Team:Shanghai Metro/Members


Team Members
Wet Lab
Hola! My name is Yuelin (Elaine) Zheng from Shanghai, China. I am a senior year student studying at the Westover School located in Middlebury, Connecticut. My favorite subject in school is Biology for the fact that I have the opportunity to explore new areas of knowledge and enrich my science experience. I also hope to major in related fields of Biology in university. I want to study in the fields of biological engineering since I believe that it is the best way to combine science in order to make the most contribution to our community. Also, many topics within the field of biological engineering attract me to further explore it, and many areas remain unknown. I hope that I can contribute to the field of science one day with my knowledge and passion. I also love playing piano and volleyball during my leisure time. I have learned piano for over ten years, and I enjoy it when I want to relax with music. To be specific, music helps me to relax mentally, and sports drags me out of the pressure I have during daily life.
What’s up everyone, my name is Zelin(Jason) Hu, and I am from Shanghai, China. I am currently a 9th grader studying at the Westminster School in Simsbury, Connecticut. Some of my hobbies include playing water polo, squash, and tennis. My favorite subject is Biology, and I try to attend programs and competitions to enhance my skills in the laboratory or in the classroom. My love of trying new things has brought me surprises after surprises while discovering biology or squash. Biology is a gift brought to me because of my curious personality. I wondered about what bacteria looks like on the inside and how it could be a beneficial microorganism instead of a detrimental germ that we know it as, which led me to sign up for researching Superbugs which ignited my interest in Biology.
Salut! My name is Bingham Yan; I normally go by Bing. I’m from Hangzhou, China, but I’m currently an 11th grader in Cushing Academy, Massachusetts, United States. I like a broad range of subjects, but science is what really gets me excited. I hope to major in bioengineering because this subject reveals the secrets of microscopic worlds, and what’s more thrilling is that we can actually modify them and create new features! However, I’m not always like a nerd. During my leisure time, I love to play the electric guitar; the sound of distortion is the sound of my heart. It’s not easy to picture a rock guy working on a biology project, right? Moreover, I also love to play soccer and tennis. I often practice skills and stability with my friends, at least every weekend. I also like cooking, painting, and thinking… Can’t really finish introducing myself in a short paragraph.
Hi, I am Yue Chen. I come from Canton, which is the city of spring all year round. Canton has lots of delicious dim sum and beautiful scenery. The most famous scenic spot is the Pearl River. Therefore, obviously, I can speak Cantonese really fluently and confidently. I really enjoy my time in the lab because I think it is fascinating to do experiments. I am also very interested in biomedicine because my parents are in the medical profession. Therefore, I often like to read different bioscience articles. At the same time, I also have a very strong interest in psychology, so I also read some books, including Highly Sensitive Personality and MBTI Personality Analysis. As a high school student, I also have many hobbies, such as art and music. I also really like photography and editing vlogs, so I always use my phone to capture the beauty in my life.
Hi, this is YiMu(Tony) Ye from Shanghai. Being a 10th grader, I have developed a profound interest in the field of biochemistry and the related topics since I was introduced to biotech, such as CRISPR-Cas9, for the first time. Such techniques vividly explain the intelligence of humans as we are conscientious enough to detect the mechanisms and ingenious enough to utilize these procedures as our tools. The concepts in this field seem realistic and more attractive to me than the abstract sense brought by physics knowledge. Interestingly, the size of biochemical molecules and organisms is just within the range to which humans can get relatively easy access, which further increases my appreciation of this subject. As for extra-curricular events, I’ve got my hobbies in baseball and football for sports, piano playing for arts and cooking for…I guess some personal entertainment. Overall, these activities have certainly provided a holistic experience for my life up to the present.
Hi guys! I am Amelia Huang. I come from Shanghai, China. As known to all, the Oriental Pearl Tower is the symbol of Shanghai. I am a student at Shanghai Foreign Language School and am a rising junior student. I have great interests in Biology and Chemistry. I like doing experiments, and I also enjoy the process of doing experiments. I seem like a sponge when it absorbs water as I learn new information, and I am good at manipulating lab tools during experiments. I enjoy working in groups and getting successful results through the experiment. I have done many experiments, so my skills are pretty good. I was an online teacher before and taught some Grade 3 or 4 students. Also, I have many other hobbies such as playing floorball, playing badminton, swimming, and listening to music. I am a serious, scrupulous, and reliable girl. I always challenge myself and hope to be a better self.
I am a little little girl in a big big world. Here is Tianyu(Julia) Hu, a girl who is mundane, hard-working, helpful, and likes fantasy. I come from Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China, but I study in Shanghai Qibaodwight High School now. My hometown is very small, but I like it because the days there are very slow. I like just taking a small stool in front of my grandfather’s house, watching the sun go down the horizon. Everyone is mundane here, but life here brings me simple happiness. I work hard every day, just as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal never tires of running through my hometown. I don’t have some true hobbies because of my heavy workload since middle school, but there’s only one thing I can do that I never get tired of, that is teaching. The moment I help my classmates to solve a problem is the time when I find my values which also shape my dream to be a teacher. To explore deeply in education, from Biology to Psychology, and find the truth of human life. That is me, a little and mundane person, who doesn’t want to chase for something, but always looks forward to the ‘happy magic’ in life.
