Team:BS United China/Communication




1. 2021 iGEM Quorum Sensing Science Symposium

Our project involves application of quorum sensing within the context of synthetic biology, we have shared our progress with other three iGEM teams whose projects are also related to quorum sensing. Our team have then organized the 2021 iGEM Quorum-sensing Symposium with BUCT, Jilin_China, and NEU_CHINA. The symposium information has been disseminated with social media such as WeChat group chat, Conference of China iGEMer Community.

Fig.1 Even Poster(left)CCIC Promotional Articles(right)

In the symposium, the four teams have exchanged their 2021 research themes which are relevant to the general public health affairs. Among them, BS_United_China has demonstrated the importance of pathogenic bacteria quorum sensing on the food safety. Team BUCT has showcased the magic of quorum sensing in the human digestive system. Team Jilin has introduced their ideas on how to use quorum sensing in a new biological mosquito control device. Team NEU has explained on how quorum sensing can be used in the field of virus detection. Some university professors and researchers have been invited to participate in the symposium to give us lectures and useful and constructive advice regarding our projects.

Fig.2 Online Science Activities

2. High school club iGEM information dissemination

We held several seminars about iGEM in many Chinese high schools that were never aware of such a synthetic biology opportunity for students. The audience from the biology clubs of Jinling High School, No. 2 High School of East China Normal University, Chengdu Foreign Languages School was excited by our knowledge exchanges about iGEM and synthetic biology.

Fig.3 Science Presentations in three high schools

(2)Library club

The literature survey is an important part of doing academic research, we organized biweekly library club for journal paper reading and on-line sharing schedule for all the team members Some examples are listed below:

[1] Ling Yan, Li Yuxia, Liu Gang & Chen Huipeng. (2011). Characteristics and applications of synthetic biology.

[2] Zhou Yongjin & Zhao Zongbao. (2011). Advanced biofuel-oriented fatty acid pathway synthetic biology modification.

[3] Wang Zhaoshou, Peng Jianghai, Hu Yidan & Fang Baishan. (2011). Industrial applications of synthetic biology.

[4] Liu Boning. (2010). "Creating Life" Synthetic Biology.

[5] Lu Zhiguo, Wang Jianfeng, Meng Hailin, Xiong Zhiqiang & Wang Yong. (2011). Synthetic biology and natural product development.

[6] Tian Jingdong. (2011). Synthetic biology from the perspective of DNA synthesis technology.

At the end of library club, speakers would have a Q&A section to answer the questions from the audience. Some of the club members said that such situation was exciting and they learned a lot from it.

Fig.4 Association members’ PPT report on the literature reading

3. Academic MOOC recording

In the the club activities, we have received many questions from high school students about how to do scientific research. In response, we decided to offer online courses for sharing skills of writing. The online classes was very flexible, and students could choose to come to our e-conference room according to their own time. All the course materials were uploaded to the internet, as well as the cloud storage, so students can view, playback and download the well-editted course materials.

The course is divided into two sections, one is about Thesis Writing Guide, which is related to various aspects of academic writings. The other is about Practical Study Method that can help students to conduct research efficiently. There are 15 videos in total in the two sections, and we have uploaded all the teaching material to the cloud storage for the students to select.

(1)Thesis Writing Guide

-How to choose a topic for your academic paper

-How to conduct literature search and reading

-How to make reference and citations

-Language of academic papers

-Structure of academic paper

-How to do academic reporting

-The general form of scientific research

(2)Practical Study Method

-Study notes and knowledge management

-Information Pyramids

-Mind Map

-PPT Production

Fig.5 Youku Platform Videos
Fig.6 Videos on Baidu Netdisk

4. Media

We have participated in the production and promotion of an online science popularization video by Worldshaper_Shanghai, together with other iGEM teams such as BJEA_China and Jilin_China. The contents described each teams’ projects in the simple and funny way to explain science to the public. The video was posted on Bilibili, which is a video platform for many teenagers. Through this way, we hope to promote the knowledge of synthetic biology among youngests and stimulate their interests in modern biology.

Fig.7 Bilibili Science PopularizationVideos