Team:DUT China/Model



Wide spreading and utilization of plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in the world has caused a large quantity of environmental challenges and gained much attention. Plastics pollution represents a global environmental crisis. In response, microbe Ideonella sakaiensis was reported to be capable of secreting two efficient enzymes to deconstruct PET polymers in mild temperature. However, this two-enzyme system degradation capacity is highly limited by inhibition effects, diffusion of intermediates and PET surface physicochemical properties. Therefore, we design a delicate multicomplex enzyme system, in which short peptide tags (RIAD and RIDD) are applied to create scaffold-free modular enzymes assemblies. Here, in order to effectively degrade microplastic PET particles, we construct enzymes of IsPETase and MHETase and protein hydrophobin in our complex system via scaffold modular part, which reveal higher catalytic efficiency in mild temperature. This work presents an innovative strategy to improve PET degradation via biosynthetic factories and artificially designed proteins system that do not exist in the nature.

1 Introduction

Synthetic polymers pervade all aspects of modern life, due to their low cost, high durability, and impressive range of tunability. Originally developed to avoid the use of animal-based products, plastics have now become so widespread that their leakage into the biosphere and accumulation in landfills is creating a global-scale environmental crisis. Among them, synthetic plastic polymers Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the most widely used forms of synthetic plastics in several industrial fields, which has been reported spreading as particles less than 5 mm in environments [1] and being captured from environments with low efficiencies. Thus, plastic waste may have a negative effect on human health and reveal a serious threatening to environments [2]. In comparison to the other solving methods, enzymatic treatment utilizing PET hydrolyzing enzymes is environmental-friendly because it avoids the use of hazardous chemicals. However, the attempt to solve this problem via bio-enzymes is faced with multiple challenges. For a long time, biodegradation of plastic PET with its degradation enzymes are highly limited by their low degradation ability in mild temperature [3].

Fortunately, in 2016, Yoshida et al. [4] reported the discovery of the bacterium, Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6, which develops a two-enzyme system to deconstruct PET plastic to TPA and EG molecules, which could be effectively catabolized as a carbon and energy sources for cells. Further research of this two enzymes system reveals that enzyme IsPETase is a cutinase-like serine hydrolase that attacks the PET plastic polymer with the highest efficiency in mild temperature among all previously discovered PET degradation enzymes. The metagenome-derived leaf-branch compost cutinase (LCC) shows higher activity on low crystallinity PET film degradation [5]. However, LCC is still not generally applicable due to the cost and high applied optimum temperature around 72 °C [5], which highly limit its further application in engineered bacteria bio-degradation system. Furthermore, the percentage of PET degradation intermediates MHET generated via LCC were near to 60% [6], which could not be removed by MHETase effectively due to the possible loss of its enzymatic activity at LCC applied temperature. Compared to LCC, the MHET removing efficiency in IsPETase and MHETase coexisting system was near to 100% [7]. LCC reveals near 5.5 times and 4 times lower enzymatic activity to PET film and high crystallinity PET substrate at 30 °C compared to IsPETase [4] [8]. IsPETase was considerably more active against PET film at low temperatures than other PET degradation enzymes including TfH, LCC, and FsC [4]. And more efforts of IsPETase protein rational evolution are made and these works largely improved enzyme IsPETase thermostability with a Tm value that was increased by 8.81 °C and reacting activity by around 14-fold at 40 °C [8], whose activity is even higher than LCC and BhrPETase isolated from bacterium HR29 [6][8]. Furthermore, in a latter research, highly synergistic relationship between IsPETase and MHETase was discovered in the conversion of amorphous PET film to monomers [7], which effectively accelerate PET degradation. However, this two enzymes system may be still limited due to enzymatic loss caused by protein fusion, inhibition effects and diffusion of intermediates. And methods of rational evolution of protein may not be applicable to further improve the overall turnover rate [9]. In detail, the MHET molecules produced via PET degradation may be competitive to IsPETase active sites, which was revealed via calculation results shown in this work. Despite of this, MHET molecules diffusion in space may also be a problem for MHETase remove MHET in time. Therefore, in this work, we designed an intricate multidomain protein scaffold composed of short peptide tags of RIAD [11] and RIDD [12], enzymes of IsPETase and MHETase and protein hydrophobin [11], in which the enzymes constructed in near positions to each other may work with highly synergistic relationship. All proteins involved have unique functions in this system. IsPETase and MHETase are two enzymes involved deconstructing polymer PET plastic to MHET and MHET to TPA molecules, respectively. And hydrophobin protein, a small fungal protein, possess positive effects on altering the physicochemical properties of PET surfaces and enzyme aggregation enhancement when it was fused with PET degradation enzyme cutinase [13]. Here, hydrophobin protein are involved in our designed system with possible functions of adhering to PET polymers and altering the physicochemical properties of PET for degradation improvement [14]. The peptides of RIDD and RIAD originated from cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and the A kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs), respectively. The RIAD peptide is capable of specifically binds to the RIDD dimer with strong affinity [15]. The following two features make them ideal protein binding modular for our system assembly: (1) the tiny size (44 and 18 amino acids, respectively), which minimizes the disturbances to the structure and activity of the enzymes when fused with these peptides, (2) the strong binding affinity (with a KD of 1.2 nM between RIDD dimer and RIAD peptide demonstrated in our colleagues' previous work [15]) to ensure the stability of the whole enzyme complexes in the environment.

