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Bronze Silver Gold


We have developed our project for nearly a year and tried our best to meet all the medal criteria.

1. Competition Deliverables

Complete the following Competition Deliverables:

#1 Wiki

We've created a Team Wiki demonstrating all our work. Materials were written by Biology Group, web design were done by designers in our team.

#2 Presentation Video

Presentation Video will be uploaded in time on iGEM Video Universe. Check it on Giant Jamboree.

#3 Project Promotion Video

Promotion Video has been uploaded on iGEM Video Universe. Check here.

#4 Judging Form

Judging Form has been filled and submitted. Check here.

2. Attributions

Describe what work your team members did and what other people did for your project.

The attribution of different parts of our project is well demonstrated and the acknowledgements of help from others are also listed on the attributions page. Check here.

3. Project Description

Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project.

We have stated the motivation and proposed application in our project description page. Check hereto learn more about our software Phoebus!

4. Contribution

Make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams.

We have made contribution to standardization, inspiration, implementing engineering principles in our software, building a platform for software teams to collaborate and public education, building databases for future research. Our contribution will benefit future iGEM teams. Check here.

1. Engineering Success

Demonstrate engineering success in at least one aspect of your project. This achievement should be distinct from your Contribution for Bronze.

We demonstrated the whole engineering process of our software. Check here.

2. Collaborations

Collaborate with one (or more) 2021 iGEM team(s) in a meaningful way.

We collaborated with SYSU-CHINA throughout the whole season and our partnership shaped both of our projects. Check here.

3. Human Practices

Explain how you have determined your work is responsible and good for the world.

This year, we considered the benefit and responsibility of our project thoroughly. We have conducted human practices in labs, a biomedical company and college events. We have sent out questionnaires and discussed with professionals in different areas. Check here.

4. Proposed Implementation

Explain how you would implement your project in the real world.

Our project design is driven by the need of our proposed end users, and we are fully aware of our safety responsibilities and challenges we are facing. Check here.

1. Integrated Human Practices

Demonstrate how your team responded to your human practices reflections, research, and/or engagement. You should show how your activities impacted your project purpose, design and/or execution.

Human Practices are a major source for our project motivation. Our project is shaped and driven with the research results from the real world. Check here.

2. Project Modeling

Use modeling to gain insight into how your project works or should be implemented. Explain your model's assumptions, data, parameters, and results in a way that anyone could understand.

As a software team, models and algorithms are vital to us. This year we have implemented various models and algorithms to help researchers solve problems in the design of a genetic circuit. Check here.

3. Proof of Concept

Expand upon your Silver medal work for Proposed Implementation and develop a proof of concept for your project.

We demonstrate how our software will function as a whole, and returning useful results to users. Check here.

4. Partnership

Collaborate throughout the year with at least one other 2021 iGEM team on a set of shared objectives related to both of your projects. This partnership should go beyond a Silver medal collaboration.

We collaborated with SYSU-CHINA throughout the whole season and our partnership shaped both of our projects. Check here.

5. Education & Communication

Develop and implement education, science communication, and/or outreach materials related to synthetic biology.