
iGEM Lund 2021

iGEM Lund 2021

Our Team
Team Members

Team Leaders

Elli Andersson

Elli Andersson - Main Team Leader

Elli is studying a Master of Science in Engineering, Engineering Nanoscience at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. In early 2021 she signed up to project manage team Lund in the iGEM competition. Usually, Elli focuses on material sciences, but her interest in project management brought her into the world of synthetic biology and iGEM. She spends her time organizing and leading the group. She also set up a partnership with iGEM Paris-Saclay. She has got a pragmatic and optimistic outlook on the future. LinkedIn

Melina Claesson Stern

Melina Claesson Stern - Lab Team Leader

Melina holds a bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology and recently started her Master's at Lund University within the same field. She has always found science and research to be of particular interest and decided to build on previous experiences by taking on the role of this year's Lab Team Leader. As the Lab Team Leader, she has been in charge of organizing, preparing for, and conducting the wet lab work during the summer and working closely with the other Team Leaders and supervisors. In addition, Melina has also been part of some of our collaborations and partnerships with other iGEM teams, as well as been in charge of producing the presentation video. LinkedIn

Mattias Akke

Mattias Akke - Modelling Team Leader

As the Modelling Team Leader, Mattias spent most of his time writing and researching the model. He was also a driving force in the early project design. The idea behind the Cure-li project started when Mattias ate his daily probiotics while reading the latest issue of Nature. He then designed the first draft of an iGEM project, which the team quickly united around. Currently, Mattias is studying the second year of Engineering Nanoscience at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. LinkedIn

Team Members

Jorge Amorrortu Gallo

Jorge Amorrortu Gallo - Wet Lab

In his second year of the Master in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, Jorge is part of the lab team. The center of his work here has been related to curli. He got in touch with universities and fellow scientists worldwide, obtaining an E. coli curli producer and insight on its production. With a strong involvement in curli detection, Jorge, together with his colleagues, got encouraging results. LinkedIn

Anna Barjuan Grau

Anna Barjuan Grau - Wet Lab, Design and Human Practice

Anna is in her second year of the international Master's program in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. She started with the design team by making the team's logo together with Nídia. Anna has been part of the PR team working on the Human Practices such as integrated human practices, collaborations, and education and communication. She has also been part of the lab team. In the lab, she focused on the curli production and detection and secondly on the DNA work.LinkedIn

Isabel Erb

Isabel Erb - Wet Lab

Isabel is currently doing an international master's program in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. She joined the IGEM project since she is fascinated by synthetic biology and interested in recombinant production processes. As part of the lab team, she has focused on literature research and how to design suitable experiments. Like most lab team members, she has spent her summer wisely by working in the lab, where she has prepared several experiments. She has mainly focused on DNA work. LinkedIn

Nídia Fernandez Ros

Nídia Fernandez Ros - Wet Lab

Nídia studied at the Autonomous University of Barcelona ​​and is currently studying the second year of the Master's degree in biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. She has been in several internships, so she has always had a close connection to the laboratory. Therefore, from the first moment she enrolled in iGEM, she has been part of the lab. Her work was mainly concentrated at the beginning of the project, where the production of curli by E. coli was studied. Besides lab work, she has given a hand to the design team in the development of the logo. LinkedIn

Sidharth J Sankar

Sidharth J Sankar - Wet Lab

Sidharth is studying the second year of his Master's degree in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering. His enthusiasm for taking up challenges and exploring new opportunities brought him to the world of iGEM. He was a part of the PR team for the first three months. After that, he was in charge of designing the gut-on-a-chip experiments. During this period, he worked closely with team members, supervisors, and other experts in the field related to organ-on-a-chip. Alongside this responsibility, he was a member of the wet lab team and was involved with successfully completing the DNA work during summertime. Sidharth has also been a part of our team at the Nordic iGEM Conference, 2021 (NiC). LinkedIn

Lennart Küssner

Lennart Küssner - Finance and Modelling

Lennart is studying the second year of physics engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University and the first year of a bachelor's program in economics and management at LUSEM. He took it upon himself to be responsible for the team's finances, filing receipts, paying invoices, preparing a budget (and making sure to stick to it), and making grant applications. He has also been involved in the planning of trips and collaborations. About halfway through the iGEM year, he also joined the modeling team, helping finish the model and change the code format from python files to Jupyter Notebooks. LinkedIn

Camilla Lane

Camilla Lane - Wet Lab

Camilla studies a master's in Molecular Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. As part of the lab team, she has helped with researching everything from inhibitor choice to experimental design. During summer, she has mainly worked with DNA experiments but also helped in some parts of curli production. With few long-term duties, she worked where work is needed, whether that has been to discuss how to design DNA sequences for very short peptides or it has been to make a gel when no one else was available. LinkedIn

Ziyi Li

Ziyi Li - Wet Lab

Lizzy is studying the second year of a Master in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. She is a part of the lab team, where she is responsible for DNA work. She has also been working in the lab during the summer, trying to get the DNA work to be successful. She likes working in the lab and solving problems to realize our design. LinkedIn

Anton Lindberg

Anton Lindberg - PR and Design

Anton is currently studying for his Master of Science in Engineering, Engineering Nanoscience, at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. With a broad role in the PR team, Anton has had a hand in most non-lab-related parts of the iGEM project. Although, his primary contribution to the team has been as a photographer and graphic designer. With little to no prior experience with adobe's graphical design software, Anton has spent his summer developing his designing abilities, from googling how to color a square to producing the team's promotional video. LinkedIn

Wing Tung Lo (Michi)

Wing Tung Lo (Michi) - Wet Lab

Michi holds a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences and is currently in her second year of the international Master's program in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. As a part of the lab team, she has been a part of the literature research process for the project, as well as the planning and design of the DNA work in the lab. Like many fellow lab team members, she has also spent her summer in the lab, mostly focusing on DNA work. LinkedIn

Jacob Miefalk

Jacob Miefalk - Wet Lab

Jacob is studying a Master of Science in Engineering Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. He has been a part of the lab team where he is responsible for safety, but he has dabbled in other parts of the iGEM project as well. He loves reading scientific articles and helped out by being an asset in the research part of the project. He has been working in the lab during the summer with the DNA work. He has also helped out where it has been needed, helping out by organizing things and supporting people. Jacob also participated in the Nordic iGEM Conference (NiC) together with three other members of the team. LinkedIn

Elin Stemme

Elin Stemme - Wet Lab

Elin is part of the lab team and is studying towards a Master of Science in Engineering, Biotechnology at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. She has taken an active role in the lab, focusing a lot on details from protocols and calculations to keeping track of what's in the freezer. She has also been involved in Human Practices by participating in Team Linköping's podcast Attempting Science to talk about iGEM and Cure-li. She also participated in the Nordic iGem Conference (NiC) together with three other members of the team. LinkedIn

Cajsa Thulin

Cajsa Thulin - Wiki and Human Practice

Cajsa is currently studying for her Master of Science in Engineering, Engineering Nanoscience at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Without any prior knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, she decided to take on the challenge of coding and being responsible for the wiki. After half a summer of just watching tutorials, she started coding, and the final result (with help from the design team) is this very wiki you are using now. Cajsa has also been a part of our Human Practices team and has been engaged in our Integrated Human Practice, collaborations, and partnership. LinkedIn


Johan Svensson Bonde - Supervisor (PI)

Johan supervised the team throughout the project, for instance, by demonstrating instruments/experimental techniques and by answering questions from the team members.