
Modeling | iGEM Michigan


Computational Simulation of Encapsulin

Computational modeling was a valuable tool in investigating the properties of encapsulin nanocompartments.

We used GROMACS, CHARMM and VMD software to simulate our encapuslin monomer. The encapsulin monomer is positioned in a box that is attached to a member of the yeast cell membrane using alpha-factor pheromone as a ligand. Under these simulated conditions, the encapsulin monomer is stable.

Free Encapsulin Monomer

Figure 1: Free Encapsulin Monomer

Encapsulin Monomer Bound to Yeast Plasma Membrane with Alpha Factor Tag

Figure 2: Encapsulin Monomer Bound to Yeast Plasma Membrane with Alpha Factor Tag

Due to computational constraints, it was not feasible to simulate the entire protein with alpha-factor pheromones attached to each monomer. Nevertheless, we made the following observations based on the simulated scenarios:

  • The N-term of the pheromone is required to be free for binding
  • Only the C-term of the encapsulin is available for linkage
  • This precludes the fusing of the free C-term of the ligand and the C-term of the encapsulin
  • This has implications for primer design and linker positioning when adding the alpha factor sequence