Team USP-Brazil
The USP-Brazil team helped us to prepare our Solidarity Raffle. We liked how they organized their online raffle, so we got in touch to ask if they could show us how they did it. As a counterpart, we wrote two questions for the first Brazilian Synthetic Biology Olympiad, organized by them.
They mentored us when we were starting the team, and in this season, we were able to partner up to work on the study of Potential Cell Lysis Mechanisms for B. subtilis.
Team Aix-Marseille
The Aix-Marseille team also worked with paratransgenesis this season. They reached out to us to set up a meeting to better explain the strategies of our projects. From these meetings emerged several insights and feedbacks that helped both teams take their projects to the next level. Also, we have appointed some paratransgenesis experts that their team could contact.
Synthetic Biology Club
The SynFronteras Club is a space where professionals and students from all over Latin America and Caribbean can share their experiences and knowledge in synthetic biology with people who are discovering this world. Many of these meetings were only possible because of the collaborative network between Latin American teams. The teams that taught classes in the club, therefore collaborated with us are:
- Team UNESP_Brazil - How to start modeling your project?
- Team USP-EEL_Brazil - Exploring Modeling: First Frontier
- Team Ecuador - Going back to the future: the history of iGEM Ecuador
- Team FCB-UANL - Genetic circuits: the basis for designing biological machines
Want to know more about our club? Check out our Education page.