
Cardiovascular expert Maocai Zhai: Maocai Zhai ia a Cardiovascular expert.
"Escherichia coli, as an engineered bacterium, has an impact on the environment after it is excreted from the human body through feces. Is there a biosafety issue? You need to consider this."
Mengru Wang: Mengru Wang is a synthetic biology scholar.
"The design of synthetic route is basically reasonable, but E. coli itself has P4H-PCD-DHMR circulation. It is better to replace TPH145-PCD-DHPR cycle with P4H-PCD-DHMR cycle."
Yichen Lu: Yichen Lu is an expert in synthetic biology.
I think the doctor Xu's advice is meaningful. If it is made into health care products, it does not need to think to increase the output like industrial production. So I suggested that you should not transform serA.
Runqi Chen: Runqi Chen is a biomedical engineering student at Beijing University of Chemical Technology.
"I think that a person's mental state is definitely partly determined by the physical state, and the flora in the intestines is also related to the maintenance of mental state. The mental pressure of modern people is increasing day by day, and I think it also be related to their "sub-healthy" physical state. So I hope that the promotion of this medicine may allow modern people to look at the relationship between physical health and mental health in a new and scientific manner. This will be an undoubtedly huge improvement. But while maintaining my expectations for it, I still have two questions: how to pass scientific verification, and how to promote it among the masses. If these two problems can be solved, I believe that our attitude towards health management will usher in a more positive and huge change."
Wenshun Zhu: Wenshun Zhu is medical student of Southern Medical University.
"Currently, people rarely use live bacteria to cure diseases, and may have concerns about the use of your product, so that it will be difficult to promote this product in the future. It is recommended that you do extensive research to determine whether your ideas are needed in the crowd and whether they will be accepted. In addition, I am curious whether E. coli can play a long-term role in the human body, and whether it will be excreted from the body before it plays a role with the peristalsis of food?"

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