My name is Jin (Olivia) Huang. I am 18 years old, and I am from Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. It is a city rich in culture and beautiful scenery. The scenery of the Qinhuai River is the symbol of my hometown. I study at Lauralton Hall High School in the United States. It’s already 12th grade. I like playing the cello, diving, skiing, and bungee jumping. I love to challenge the limit; the challenge is mine. I think this is the meaning of loving life. I am also keen to understand the culture of various countries. Ecuador in South America taught me the romance that belongs to the equatorial belt. I also do scientific research activities related to biochemistry, like exploring the mysteries of biology and genes. Of course, I am also a heavy cat lover who owns a Garfield. It was also because Garfield made me a volunteer in the pet hospital. I love my life, and the lifestyle I love makes me firm in my motivation and goals to move forward.
Oh, oh, oh, Hi! I’m Toby. Toby Zhang. A 17 years old boy with a three-year-old-childlike heart and a sixty-year-old mental state. With a mature mind and steady state, people around me sometimes think I am “very old.” And the constant sense of humor and cute, witty words also make me become the “naïve one.” I’m such a peculiar person. However, I am also very caring——always care about the team and others. Soccer is now half of my life. I’m a crazy Man City-Fan that I hope I could go to Manchester and see their stadium one day. I’m the vice-captain for QDHS football. Although I am not the most skillful player, I am a good lubricant in this team that can deal well with everyone and makes decisions and tactics plans. Living in Shanghai could feel a lot of pressure since people around me are getting more “Juan.” I want to do things my own way and spread my happiness.
Hi, I’m Chella Zhang from Hong Kong, a well-organized girl. I am enrolled in the top 20 international schools of the IB system in the world. After comprehensive training in school, I grew up quickly and became mature. I participated in various school clubs, such as the Chinese Debate Team, the English Debate Team, the Biology Team, the Choir, and the literary editorial department. My favorite club is the literary editorial department because I like reading science fiction books, such as Three-Body, Stealing the Heart, etc. During the COVID-19 period, I founded my nutrition club, which was established to make all the faculty members pay attention to the daily nutrition intake and not ignore their health. After school, I have many hobbies in art and sports. I like playing volleyball, badminton, drawing, arranging music and swimming. Also, I am very good at drawing, and I have obtained many international certificates. Compositions are an enjoyable lifestyle for me. My compositions tend to combine electronic music and Chinese elements because I am eager to explore the collision of two different styles.
Hi! My name is Yuanhao(Arron) Geng. I’m an international high school student from Suzhou, China. I mainly study computer programming and computer science in school, and my hobbies are running and cooking, which allow me to de-stress from my work responsibilities. My classmates and I have set up a stray animal protection club for three years, proving that I am open-minded and perseverant. I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. During the past three years, I have learned a lot of professional knowledge and practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion, further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieve self-value. Life is precious, it is necessary to catch any opportunity for self-development, especially in the competitive modern society. Therefore, I prefer to go on for further education.
Hi, there! My name’s Yiding Dong. I’m 16 years old, and I come from Jinan, Shandong, China, which is also called Spring City since it’s famous for its abundant and beautiful springs. If you travel to Jinan, you can’t miss the Baotu Spring. I’m studying at Shandong Experimental High school’s International Department, and I’m going to be in 11th grade. I enjoy playing badminton and volleyball since it helps me stay healthy and helps me make friends with my classmates. I’ve been interested in biology and healthcare since my childhood. For this, I want to give my sincere thanks to my grandparents. Being both doctors, they serve patients in their lifetime, making me want to be a doctor and work hard for the goal.
My name is Yiyang Chen, and you can call me Ian. I’m a 16-year-old international student from the Barstow School Ningbo Campus in Zhejiang, China. Being a strong lover of physics and astronomy, I also like math, chemistry, biology, geography, and history, which helped me develop my patent in the last three years. I have experience working in the biochemical lab of the hospital, and I enjoy doing research as well as collaborating with others in a team. In addition, I’m good at using PPT, Excel, and Adobe products like Premiere Pro, and I often fly drones whenever I’m available. I’m also an easy-going person, and I love making friends with everyone around me. What’s more? I have an addiction to books of all kinds ranging from comics to Shakespearean plays. The more I read, the more eager I become to know more. I’m quite sure that my skills and hobbies will become handy someday in the future, and I’m always looking forward to improving myself more, to see a better me tomorrow.
Dry Lab
郁家合 Helen
Jiahe is one of the artists in our team who was responsible for all the painting and design. She’s a really cute girl with conspicuous pink hair, it’s easy to notice her in the crowd. She came from Beijing and was a high school student, starting 10th grade. Although she’s quite young in our team she got lots of skills which help the team a lot. She is very well-liked in our team and was friends with everyone. Helen, a member of the VIPatent team, she’s part of the dry lab. She’s an 11th-grade student at a high school in Beijing. In our team, she was responsible for the merchant's contact and survey of our topic. She likes diving and playing the piano,and has a passion for business. She works well in the team and was able to cooperate with all teammates.
施咏楠 Selina
Here’s Selina Shi from Xiamen, a member of the VIPatent team. I’m currently in YKPao school in Shanghai, starting 11th grade. I studied business and biology in school and was very interested in management and genetic aspects. In this project, I am mainly responsible for the financial expenses and help contact all the merchants for promotion and the surroundings. Except for these, I also have a passion for playing basketball and guitar. It was a great time working with the team and cooperate!
杨李书涵 Sarah
Hello, I'm Sarah Yang Li, from Kunming, Yunnan. My hometown enjoys a pleasant climate and does its best to live up to its title of “the City of Eternal Spring”. It owes its importance to the fact that it was the gateway to the celebrated Silk Road that facilitated trade with Tibet and India. I'm going into 12th grade next year and I'm currently attending an international school in Kunming. I'm mainly responsible for promoting the team, wiki writing, as well as writing and typesetting the tweets of our WeChat Public Accounts. In my daily life, I enjoy reading all types of novels, watching anime, and movies. I enjoy spending time with and working with our team members. In our downtime, we eat together and play a board game together.
吕泽杨 Bruce
Zeyang Lyu: What’s good. I’m Bruce Lyu from Qingdao. I am currently in high school in New Jersey, USA, starting 12th grade.I am very interested in the genetic aspects of biology and the commercial promotion, publicity, and collaboration of our research projects and would like to continue studying them in college. In this project, I was mainly responsible for the management and writing of the WeChat Official Accounts and the wiki, in addition to interviewing passers-by and organized and summarized, etc. In my daily life, I am very passionate about sports, music and fashionable clothes. I really enjoyed working with the team members to complete the task and becoming friends with everyone. Let’s gooo VIPatent !!!
卢韵华 Yunhua
Hello everyone, I am an international high school student from Guangzhou, Guangdong. I am currently studying in the AP International Course of Guangdong Experimental Middle School. My favorite subject is computer science because there are computers in many mainstream industries in the world. I hope that by studying computer science in university, I can use computer technology in society to make the technology of all walks of life develop faster and make a contribution to this beautiful world. The computer world is so big that I need to explore it slowly. I also like to engage in music and play badminton in my free time. This kind of relaxing activity makes me feel relaxed.
谷润时 Runshi
Hi, I'm Gu Runshi from Beijing No. 4 Middle School. I'm interested in public health and economics. As the team leader in our VIPatent team, I finished combing the interview scripts and organized the promotion activities in the community. I am a responsible person, so I always help and command other team members when they get into trouble. In the project, I was involved in all the projects and activities that were promoted and unfolded. I learned about strains protection knowledge in the iGEM competition as well as gaining friendships and business experience. I cherish this competition experience and I hope our team will get an award!
徐沫 Anna
Hiyaaaa, my name is Anna, I’m 15, and I’m a high schooler studying at Culver, Indiana. I am passionate about art, business, sports, anime, and whatnot. My favorite drink is Coca Cola but I’ve been trying to cut it down. iGEM has been so much fun, whether it’s during or after study periods. I am so thankful for the amazing experience and, of course, all my new friends!
徐正杰 Zhengjie
My name is Xu Zhengjie, and I am from Ningbo, Zhejiang. I am currently studying at The Barstow School Ningbo Campus. I like diving, playing badminton, listening to music, and traveling. This summer vacation, I got the AOW diving certificate, which allows me to dive into the 40-meter deep sea and explore the unknown world. In addition, I am also a national third-level badminton referee. In my spare time, I will invite my classmates to play together. Not only that, but I also like to listen to songs. My favorite singers are Eason Chan and Jay Chou, and my favorite music group is (G)I-DLE. I have traveled to more than ten countries globally, including Spain, the United States, and Australia. Wait—one of the most memorable places in Spain, where there are food, beauty, and stories.
黄天赐 Victor
Hello, everyone, I am Victor Huang, and I am taking the iGEM competition. As a high school student, I am never timorous. Whenever I am or wherever I am, I want challenges, I want to try those creative and novel to me—that make me happy. I want to try different things, for example, being a model, acting, or photographing. I prefer to communicate or make friends with different people so that I can keep my world new to me, never boring.
张小涵 Xiaohan
Hey guys!!!!! My name is Xiaohan Zhang from Shandong Qingdao. I am currently an 11th grader at one international school in Beijing, fascinated by marketing, psychology, and art. In our team, I mainly served as the art designer, which includes the design of the team logo and additional drawings. Besides I am willing to explore deeper in biochemistry and marketing strategy. In my spare time, I usually practice hip-hop dance and reading books. I valued this pleasant experience with team VIPatent in iGEM so much and hope that we will have a good result in the future competition!!!