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<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.18.0/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/16327/MorphSVGPlugin.min.js"></script>
  position: fixed;
  /* width: 800px; */
  /* height: 600px; */
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  /* transform: translate(-50%, -100%); */
#grass_stage path {
  fill: none;
  stroke: green;
Author: Lucas Mota Ribeiro
This project creates an adaptive array of leafs and animate them.
class Grass {
* Load leaf generator when document is ready.
  constructor(path, offset, width, height, minHeight, maxHeight, maxAngle, startAngle) {
var MID_HEIGHT = 1; // The height of the middle of the leaf.
var HEIGHT = 33; // Leaf Height.
var WIDTH = 17; // Leaf width.
var distance = 10; // Distance between leafs.
var ANGLE = Math.PI / 2; // The angle tha the leaf starts.
var RANDOMNESS  = 14; // How random these parameters are the leaf's array.
var time = 0; // Time counter.
var leafColor = '#013e04'; // Color of the leaf.
    this.path = path;   
var FPS = 30;
var SPEED = 5;
    this.width    = random(1, 5);
var LAMBDA = 0.5;
    this.height  = random(20, maxHeight);
    this.maxAngle = random(30, maxAngle);
    this.angle    = Math.random() * randomSign() * startAngle * Math.PI / 180;   
    var offsetX = 1.5;
    // Start position
    var sx = offset / 2 + random(width - offset);
    var sy = height; 
    // Curvature
    var csx = sx - offsetX;
    var csy = sy - this.height / (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : 2);
    // Parallel point
    var psx = csx;
* Funtion to generate leafs.
     var psy = csy;
function exec() {
    var dx = sx + this.width;
     var dy = sy;
    * Array of leafs.
     var grass = [];
     this.coords  = [sx, sy, csx, csy, psx, psy, dx, dy];             
    * Canvas element to draw the leafs.
    this.growing = false;
    this.morphed = false;
     var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    this.start  = 0;
    this.elapsed = 0;
    this.height_ = this.height; 
    this.height  = random(20, Math.min(500, this.height));
    var ambient = 0.85;
    var color = [
      Math.floor(random(16,  48)  * ambient), 
      Math.floor(random(100, 255) * ambient),
      Math.floor(random(16,  48)  * ambient)
    var w = this.width / 2;
     var d = `M${sx},${sy + 2},h${w},h${w}z`;
    TweenLite.set(path, { fill: `rgb(${color})`, attr: { d }});
  grow() {
    this.morphed = true;
    this.growing = false;
    this.elapsed = now() - this.start;
     TweenLite.to(this, random(2.5, 3.5), { height: this.height_, ease: Power1.easeInOut });
    * Canvas 2D context.
  morph(morphSVG) {
     var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
     var time  = random(1.5, 3.5);
    var delay = random(0.5, 4.5);
    this.growing = true;
    TweenLite.to(this.path, time, { morphSVG, delay, onComplete: () => this.grow()});
  update(time) {
    if (this.growing) return;
    time -= this.elapsed;
     var coords = this.coords;
     canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 2;
     var tip = Math.sin(time * 0.0007);
    * Canvas width.
    var canvW = canvas.width;
     var th = this.angle + Math.PI / 2 + tip * Math.PI / 180 * (this.maxAngle * Math.cos(time * 0.0002));
     var px = coords[0] + this.width  + this.height * Math.cos(th);
    * List of random digits as string.
     var py = coords[1] - this.height * Math.sin(th);
     var digits = "";
     var d = `M${coords[0]},${coords[1]}`;  
     d += `C${coords[0]},${coords[1]},${coords[2]},${coords[3]},${px},${py}`;
     d += `C${px},${py},${coords[4]},${coords[5]},${coords[6]},${coords[7]}z`;
    * Random counter.
     if (!this.morphed) {
     var randCounter = 0;
      this.start = now();
    } else {
      this.path.setAttribute("d", d);
     //            FUNCTIONS
    * Gets next random digit from the array of digits.
    function nextRand(){
        var size = digits.length;
        randCounter = (randCounter == size) ? 0 : ++randCounter;
        return digits[randCounter];
  destroy() {
function getWidth() {
  return Math.max(
    * Create leafs.