In our designing, RIAD or RIDD was fused to the N termini of hydrophobin and IsPETase linked by a flexible linker (GGGGS)3 respectively and another RIDD was fused to the C termini of MHETase by a flexible linker (GGGGS)3. MHETase and IsPETase are delicately constructed in near positions (as shown in structure calculations) via RIDD peptides strong affinity to accelerate MHET removement and reduce competitive inhibition to IsPETase. Meanwhile, short peptides RIDD fused to enzymes effectively avoid disturbances to enzymes active sites. And for prudential and rational designing, the multicomplex enzymes system designed in our work are evaluated via Molecular Dynamic simulations (MD) to ensure the structure designing feasibilities. The components binding stability were measured and the whole system was revealed to maintain its components binding stably with enzymes fixed in relative near positions to each other in liquid environment. Furthermore, the key residues distances to Ca2+ ion in Ca2+ binding site reveal maintenance of structure stability. Then, we construct one plasmid that encoding the multicomplex enzyme system with liking methods mentioned above and expressed it in the bacterium Escherichia coli with 1:1:1 theoretical ratio for each designed component. This ratio may delicately enhance our designed components assembling and avoid possible mis-assembly. The assembled protein complex systems in the extracellular spaces were demonstrated to effectively alter the physicochemical properties of PET and enhance the overall turnover rate of PET degradation.

2 Results And Discussions

2.1 MHET may possess tendency limiting the efficiency of whole PET degradation process and a delicate multidomain modular system is designed

In previous research, inhibition effect by MHET accumulating in the reaction medium has been demonstrated as a key factor limiting the efficiency of the polyester hydrolases from Thermobifida fusca, whose structure is highly similar to IsPETase discovered in 2016. [4]. As the alignment shown in Figure 1 (a), the structure of the IsPETase is highly similar to polyester hydrolases from Thermobifida fusca [16] with same key residues possessing similar enzymatic mechanisms in active site and may be inhibited by MHET as well. Results calculated from Autodock Vina software [17] also reveal this probability, in which MHET, compared to PET substrate, is shown to have the same binding affinity level to IsPETase enzyme active site and may be competitive to IsPETase. Our later experiment results also reveal this probability. Based on these, IsPETase efficiency is considered to be limited and inhibited by MHET molecule and MHET need to be eliminated from the reaction medium to expose occupied IsPETase active site to PET substrates. Despite of this, MHET molecules diffusion in space may also be a limiting factor to PET degradation rate because MHETase may not be able to effectively remove MHET from reaction medium in time. Meanwhile, as shown in Figure 1 (b), MHET molecule reveals a stronger binding tendency to MHETase active site than to IsPETase active site and this stronger tendency reveals that MHET may be more likely to enter into MHETase active site rather than occupying IsPETase active site when MHETase is near to IsPETase in liquid environment. Based on these, for the purposes of reducing MHET inhibition effect to IsPETase, eliminating MHET accumulation in the reaction medium and degrading PET film with higher speed, we designed a delicate multidomain proteins system as mentioned above, in which the enzymes IsPETase and MHETase constructed in near positions to each other work with high synergistic relationship [7] to improve the whole PET plastic turnover rate. The hydrophobin protein involved is expected to enhance enzymes aggregation, alter the physicochemical properties of PET surfaces and improve PET decomposing rate.





