in a biochemical model and obtain information about certain metabolic processes. Additionally, multiple pathways and test studies could be incorporated in just one transformation process and, depending on specific inputs and the order in which they’re applied, the response (gene expression) could have endless variations. Other potential applications for the software framework could be evolutionary studies developed from the tracking of evolutionary trajectories by single cell sequentiation; it could also be possible to differentially tag cells depending on the state of the system according to PhD. Pablo Bolaños and PhD. Rodrigo Mora.
Future snapshots
For our framework and software we made a future snapshots analysis to preview the use and application of our system in a hypothetical future in which the technology is completely implemented. First, for our conceptual framework we expect the development of higher levels of specificity of its use and expand its approach to more complex biological systems. We visualize it as a standardized tool, an option that becomes part of the established mechanisms for the resolution of target problems. Furthermore, we expect an expansion in the use examples for each application area and case studies regarding the user requirements for its most efficient use. In addition, we want the conceptual framework to be a guide that enables the use and comparison between different potential frameworks to come, to obtain the correct perspective of the solution to target a complex problem. For our software framework we anticipate the use and extension of the generated library where the users consult it for a wide range of applications and include their data. We visualize the tool to be contemplated inside the basic toolbox for the analysis of these challenging scenarios; and to be linked to databases and more analysis tools for a bigger capacity of assessment in specific cases. Moreover, we look forward to the optimization of the software framework for cluster processing, that includes its code licensing to standardize the criteria and parameters for the evaluation of genetic circuits. The implementation of more complex analysis filters could be developed to expand inclusive more the applications of the system. We want to make an impact in coming projects and ideas to improve the scientific community and society.