
Aalto-Helsinki Team Wiki

Aalto-Helsinki Team Wiki



Team Members

Sally Chesnut

Sally is the team leader of Aalto-Helsinki 2021 and a wet lab member. Her main responsibilities were project coordination, fundraising, lab planning, and lab work. She also contributed to the team Tumblr blog and organised team activities.

Emma Ryhänen

Emma is the vice team leader of Aalto-Helsinki 2021 and a dry lab member. Her main responsibilities were project coordination, fundraising, prototype design, and Wiki programming. She also took part in human practices.

Anni Lindfors

Anni is a wet lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her main responsibilities were lab planning, lab work and social media. She also led the production of our promotion video and contributed to the team Tumblr blog as well as human practices activities.

Anniina Savolainen

Anniina is a dry lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her main responsibilities were prototype design, fundraising, and fund management. She also co-lead the production of our presentation video and contributed to the promotion video along with human practices.

Enrique de Dios Mateos

Quique is a wet lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. His main responsibilities were fundraising, lab planning, and lab work. He co-designed the plasmids and MoClo system and also co-led collaboration with other iGEM teams. He also contributed to the Tumblr blog.

Iiris Pitko

Iiris is a dry lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her main responsibilities were social media, human practices, and modeling. She also co-lead the production of our presentation video and contributed to the team Tumblr blog and Wiki writing.

Joanna Jagdeo

Joanna is a wet lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her main responsibilities were lab planning, lab work, social media, fundraising and Wiki writing. She also co-led collaboration with other iGEM teams and contributed to graphic design.

Rupesh Balaji Jayachandran

Rupesh is a wet lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. His main responsibilities were lab planning, lab work, graphic design and Wiki writing. He co-designed the plasmids and MoClo system and also contributed to the team Tumblr blog.

Sofie de Sena

Sofie is a dry lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her major responsibilities were graphic design, Wiki writing, and human practices leadership. She also contributed to the promotion video, protein modeling, organization of different workshops, and human practice related collaborations.

Vilma Jäämuru

Vilma is a dry lab member of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. Her main responsibilities were modeling, graphic design, social media, and human practices vice-leadership. She also contributed to the promotion video and organization of different workshops.

Principal Investigators

Heli Viskari

Heli is one of the principal investigators of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. She has been helping us from the ideation phase, solving issues that have come across during our lab work, and provided us with a laboratory space at Aalto University. She has also actively helped us with our orders and making sure we get all the components needed.

Markus Linder

Markus is one of the principal investigators of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. He guided us through the brainstorming process and encouraged us to consider the larger picture and story behind our concept.

Sesilja Aranko

Sesilja is one of the principal investigators of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. She has helped the team through practicalities of our project design and lab work. She also helped us to an extent in plasmid design and provided us with bacteria and other lab necessities.

Ville Paavilainen

Ville is one of the principal investigators of Aalto-Helsinki 2021. He has provided us insightful advice and help with the computational mutagenesis design for the AhR protein.


Bulat Zagidullin

Bulat is a dry lab mentor. He helped us throughout the summer work period and gave us advice on which open questions we will need to consider. Bulat also helped us to see what kind of models we want to build and for what purpose, and volunteered to be in one of Aalto-Helsinki podcast episodes (E10).

Marta Sáez García

Marta is a wet lab mentor. She was part of the project's early brainstorming phase, and assisted us in refining biosensor concepts by sharing important resources such as databases and papers. We also walked through the experimental design with Marta to get her input and suggestions.

Sardana Ivanova

Sardana is a dry lab mentor. She helped us throughout the summer work period and gave us advice on which open questions we will need to consider. Sardana also guided a us in recognizing what is feasible with programming.

Shahan Syed

Shahan is a wet lab mentor. He was actively involved in the project's early brainstorming phase, along with Marta, helping us to gather all the necessary information. Shahan also contributed to the experimental design by sharing his thoughts and comments.

