


Project Design Human Practice Lab Art Design Wiki Construction
Meiyi Li ✔✔
Haoyu Wang ✔✔
Yuxuan Shen ✔✔ ✔✔
Jiazhen Ren
Chang Yang ✔✔
WU Taibo ✔✔
Alfred Jan Wang ✔✔
Kevin Deng
Yuehao Wang ✔✔
DingFeng Zhang
Junfeng Lin
Yunbo Zhao ✔✔ ✔✔

Project Design

The initial experience of the project was inspired by our collaborative team iBowu-China's cancer project last year and by the inspiration given to the group in a literature. All team members were involved in this work. LAB. Plasmid construction Meiyi Li, Haoyu Wang, Chang Yang, WU Taibo, Alfred Jan Wang Protein Extraction Meiyi Li, Haoyu Wang , Kevin Deng, Yuehao Wang, DingFeng Zhnag, Junfeng Lin, Yunbo Zhao Human Practice Literature Review: Meiyi Li,Haoyu Wang,Chang Yang,WU Taibo,Yuxuan Shen,Jiazhen Ren Interview: Kevin Deng,Meiyi Li,Jiazhen Ren,Junfeng Lin,Yunbo Zhao School lecture Meiyi Li,Haoyu Wang,Chang Yang,WU Taibo,Yuxuan Shen,Jiazhen Ren Art Design Jiazhen Ren,Meiyi Li,Haoyu Wang Wiki Construction Meiyi Li,Haoyu Wang,Junfeng Lin,Yunbo Zhao Acknowledgment Throughout the 11 months of preparation for iGEM, we encountered many difficulties and hardships, among which we would like to especially thank the iBowu-China team members, as well as several members of the CCIC, for providing us with a lot of help.