Team:SUNY Oneonta/Collaborations

Collaborations | iGEM SUNY_Oneonta


New York iGEM Team Meetup

As a part of 2021 Team SUNY Oneonta’s collaborative efforts, we participated in a regional meet up. The Teams that participated in this meet up were Team University of Rochester, Team Cornell and Team SUNY Oneonta. The goal of this meet up was to present our projects. We learned about the projects each team chose for this year’s competition, along with why they chose their topic. This served as a testament as to how synthetic biology can be used in a diverse array of fields and/or topics.

An additional goal of the meet up was to garner advice from other team advisors. The advisors provided individual feedback on each team’s project, along with advice on competition etiquette and helpful tricks. The advice served as helpful reminders as to how we would choose to present our own project to the best of its ability.

Below is a portion of the advice given to us by Team Cornell and Rochester:

  • Showcase a farmer using our prototype
  • Don’t link to outside pages on your wiki
  • List all parts on your registry page
    • o A mini wiki for each part (description, use, additional characterizations)
  • When speaking to judges remain practical and professional, a little laid back is okay but not too much