


Proposed Implementation

Our proposed end-users & how we envision them using our project

As the Bolivia team we identified that the community members in urban and rural areas, although they will benefit from the visibility of their problems, are indirect users of our devices. However, when reflecting on the whole social and educational context we came to the conclusion that the best end users to make use of the Biosensor should be:

Antitoxin toxin system (3)

Researchers who are dedicated to collecting data on the presence of As in water for human consumption and researchers who study forms of sanitation. In Bolivia, a joint effort is being made by several researchers to identify the problems caused by the presence of arsenic in water for the people affected in terms of public health. The clearest example is Dr. Noemi Tirado.On the other hand, Dr. Mauricio Ormachea who works in very remote rural areas such as the Uru-Muratos community. (4) Both need to resort to highly specialized detection methods that are difficult to access in rural areas where conditions are not the best to house such equipment, which makes the water sampling process exponentially more difficult. In addition, confirming correctly the data obtained requires a large investment of physical energy and resources due to the long distances that must be traveled to sample wells and bodies of water. The distances are kilometers away from the laboratories where the methods are applied. With the Arsemaphore we accelerate the processes of correct data collection.

Antitoxin toxin system (3)


Likewise, we consider as end users those companies specialized in water remediation due to contamination of As and other heavy metals in rural community and urban community, such as the company AGUATUYA and CASA, who showed great interest in the biosensor as a tool to facilitate the detection of arsenic in contaminated water. For example, Mr. Renato Montoya, Executive Director of the organization Aguatuya, allowed us to visit some of the wastewater treatment plants, which are developed in the municipality of Sacaba (5). The plant has a purification tool to remove organic matter that pollutes the water. When he heard about our project he felt very interested because the presence of heavy metals in contact with bacteria affects their vitality. For this reason our biosensor would help to prevent this situation, which otherwise will lead to the inefficiency of the plant and its full operation. At the same time, we were offered to test our biosensor at the same time as the validation with the plant, for about 6 months. This event allows us to develop with more sufficiency and continuity our biosensor, having more opportunities to improve our device


How we would implement our project in the real world: Arsemaphore in the real world

Bolivian society lacks scientific culture and the use of synthetic biology generates susceptibility and possible reluctance to accept our project as a solution.Therefore, the implementation of the biosensor will have educational actions to sensitize people to understand the solutions from synthetic biology and guarantee the necessary biosafety measures.

A device that helps end users

Our concern is to generate susceptibilities to end users who will be in direct contact with community members in rural and urban areas. For such an event we are creating a device that avoids direct contact. We are based on the universal principle of biosafety (6): all biological material must be handled as risky, we also warn that the strain with which we work will not be released into the environment without being previously treated with sodium hypochlorite and then autoclaved along with all the material that comes into contact with it.

Considering aspects such as health, it should not come into direct contact with the person, because it is handled by means of a device; which will determine the samples under study. Through the mechatronic device it is possible to interpret, record and disseminate the manifestations of bacteria from 18 different samples quickly and accurately in a small space, being its main objective to accompany and enhance the biosensor considering as an important feature to reduce the exposure time of the operator with the bacteria, the information obtained may be observed by the operator in real time in addition to being transmitted via Wireless (wireless signals). It is portable, has an independent battery to facilitate its use by technicians of AGUA TUYA and CASA companies, researchers and technicians. Its use is intuitive. It is also semi-quantitative compared to atomic absorption spectrophotometry(7), whose use is widespread, because in Bolivia only this method is usually used, which is why our device facilitates expeditions to corners of our country where it is not easy to access the use of mass spectrophotometry. Our response time is a maximum of 24 hours. This helps a lot in mass data collection, it is field accessible, mobile, it is much cheaper. The bacteria can be very versatile, and can be improved for the future and adapted to other needs.


Conclusion about “The Problem & Our Human-Centered Approach”

In the year 2021, it became clear to the world that it was urgent and our responsibility to take climate change issues seriously and that it was time to act. Therefore, with the intention of recovering the water bodies, we have developed a Biosensor for Arsenic detection. It is our understanding that this will not solve the problem, so it remains vitally important to generate tools such as this that are affordable and therefore allow us to democratize the use of synthetic biology in Bolivia.

The proposal of the Bolivian team is the development of a Biosensor for the detection of Arsenic in drinking water, it is a whole cell Biosensor in which an E. coli DH5α bacteria will be used, whose genetic circuit will be built by the the Bolivian team. It will have sensitivity to arsenic, it has a detection module, processing module output module, resulting in a signal that is characterized by the color change of chromoproteins. It is measurable in case of the presence of arsenic in the studied water samples.

Other challenges to be considered: To future and solutions

We are aware that our project does not solve the As problem in the urban and rural communities that we visited. However, our commitment and responsibility towards the communities that allowed us to make their problems visible, it is up to us to explore solutions so that in the future the Bolivia team can be part of the solutions to the presence and contamination of As.

Mechanisms of Arsenic Transformation by Bacteria

In our research on bioremediation, we found that bacteria have a great metabolic diversity, due to their capacity to obtain energy using different oxidation-reduction reactions; therefore, an important number of microorganisms are capable of using arsenic, either in its oxidized form of arsenate or in the reduced form of arsenite, for their metabolism.

Microorganisms that transform As(V) and As(III) are diverse in their phylogeny and physiology. For arsenic transformation there are three main enzyme systems:

  • Arsenite oxidase,
  • Arsenate reductase
  • Cytoplasmic arsenate reductase, cytoplasmic arsenate reductase and cytoplasmic arsenate reductase.

A large number of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria employ a common arsenic resistance mechanism based on the arsRDABC operon encoding five genes, which corresponds to the most studied arsenic detoxification system and is involved in the reduction of arsenate to arsenite by the enzyme arsenate reductase that expels arsenite out of the cell using an arsenic ejector pump.

In this area, it is concluded that an oxidation-reduction cycle between As(III) and As(V) is necessary to ensure the survival of bacteria inhabiting arsenic-contaminated niches. In their study, they tested the resistance of 6 bacterial strains isolated from the rhizosphere of the hyperaccumulator plant Pteris vittata to arsenite or arsenate and the relationship between this, phosphorus transport and siderophore production. Although most of the isolated strains reduced As(V), the existence of bacteria capable of oxidizing As(III) was necessary to establish a balance between the concentrations of both arsenic species and, thus, avoid the accumulation of arsenic inside the cell (8).


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