    function createLeafs(){
        randCounter = 0;
        for (var dist = 0; dist < canvas.width + 50; dist += distance) {
            var leaf={}
            var paralAng=ANGLE-Math.PI/2;
            leaf.rand0 = nextRand();
            leaf.rand1 = nextRand();
            leaf.rand2 = nextRand();
var xmlns  = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
            //console.log(leaf.rand0+" "+leaf.rand1+" "+leaf.rand2+" "+(((leaf.rand0-5)/5)*HEIGHT*RANDOMNESS/100)+HEIGHT);
            leaf.Y0 = canvas.height + 5;
            leaf.X0 = dist;
            leaf.X1 = Math.floor(HEIGHT*Math.cos(ANGLE));
            leaf.Y1 = Math.floor(HEIGHT*Math.sin(ANGLE));
            leaf.X2 = Math.floor(MID_HEIGHT*Math.cos(ANGLE));//0
            leaf.Y2 = Math.floor(MID_HEIGHT*Math.sin(ANGLE));//75
            leaf.X3 =  leaf.X2 + Math.floor(WIDTH*Math.cos(paralAng));
            leaf.Y3 =  leaf.Y2 + Math.floor(WIDTH*Math.sin(paralAng));
            leaf.X4 =  leaf.X2 + Math.floor(WIDTH*Math.cos(paralAng+Math.PI));
            leaf.Y4 =  leaf.Y2 + Math.floor(WIDTH*Math.sin(paralAng+Math.PI));
var perf  = window.performance;
            leaf.path1 = new Path2D('M '+leaf.X0+' '+leaf.Y0+' q '+leaf.X3+' -'+leaf.Y3+' '+leaf.X1+' -'+leaf.Y1);
var now    = perf ? perf.now.bind(perf) : Date.now;
            leaf.path2 = new Path2D('M '+leaf.X0+' '+leaf.Y0+' q '+leaf.X4+' -'+leaf.Y4+' '+leaf.X1+' -'+leaf.Y1);
            grass.push(leaf); // Add lead to array.
var stage = document.querySelector("#stage");
    * Draw the array of leafs for a certain time.
    * @param time The current time.
    function drawGrass(time) {
        randCounter = 0;
        grass = [];
        for(var dist = -100; dist < canvas.width + 50; dist += distance){
            var time_ang = Math.PI/6*Math.cos((dist * LAMBDA + time * SPEED) * Math.PI / 180);
            var leaf = {}, tHeight = 0, tMheight = 0, tWidth = 0;
            var paralAng = ANGLE-Math.PI/2+time_ang;
            var aux;
            leaf.rand0 = nextRand();
            leaf.rand1 = nextRand();
            leaf.rand2 = nextRand();
            aux = ((leaf.rand0 - 5) * HEIGHT * RANDOMNESS / 500);
            tHeight =aux+HEIGHT;
              console.log(">>"+typeof(aux) +" "+typeof(HEIGHT)+" "+typeof(tHeight));
            tMheight = ((((leaf.rand1-5)/5)*MID_HEIGHT*RANDOMNESS/100)+MID_HEIGHT);
            tWidth = ((((leaf.rand2-5)/5)*WIDTH*RANDOMNESS/100)+WIDTH);
var start  = now();
            //console.log(leaf.rand0+" "+leaf.rand1+" "+leaf.rand2+" "+((((leaf.rand0-5)/5)*HEIGHT*RANDOMNESS/100)+HEIGHT));
var blades = [];
            leaf.Y0 = canvas.height+5;
            leaf.X0 = dist;
            leaf.X1 = Math.floor(tHeight*Math.cos(ANGLE+time_ang));
            leaf.Y1 = Math.floor(tHeight*Math.sin(ANGLE+time_ang));
            leaf.X2 = Math.floor(tMheight*Math.cos(ANGLE+time_ang));//0
            leaf.Y2 = Math.floor(tMheight*Math.sin(ANGLE+time_ang));//75
            leaf.X3 = leaf.X2 + Math.floor(tWidth*Math.cos(paralAng));
            leaf.Y3 = leaf.Y2 + Math.floor(tWidth*Math.sin(paralAng));
            leaf.X4 = leaf.X2 + Math.floor(tWidth*Math.cos(paralAng+Math.PI));
            leaf.Y4 = leaf.Y2 + Math.floor(tWidth*Math.sin(paralAng+Math.PI));
var offset = 20;
            leaf.path1 =new Path2D('M '+leaf.X0+' '+leaf.Y0+' q '+leaf.X3+' '+(-leaf.Y3)+' '+leaf.X1+' '+(-leaf.Y1));
var width  = getWidth();
            leaf.path2 =new Path2D('M '+leaf.X0+' '+leaf.Y0+' q '+leaf.X4+' '+(-leaf.Y4)+' '+leaf.X1+' '+(-leaf.Y1));
var height = 100;
var total  = getWidth() / 6;
        // var k =3;
        //console.log("ANGLE:"+Math.floor(ANGLE*180/Math.PI)+" P0:"+grass[k].X0+" "+(400-grass[k].Y0)+" P1:"+(grass[k].X0+grass[k].X1)+" "+grass[k].Y1+" P2:"+(grass[k].X0+grass[k].X2)+" "+grass[k].Y2+" P3:"+(grass[k].X0+grass[k].X3)+" "+grass[k].Y3+" P4:"+(grass[k].X0+grass[k].X4)+" "+grass[k].Y4);
