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<!-- # TODO: #6 Fix table caption font--><!-- # TODO: #7 Fix citations links font size--><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/><title>iGEM Team DD</title><script>var l_t_t;
<!-- # TODO: #6 Fix table caption font--><!-- # TODO: #7 Fix citations links font size--><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" name="viewport"/><title>iGEM Team DD</title><script>var l_t_t;
function start_loader() {
function start_loader() {

Revision as of 11:30, 21 October 2021


+++ pathogenstatus in düsseldorf: leicht erhöhtes insektenrisiko +++ seit monaten genug regen +++ menschen sind froh über die überdurchschnittlich gute ernte +++ immer mehr bauern setzen auf glashäuser +++ wasserqualität in deutschland steigt +++ 10 von 15 supermarktkunden kaufen bio +++ immer mehr verzichten freiwillig auf fleisch +++ bienen sind nicht mehr bedroht +++ +++ pathogenstatus in düsseldorf: leicht erhöhtes insektenrisiko +++ seit monaten genug regen +++ menschen sind froh über die überdurchschnittlich gute ernte +++ immer mehr bauern setzen auf glashäuser +++ wasserqualität in deutschland steigt +++ 10 von 15 supermarktkunden kaufen bio +++ immer mehr verzichten freiwillig auf fleisch +++ bienen sind nicht mehr bedroht +++

Heute ist es sehr schön in Düsseldorf!

Leichte Sonne und Wind, kein Regen

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil perspiciatis minus quam provident commodi assumenda quia ipsum voluptatibus nostrum molestias, quasi adipisci sint, reiciendis vero! Alias sint dignissimos quis sapiente.

Reprehenderit adipisci laboriosam perferendis neque minima iusto placeat corrupti recusandae architecto, necessitatibus ipsa soluta aliquam ea cupiditate, maiores culpa nisi cum? Laboriosam?

Vero ratione quisquam excepturi labore ad assumenda, qui eligendi iusto numquam nihil. Porro alias saepe obcaecati praesentium repellendus. Non natus nihil rerum?

Die letzten 5 Meldungen aus Düsseldorf
  • 12.07.2021 | Bienensterben durch Pestizide
  • 11.07.2021 | Hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit in NRW fördert Pilze
  • 10.07.2021 | Insektenplage in Bergheim
  • 09.07.2021 | Arialis Lorempsum infiziert sich vermehrt mit der Gekunkrankheit
  • 08.07.2021 | Marienkäferplage wurde dank Vögel aufgelöst
Aktuelle Warnungen:

Keine. :)

Pathogen Simulator

Deine aktuelle Simulation basierend auf dem Wetter und den neusten Nachrichten.
Du kannst die Parameter beliebig anpassen und experimentieren.

iGEM Team DD

= healthy plants =
= secured food supply =
= healthy humans =

With the worlds population steadily growing our demand for food is rising as well.

Soon, there will be
8 billion people to feed.

To meet their demand for food
we will need a more efficient agriculture.

Annual crop yields have already risen to
9.1 billion tonnes in 2018


a total of up to
of crops are lost due to pests & pathogens
(=preventable circumstances)

If it is preventable, why isn't it prevented?

Treating infected plants and fields can be tedious work
and is often quite expensive.

The state of the art for pathogen differentiation is
either visual detection
or analysis in the lab.

Both methods work just fine,
but they both also bring their own set of problems...

1. Visual Detection

Visually, some pathogens look the same and even skilled professionals can not differentiate them.

2. Lab Analysis

Current lab analysis procedures are only possible when the infection is already in a late stage(too late to act). Additionally these analysis can take up to 3(?) weeks,giving the pathogen even more time to spread.

by detecting the responsible pathogen
we can save


So... what did we do?

we researched and developed
a modern in-field quick test
which makes it possible for experts
to detect different pathogens early enough!

Thus, the farmer can take preventive actions
to reduced the yield loss
caused by these pathogenes.

read more about the details:

About us and our project


Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Human Practices

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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