Tuomo Hartonen

Tuomo is a dry lab mentor. He helped us throughout the summer work period and gave us advice on which open questions we will need to consider. Tuomo also encouraged us to make a concrete list of what needed to be done and to consider what we could realistically accomplish during the summer.

iGEM Alumni

We would like to thank Gustav Åberg and Daria Pająk for their generous help with plasmid design and MoClo, Carla Coll Costa and Artur Gynter with programming assistance and Aalto-Helsinki 2020 for team workshops on fundraising, human practices and presentations.

In addition, we are very grateful for all the support we have received from the Aalto-Helsinki iGEM alumni! They have been extremely helpful. At the start of the project, each of us was assigned a contact person with whom we could address any concerns that emerged throughout the project. This was proven to be very valuable to us.

Lab Support

Our lab work would have been a lot less joyful and a lot less trouble-free if it had not been for the people who made sure we had everything we needed and were always only an email away when we needed help.

Ulla Åhman and Mikael Hytti

We appreciate you showing us around the lab, explaining the safety requirements, and supplying us with all of the required equipment and chemicals.

Chris Jonkergouw

We appreciate your help troubleshooting a section of our plasmid design and providing us with suitable plasmid backbones.

Alexander Frey

We appreciate your assistance providing us with suitable yeast strains and yeast expression and integration backbones.

Pulmu Pietikäinen

We appreciate your assistance with Arduino programming and radio transmittance development for our prototype.

Kimmo Silvonen

We appreciate your assistance with practicalities of our prototype development, such as materials and possibility to work in the Electronics Workshop at Aalto University.

Contacted Experts

Alexander Frey, Alexander Kastaniotis, Bartosz Gabryelczy, Chris Jonkergouw, Henna-Kaisa Wigren, Kaisa Hiippala, Kaisa Linderborg, Kalle Ruttik, Kimmo Silvonen, Konstantin Kogan, Marco Casteleijn, Marko Kalliomäki, Merja Penttilä, Mikael Skurnik, Per Saris, Quan Zhou, Riku Jäntti, Rosa Tengvall, Saija Kiljunen, Yolanda Sanz.


Leevi Kähkönen

Leevi is a Master's Student in Engineering Physics at Aalto University. In his free time, he loves producing and directing films. He also works as a freelancer video producer, videographer and editor, making all kinds of videos from enterprise films to music videos. Leevi filmed and assisted us with the promotion and presentation videos.

Roosis Manninen

Roosis is a Bachelor's Student in Visual Communication Design at Aalto University. Her passion is storytelling in all its forms, from theatre to videogames. She's also a choir enthusiast, and has been singing in various choirs for a decade. Roosis created the animations for our promotion video.

Lauri Jokinen

Lauri Jokinen studies systems analysis at Aalto University. He has many interests, but singing in a choir and a band occupies most of his free time. Lauri created the animations for our presentation video.


Christian Segercrantz

Christian Segercrantz is a Master's Student in Systems and Operations Research programme at Aalto University. Christian kindly helped us with translating our promotional video subtitles in Swedish.

Sponsors And Special Thanks

We thank our sponsors for supporting our project: Aalto University (School of Chemical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, School of Science), University of Helsinki (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences), HiLIFE, Kemianteollisuus, Sciar, Synbio Powerhouse, TEK, ThermoFisher Scientific, VTT.

Special thanks to Manuel Arias Barrantes for his guidance with scientific communication, and to Heureka for making our workshop possible despite the unusual circumstances.

A huge thank you to AaltoES, especially Hilla Klemetti, who let us use their podcast studio during the summer. We also want to give special thanks to everyone who participated in our podcast: Bulat Zagidullin, Carla Coll, Harri Montonen, Henna-Kaisa Wigren, iGEM Team Thessaly, Joel Noutere, Juha Saarikangas, Manuel Arias Barrantes, Neja Sirc, Oskari Vinko, Petri Kouvonen, and Valtteri Korkiakoski.

Synthetic Biology

Aalto University's School of Chemical Engineering has been hosting a Synthetic Biology course open to any Aalto University students interested in learning about genetic engineering and current biotechnology techniques. We want to especially thank Merja Penttilä, the responsible teacher, for enabling us to share the idea of iGEM and introduce our project idea to the class.

Aalto-Helsinki Team Wiki