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
var minHeight  = 10;
        for(var i = 0; i < grass.length; i++){
var maxHeight  = height * .8;
            ctx.fillStyle = leafColor;
var maxAngle  = 20;
            var leaf = grass[i];
var startAngle = 40;
            //ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(1,62,4,0.5)";
TweenLite.set(stage, { width, height });
            // console.log(typeof(leaf.X0));
            var grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(leaf.X0 + leaf.X1, leaf.Y0 - leaf.Y1, leaf.X0, leaf.Y0);
            var opacity = 0; //55% visible
TweenLite.ticker.addEventListener("tick", render);
            grad.addColorStop(0.2, leafColor);
            grad.addColorStop(1, leafColor);
            ctx.strokeStyle = grad;
            ctx.moveTo(leaf.X0, leaf.Y0);
            ctx.lineTo(leaf.X0+leaf.X1, leaf.Y0-leaf.Y1);
            /*ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
            if(i == 0){
                ctx.font="20px Georgia";
                ctx.fillText("x0:"+leaf.X0+" y0:"+leaf.Y0,10,10);
                ctx.fillText("x1:"+leaf.X1+" y1:"+leaf.Y1,10,40);
                ctx.fillText("x2:"+leaf.X2+" y2:"+leaf.Y2,10,70);
                ctx.fillText("x3:"+leaf.X3+" y3:"+leaf.Y3,10,100);
                ctx.fillText("x4:"+leaf.X4+" y4:"+leaf.Y4,10,130);
        ctx.fillText("r0:"+leaf.rand0+" r1:"+leaf.rand1+" r2:"+leaf.rand2,500,20);
function init() {
    function resizeCanvas() {
        canvas.width = $('canvas').parent().innerWidth();
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  blades.forEach(blade => blade.destroy());
    //          EXECUTION
  blades = [];
    // Populate random digits string
    for(var i = 0; i < 137;i++){
        digits += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10**9);
  for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
     var path = createSVG("path", stage);
     blades[i] = new Grass(path, offset, width, height, minHeight, maxHeight, maxAngle, startAngle);
     // Updates canvas for a certain FPS.
    window.setInterval(function () {
        time = (time<=360) ? ++time : 0;
    }, 1000/FPS);
function render() {
* Updates leafs' height.
  var elapsed = now() - start;
* @param new_height The new height.
  if (!blades.length) return;
function updateHeight(new_height) {
     HEIGHT = Number(new_height);
  for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
function createSVG(type, parent) {
  var node = document.createElementNS(xmlns, type);
* Updates leafs' middle height.
  parent && parent.appendChild(node);
* @param new_Mheight The new middle height.
  return node;
function updateMHeight(new_Mheight) {
    MID_HEIGHT = Number(new_Mheight);
function random(min, max) {
  if (max == null) {
* Updates leafs' width.
     max = min;
* @param new_width The new width.
    min = 0;
function updateWidth(new_width) {
  return min + Math.random() * (max - min);
     WIDTH = Number(new_width);
function randomSign() {
  return Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
* Updates leafs' starting angle.
* @param new_width The new angle.
function updateAngle(new_angle) {
    ANGLE = Number(new_angle) * (Math.PI/180);
* Updates how random the leafs parameters will be.
* @param new_random The new randomness.
function updateRandomness(new_random) {
    RANDOMNESS = Number(new_random);
* Updates canvas' height.
* @param new_width The new canvas height.
function updateCanvasHeight(new_cheight) {
    var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
    canvas.height = Number(new_cheight);
* Updates leafs' distance between each other.
* @param new_distance The new distance between leafs.
function updateLeafsDistance(new_distance) {
    distance = Number(new_distance);
<svg id="grass_stage">
<canvas height="150px" id="canvas"></canvas>

Revision as of 09:44, 6 October 2021