


Sreenivas Eadara

Sreenivas lead wet lab meetings from the early ideation phase of the project and project identification through to the end of the project. On the wet lab team, Sreenivas researched the coral immune system and potential methods of sensing, processing, and responding to aspergillosis. Sreeenivas also helped identify the model organism and worked on both the antifungal production and genetic containment circuit. On the human practices team, Sreenivas worked to secure funding, establish collaborations, and reach out to stakeholders. Sreenivas also worked on the Eastern Seaboard Minecraft build collaboration. Sreenivas also played a key role in project planning and delegation of tasks, as well as organizing general team meetings.

Miles Lee

On the wetlab team, Miles performed research on the problem and possible engineering solutions. Miles also researched environmental factors that are key for identifying the root cause of the problem and identifying stakeholders. In human practices, Miles worked to obtain funding, researched stakeholders, collaborated with other universities, and had scientific discussions with scientists and organization representatives. In drylab, Miles developed the team wiki, designed the team mascot, and helped design and develop the computational model of the genetic containment circuit.

Tiara Safaei

In dry lab, Tiara participated in preliminary design work for the logo and wiki, developed the team wiki, and researched parameters for the containment circuit model. In human practices, Tiara was involved in preliminary research of coral reefs and the identification of important environmental considerations and stakeholders. Tiara reached out to other iGEM teams for collaboration, participated in discussions with experts in the field of coral conservation, and worked to obtain funding. Tiara also assisted wet lab with some early research into the coral immune system for wet lab and DNA assembly lab work.

Yuchen Yang

Yuchen is a wetlab team member. He mainly contributed to the early project design phase where background research work was conducted. He also helped to identify alginate beads as a legitimate physical containment method.

Harshit Bhasin

Harshit assisted with the circuit assemblies and designing protocols for the wet lab experiments.

Jenlu Pagnotta

Jenlu worked on both wetlab and drylab teams, mainly focusing on the bacterial containment circuit. In wetlab, she helped with designing the bacterial containment circuit (the use of hydrogels for the containment circuit). In drylab, she helped create/troubleshoot the MATLAB SimBiology model for the bacterial containment circuit.

Sheryl Lin

On the wet lab team, Sheryl worked on DNA assembly and designing experiment protocols. On the human practices team, Sheryl worked on the education module made in collaboration with MIT and the Minecraft build project with the Eastern Seaboard.

Aryan Dugar

Aryan scoured the iGEM literature to identify the ideal secretion tag for anti-fungal expression. He also helped in producing a video and running experiments for our collaborations with other iGEM teams.

Joshua Zhou

Joshua Zhou worked primarily in the drylab to develop and test the MATLAB SimBio model for the containment circuit.

Ivan Vuong

Ivan was involved in preliminary wet lab research into potential antifungals, the model organism, and the gel bead containment method. Ivan also worked on the design of the genetic containment circuit.

Christian Guaraca

On the wet lab team, Christian as involved in preliminary research into the sea fan immune system and potential antifungals.

Alina Guo

Alina worked on designing the website and the sponsor notebook, as well as drafting the model for the within-host spatial immunodynamics of coral‐pathogen interactions.

Sarah Lu

Sarah Lu was partly responsible for the assembly of the mutated SRE characterization circuit, in addition to summarizing the wetlab notebook procedures and presenting the overall wetlab methodology.

Richard Hu

Richard researched and compiled model parameters, helped summarize the wet lab notebook, and contributed to the slides on modeling and the containment circuit.

Sun Moon

Richard researched and compiled model parameters, helped summarize the wet lab notebook, and contributed to the slides on modeling and the containment circuit.

James Li

James hlped assemble the characterization circuit, summarized the lab notebook for the team wiki, and designed, 3D printed, and assembled bioreactor parts.


Dr. Winston Timp

As one of our two project advisors, Dr. Timp helped us secure lab space and provided feedback on wet lab experiment results and design.

Dr. Jessica Dunleavey

As one of our two project advisors, Dr. Dunleavey helped us secure lab space and provided feedback on wet lab experiment results and design.

Ethan Levy

Drawing from his experience on an iGEM team and as a current After iGEM ambassador, Ethan provided organizational and subteam-specific advice.

Angel Lee

Angel shared her expertise from previously being on an iGEM team. She communicated with our team lead, primarily providing advice on organizational structure and deadlines.

Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Enigneering provided us with lab space and resources for this project.

Dr. Victoria Barker

Dr. Barker provided us with human practices support specific to areas of coral preservation NOAA is looking into and current regulations surrounding marine research.

Dr. Jenny Boothby

Dr. Boothby provided us with human practices support and more insight into ongoing coral research at JHU APL

Dr. Valerie Paul

Dr,. Valerie Paul provided us with human practices support and consultation. She discussed her research into coral conservation with the Smithsonian Institute with us.

Dr. Blake Ushijima

Dr. Blake Ushijima provided us with human practices support and consultation. He helped us identify a potential use of our genetic containment circuit and discussed current treatments for SCTLD with us.

Dr. Andrew Baker

Dr. Baker provided us with human practices support by discussing current research in coral biology with us and providing insight into the regulatory concerns surrounding introducing a synthetic biology solution for a marine environment.

Dr. Stephen Paul Ellner

Dr. Ellner provided us with a script to his coral immune system model in R and advice with modelling the coral immune system using partial differential equations.