
Bolivia | Inclusivity = Award



Inclusivity Award is part of iGEM Bolivia. The objective is the development of educational videos in the native languages recognized in Bolivia: Aymara, Quechua and Guarani; the purpose of this activity is to break the language barrier when communicating science. In addition, to generate a positive impact on society by disseminating basic knowledge about biology and biotechnology.

The contents of each video were previously reviewed by two of our instructors (Dr. Densy Pelaez and Cecilia Gonzalez MS.C.), so that before being translated, the content was appropriate and had a clear language.

The videos are posted on different platforms such as: Youtube, Instagram and Facebook, the latter being the main one. In this sense, the videos were disseminated in media such as television (university television of La Paz), with the aim of making the information visible and reaching more people in the country.

In the future, we would like to implement videos in sign language, as well as include other topics of social importance and educational material from different academic areas.


The Inclusivity team consists of more than 70 people, including coordinators, scriptwriters, translators, presenters and editors, all of them coming from different university careers; it also counts with the help of the broadcasting team for the best propagation of all the videos in the different platforms.


The first video published in this section belongs to the Aymara language, presenting concepts of biology and mentioning examples of everyday life to generate greater understanding in Aymara-speakers.

Each video has a simple explanation and has a curious fact that enriches the information to be disseminated.


With the support of charismatic presenters, the videos in Quechua were well received by the different social network communities of iGEM Bolivia. It should be noted that in Bolivia there are more Quechua speakers than Aymara speakers.

Something to highlight in the Quechua video section is that there are Quechua-speakers from different parts of the country, so in all the videos you can appreciate the different accents belonging to various regions.


With regard to the videos in Guarani, we have the pleasant help of a translator, who also acts as a presenter. Due to the fact that this language was implemented towards the end of our administration, we have a smaller number of videos.

Thanks to our volunteers, we are able to include the people of eastern Bolivia in our great project, thus achieving greater reach and visibility.


Two of our volunteers, Nicol Pacosillo and Clavel Condorin, were interviewed on July 1, 2021 on Radio El Deber, within the program Aquí Estoy of national reach through social networks. In the interview with Linda Gonzales, they talked about the inclusion activities developed by our area and mentioned that the initiative was born with the objective of teaching scientific terms, which can be difficult to understand in a language other than the native one, through the use of simple language.

Presentation of educational videos during the interview
The presentation request was made to the UMSA TV station, within the BioFar TV program.


On August 13, the Inclusivity Award team visited the students of the Puerto Chaguaya Educational Unit, in the department of La Paz. A presentation on the objectives of iGEM Bolivia was given and of course the Synthetic Biology video was shown in the Aymara language accompanied by recreational activities such as crossword puzzles for the students

Puerto Chayagua Educational Unit
Director of the Educational Unit with our mascot Arsenito
Didactic material for students
Socialization with students

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