Figure 1: (a) (a) Alignment of the polyester hydrolases from Thermobifida fusca and PETase from Ideonella sakaiensis and same key residues involved in enzymatic reaction. (b) Binding affinity energy of MHET to PETase and MHET enzyme active sites calculated via Autodock Vina. The results reveal a strong entering tendency of MHET to IsPETase active site and higher binding affinity to MHETase active site. These reulsts provide helpful references and insights of strong binding tendency of MHET to IsPETase and MHETase active sites. (c) Entrance of MHET molecule to IsPETase active site with strong binding affinity. (d) The synergestic relationships of IsPETase and MHETase in PET degradation.

2.2 Rational designing strategy calculations and evaluation for artificially designed system

In our designing, RIAD or RIDD was fused to the N termini of hydrophobin and IsPETase by a flexible linker (GGGGS)3 respectively and another RIDD was fused to the C termini of MHETase by a flexible linker (GGGGS)3. Flexible linker designing may drive three protein components to central RIDD-dimer-RIAD scaffolds to lower the solvent surface area and physically fix IsPETase and MHETase in a near position to each other. Such designing may ensure that the reaction products of IsPETase effectively enter the near MHETase enzymatic site as new substrates, by which improves the whole reaction rate. Therefore, for the purposes of prudential designing mentioned above, the binding stability of the whole system and enzymes active sites are calculated to ensure that the modular enzymes components are fixed stably in near position and the whole structure is well maintained as a complex in liquid environment.

For each component structure, IsPETase and MHETase are derived from previous X-ray diffraction structures and then RIDD is fused to enzymes termini as methods mentioned above [18] [19]. The structure of hydrophobin-RIAD is not available in PDB dataset and is predicted by Phyre2 [20]. Then, with these raw components structures, our team constructs the raw model of the multidomain proteins system (as shown in supplementary Figure 2 (b)). The multidomain proteins components in our research are constructed via VMD [19] and Z-dock [21] software.






Figure 2: The artificially designed complex system was applied with 150 ns explicit solvent MD simulation. The last 60 ns MD simulation results revealed that the whole structure was well equilibrated and therefore were considered to be sampled and analyzed. (a) Possible mature structure generated via MD calculations. Compared to initial raw model of each component (shown in supplementary material Figure 1 (b)), each component (IsPETase-RIDD, MHETase-RIDD, Hydrophobin-RIAD) are drawn toward to central RIAD and RIDD dimer scaffolds to lower the solvent contact surface area. Components are bound to each other firmly and no diffusion behaviors are observed in simulation. (b) RMSD values of simulated system. (c) Illustration of components assembly process. (d) Last 60 ns simulation results of gyration radius of modular enzymes system with total 150 ns simulation RMSD. Gyration radius values are fluctuated slightly, which reveal the stability of the whole system density and structure in liquid environment. In the long time MD simulation, component (IsPETase-RIDD, MHETase-RIDD and Hydrophobin-RIAD) is drawn to central scaffolds by (GGGGS)3 linker to lower the solvent contact surface area and maintained stably in near positions, whose results meets our initial designing expectations.

