Team:SUNY Oneonta/RPA-LabNotebook

RPA Lab Notebook | iGEM SUNY_Oneonta

RPA Lab Notebook

June 3rd, 2021

RPA Workflow


  • Preliminary temperature optimization (A2)
  • 37ºC...2F, 10R
  • 42ºC...4F, 11R


  1. Repeat temperature optimization (A2)
  2. Optimize timing (20- 40 min)
  3. Repeat primer + temperature + timing optimization (A2)
  4. Try a real sample
  5. Try with the heat block

The TwistDX RPA protocols will be used for reaction experiment.

Today: Made 10mL of Chloramphenicol stock aliquoted into 1000µL portions.

            Via updated “Antibiotic Stock Protocol” 

In Wiki: Update “Antibiotic Stock Protocol – (1000 x 1 µL/mL Media) – 10mL Solutions”

Cm 1. Dissolve 0.25g of Chloramphenicol (25mg/mL) in reagent ethanol 10mL

  1. Store aliquots 1000µL into microcentrifuge tubes for storage at -20ºC

To Do:

  • Repeat experiment in Wiki RPA Figure 6 – Both primer pairs at both temperatures (40 min)
  • PCR Cleanup
  • Gel for product verification

June 7th, 2021

RPA Figure 6 Re-do

Positive and Negative Controls at Different Temperatures

The reaction will be set up using the protocol posted on the iGEM Teams Files.

Reagent1 Reaction10 Reactions
2x Reaction Buffer25µL250µL
10mM dNTPs1µL10µL
Nuclease-free Water8.2µL82µL
10x Probe E-mix5µL50µL
--- (Add 20x Rxn mix to lid of Mastermix, invert 10 times and spin) ---
20x Core Reaction Mix2.5µL25µL
  • 2.5 µL of MgOAc to be added to each reaction.
  • 1.0 µL of (DNA, water, or control DNA) to be added to each reaction.

PCR Cleanup:

  • 50µL Product
    • 30µL elution buffer

Gel: 0.4% agarose 50mL TBE 1x

  • 1kb marker
  • 2F,10R samples: 5µL eluted product, 1µL of 6x Loading Dye
  • 4F,11R samples: DILUTED: 2µL eluted product, 8µL Nuclease-free water, 2µL of 6x Loading Dye

June 8th, 2021

Repeat Experiment from June 6th

The following samples had their nanogram concentrations recorded in the table below.

Positive and Negative Controls at Different Temperatures

*Gel 10µL of unclean RPA product 1kb + MWL measured up at where the product should be

June 9th, 2021

RPA Reaction Cleaned up DNA Core

Nanogram concentrations of samples were recorded

June 10th, 2021

RPA Clean Trial 3

Nanogram concentrations of samples were recorded

June 16th, 2021

Repeat Experiment from June 7th using a NEW Twist-DX Kit

  • The reaction will be set up using the protocol posted on the iGEM Teams Files.
Reagent1 Reaction10 Reactions
2x Reaction Buffer25µL250µL
10mM dNTPs1µL10µL
Nuclease-free Water8.2µL82µL
10x Probe E-mix5µL50µL
--- (Add 20x Rxn mix to lid of Mastermix, invert 10 times and spin) ---
20x Core Reaction Mix2.5µL25µL
  • 2.5 µL of MgOAc to be added to each reaction.
  • 1.0 µL of (DNA, water, or control DNA) to be added to each reaction.
  • Samples were incubated for 40 minutes at their respective temperatures.

PCR Cleanup:

  • 45µL RPA Product
    • 40µL elution buffer

Gel: 0.4g agarose 50mL 1x TBE

  • 1kb ladder
  • 2F,10R samples: DILUTED: 2µL eluted product, 8µL Nuclease-free water, 2µL of 6x Loading Dye
  • 4F,11R samples: DILUTED: 2µL eluted product, 8µL Nuclease-free water, 2µL of 6x Loading Dye
  • 10µL of each sample mixture to each well

To Do:

  • Repeat gel using clean RPA product, do NOT dilute.

June 23rd, 2021

Repeat Experiment from June 7th using a NEW Twist-DX Kit

New dNTP Stock Solution to be prepared...


$$(100mM)(v_{1}) = (10mM)(100µL)$$ $$v_{1} = 10µL$$

  • 10µL of each dNTP stock will be added, in addition to 60µL of nuclease-free water to bring the final volume to 100µL

  • New working primers will be prepared.

  • diluted primers

    • 10_RPA_R
    • 11_RPA_R
    • 4_RPA_F
    • 2_RPA_F
  • 100mM -> all diluted with 10µL of primer + 90µL of nuclease-free (NF) water

The following set up will be used: