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Latest revision as of 03:27, 20 October 2021


Market context
We have interviewed Ms. Zheng from Co-effort Law Firm. She has been involved in patent cases related to edible mushrooms. Because different countries have different systems and policies for patent protection, the strains are straightforward to copy. After several cultivations and forming a new variety, the researchers intended to protect a new plant variety. Still, unfortunately, it was not included in the protection of a new plant variety before because the variation between strains was very small. They sought two routes for patent protection at that time, one of which was microbial conservatorship base for strain protection. This route was difficult to compare when the infringement was verified. For example, if you buy a strain in the market, and the strain in the conservation center is the same species, being credibly recognized is very difficult. In addition to this, the prestige and the specificity of the patent can be confirmed by the fragment of the genetic molecule. But the problem was that they did not list the molecular sequence, i.e., the specific fragment, directly but wrote the amplification sequence in the patent. This move increased the difficulty of infringement protection. Patent ‘infringement follows the principle of comprehensive coverage. It is unrealistic to argue that the other party also produced this sequence in the production process, and this aspect eventually could not move forward. However, there was an invalidation procedure in addition to the patent application, and the opponent wanted to invalidate this patent and thus lose its monopoly. This case was won in the invalidation because no 100% similar gene sequence was found, so it remained valid. Since they were convinced that someone else had stolen the strain, which was distinguishable by its appearance, the case was subsequently reopened. But in the end, instead of a 100% comparison, only the specific fragments were compared. The current attitude of the court is inclined to protect the original.
It is challenging for biological companies to defend their rights when the technology they have developed is stolen, whereas the technology we have developed can prevent the strain from being stolen by other companies to a certain extent, i.e., adding a layer of technical protection before the legal process.
Competitor Analysis
At this stage, there are not many biotech companies that have developed similar technologies, so we can easily capture market share. The beauty of our technology is that it gives a layer of insurance to a specific strain. If the technology is further refined, it can be effectively protected before patenting, and other legal procedures are applied.
Business Plan VIPatent
Abstract/Executive Summary & Company/Business Introduction
VIPatent is a biogenetic technology company located in the Shanghai Tsinghua International Innovation Center and established long-term partnerships with the National High-Security Laboratory of the Affiliated Xuhui District Central Hospital of Fudan University, China. We are committed to providing patent protection technology for the various strains on the market to prevent infringement of the strains. VIPatent have contacted experts in various fields, including genetic engineering, legal experts, etc., and have entered into partnerships with other companies for mutual benefit.
Research Methods
The patented strain protection technology based on type VI secretion system effector belongs to the pharmaceutical biology industry. The pharmaceutical and biological industry is a national major development project, and with the continuous innovation of its industrial technology, the whole industry's market scale keeps expanding. The whole biopharmaceutical industry chain can be divided into upstream, midstream and downstream. The upstream is the production and development of raw materials and products. The midstream is the biopharmaceuticals and businesses. The downstream is the various medical businesses and the final consumers and patients who buy and use them. The main players in this industry are:
        • The developers and their companies.
        • The manufacturers.• The manufacturers.
        • The stores that sell and the patients and consumers.
As a national key development project, the threshold of the biomedical industry is pretty high, and you need to have specific academic requirements to work in this industry. However, the national pharmaceutical and biological industry is gradually growing, and the comprehensive economy is on an uptrend. More and more patent applicants and new products are emerging, so the overall development prospects are still very good. Either looking at the technical technology or economic trends, the pharmaceutical and biological industry is progressing and growing with time, and the development speed is getting faster and faster in recent years. From these aspects, the future development speed of the pharmaceutical and biological industry will be qualitatively improved, and the Chinese market will get rid of generic drugs and research more original drugs.
Under the current development cycle, China's pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry is changing from mainly producing generic drugs to combining generic and innovative drugs. The technological innovation capability of pharmaceutical and biological enterprises is the main driving force for the structural adjustment of the pharmaceutical industry at this stage, which directly affects the sustainable development capability and international competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore patent protection becomes more and more important. Our main advantage at VIPatent is that we are the first to develop a patented strain protection technology based on type VI secretion system effectors, so we have the main resource and advantage in the market. However, although it is the first domestic research on this technology and occupies most of the domestic resources, it also shows that this technology is not mature in the country. It takes a higher risk while obtaining resources.
Market Analysis
Market structure
The patented strain protection technology for type VI secretory system effector is essential in the market. Our research is designed to be able to protect strain developers in their research and development effectively. Our primary user group is the strain development team. We now have a monopoly on this market. There is no equivalent technology on the market, and there are no methods or approaches to protect strain patents effectively. The market in China and some other countries is a monopoly market, and in the US, we are an oligopoly market. Nowadays, the only way to protect patients in need is through the law, but Chinese law only has provisions for commercial patents. The law is not complete enough for microorganisms, and it takes a lot of money and time to defend the rights through legal means. Many technical teams will give up on their rights because our technology can directly protect strains.
Target market and market segmentation/positioning
Our main target customers are bio-commercial organizations or researchers developing strains using E.coli as the primary vector. For our project, the Niche market is our target market. This market is mainly for a small segment of the population and is much smaller than the mass market. We chose this market to study the needs of biological institutions that are more in line with the research strains, and the small market avoids many competitors. The consumers of our product are mainly those who have developed their strain patents and want to protect their patents. Our product prevents them from having their product stolen and spending unnecessary time and effort in later legal proceedings. Being the first in the Chinese market to develop a patent protection technology for strains, we have no competitors in the Chinese market and an oligopoly. The entire market of bio-commercial organizations that develop themes belongs to our potential customers. At the same time, being the first R&D team also proves that the technology is not mature in the domestic market, leading to increased risk. Therefore, our product is positioned primarily as a patent-protected technology and one that can be legally recognized as proof of the strain's inventor.
Execution: 4P Analysis
Our patent protection technology can help customers protect their strains from illegal piracy to avoid lengthy and costly legal rights and trials. Our services can also be positioned on the strains by a special encryption system, helping to have evidence in case of subsequent legal disputes over intellectual property rights. Price
Our technology is unique in today's market, so our pricing depends on the consensus we reach with our customer companies. But even though our technology is the equivalent of a monopoly in the market, we do not charge exorbitant prices, and we price it reasonably according to market rules and demand.
We published relevant papers in major biological science journals, conducted field visits to biotech companies, and promoted them at major corporate exhibitions. We also walked into major universities to carry out popular science activities, co-branded with famous brands, and released products. We also invite experts to give lectures to corporate executives and scientific researchers to promote our technology and products.
Our main distribution sites are located in high-tech industrial parks in major cities. We have established a service network in areas where large-scale biotechnology companies gather to provide inquiries, planning, after-sales, and guarantee services. In addition, we have customized different strategies for different large, medium, and small enterprises and dispatched corresponding technicians in their companies. We have a fully transparent R&D laboratory at our corporate headquarters and conduct courses or knowledge popularization activities within schools and communities. These methods can make our products more advertised and then seize the opportunity to better our sales.
VIPatent offers strain patent protection technology that can be used to protect the technical property rights of microorganisms. Because of the new biological research discoveries involved, questions about patents have only recently arisen. For example, new industrial microbial fermentation technologies affect all aspects of people's daily lives and are beginning to be produced on a large scale. And this process leads to disputes over intellectual property rights, where microbial technologies may be stolen and mass-produced between different companies or countries. However, the protection of microbial-related intellectual property rights in China is complex, lengthy, and expensive. Our technology contains two main innovative features and uses.
1) A unique biological encryption system is designed into the strain to ensure that the stolen microbial technology cannot be used.
2) The encryption system leaves a mark in the strain so that later there is evidence in case of an intellectual property dispute involving the law.
To sum up, we believe that with the effort of our team, our product and technology can be very useful to biotechnology companies and research labs and make an impact in Intellectual property protection in the field of biotechnology.
21st Century Business Herald. "Value analysis of the pharmaceutical and biological industry", Sina, 22 Sept. 2021, http://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/2021-04-16/doc-ikmyaawa9971398.shtml
Research Institute of Listed Companies in the Financial Industry. "Comparative study of the three major pharmaceutical biotechnology innovation markets in China, the United States and Japan" JRJ.com, 8 Sept. 2021, http://m.jrj.com.cn/rss/sohu/2020/9/8/30703751.shtml
Chr. Hansen. “Policies & Positions.” Chr. Hansen, www.chr-hansen.com//en/about-us/policies-and-positions.
Silab. “Cosmetic.” About Us, www.silab.fr/silab-en-quelques-mots_usa.html. Meyer, Pauline. “McDonald's Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis.” Panmore Institute, 20 Sept. 2020, www.panmore.com/mcdonalds-marketing-mix-4ps-analysis.