Each component (PETase-RIDD, MHETase-RIDD and Hydrophobin-RIAD) is applied with 20 ns explicit solvent simulation for structural optimization. Notably, for the purposes of obtaining an accurate structure of predicted protein in aqueous environment, the structure of Hydrophobin predicted by Phyre2 is firstly applied with 50 ns explicit solvent MD simulation before fusing to RIAD. Then, these components are initially set in near positions to each other and spontaneously bound together as a complex via 20 ns explicit solvent simulation to obtain a relative reasonable binding structure formed via affinity between RIDD dimers and RIAD. This structure is highly consistent to the X-ray revealed binding complex formed by free RIDD dimers and RIAD components [15]. With this result as initial structure, we applied it with 50 ns explicit solvent MD simulation and then lengthen MD run with 100 ns for further optimization, equilibration and sampling (All simulations totaling 1 μs). Atomistic MD simulations were performed using Amber 20 [22] and the ff99SB force field [23] for proteins solvated by OPC water model with 310 K temperature setting. The nonbonded interactions were truncated at a 10 Å cutoff. The simulation Truncated Octahedron box of about 18 nm × 18 nm × 18 nm size contained the system and 61888 water molecules. The size of the box was chosen to be large enough so that no interactions through periodic boundary conditions can occur. By these, a new delicate modular enzymes system model is established by processes mentioned above. The final calculated artificially designed multidomain system structure is shown in Figure 2 (a). In the long scale simulation, each component (PETase-RIDD, MHETase-RIDD and Hydrophobin-RIAD) is drawn toward to the central RIDD dimer and RIAD scaffolds by (GGGGS)3 linker to lower the solvent contact surface area. This structural change may improve the stability of the whole complex and meet our designing expectations that fixing each component in near positions. As shown in Figure 2 (d), the gyration radius of the whole system is relatively stable in the last 60 ns simulation, which demonstrates that the strong binding affinities between RIDD and RIAD parts are sufficient to drive three protein components fixed in near positions and the whole structure is relatively stable. In the long time MD simulation, the components are bound to each other firmly and no diffusion behavior is observed, as shown in the simulation video provided in the supplementary material. Therefore, the binding force between RIDD and RIAD is considered to be sufficient to maintain the stability of artificially designed complex. By these, three different proteins are designed to be fixed stably in near positions with high synergistic relationship (as shown in Figure 2 (a)) to alter the physicochemical properties of the PET surface and accelerate reaction turnover rate. And later experiment reveals successful assemblies of the system and the stability of components binding as a complex. (More detailed information of the raw model construction procedures and simulation results analysis are available in supplementary material). Specifically, MHETase-RIDD Ca2+ binding site with its binding ions that may have important functions for structural stability is shown to be well maintained [22]. Four key residues that form the binding site and function important roles in maintaining Ca2+ ion (Asp 588, Asp 591, Gly 592, Asp 599 and Asn 600) are evaluated. These key residues geometric centers distances to Ca2+ ion in binding sites fluctuate slightly around 0.5 Å, revealing the high maintenance of Ca2+ binding site structure, as shown in Figure 2 (e).

These results successfully demonstrate the feasibility of our designing strategy as described above. Later experiments further demonstrate our designed components enzymatic activity and functions in complex system.

3 Calculation formulas applied in our model

Where N is the number of atoms, mi is the mass of atom i, Xi is the coordinate vector for target atom i, Yi is the coordinate vector for reference atom i, and M is the total mass. If the RMSD is not mass-weighted, all mi=1 and M=N.

The physical meaning of g(r) can be interpreted as the ratio of the local density of a molecule to the bulk density at a distance r around a central molecule.

The number of particles contained in dR was calculated by the formula shown above, and the g(r) is then obtained via the normalization by the average density of the system.

Distances calculating methods.

Where M is total mass of the system, mi is the mass of atom i, ri-rc means the distances of atom i to the center of all the simulated atom.


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