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         <h1 id="title">PARTNERSHIP</h1>
         <div class="app-header-image-wrapper" id="img">
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             <h3 class="index-headline">Getting acquainted</h3>
      <canvas id="canvas-transition">
              In June, we found on Slack that our and TU Delft teams are working
               with aptamers this year. Therefore we decided to arrange a meeting
      <div class="app-header">
               to brainstorm how our teams could work together. We had our first
        <div class="app-header-image-wrapper" id="img">
               online call on the 2nd of July. After this meeting, we decided to
          <h1 id="title">        PARTNERSHIP                 
               orientate our partnership in the <b> dry lab </b> .
          <img alt="Header" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/4/4f/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--Partnership.jpg"/>
              At the time our dry lab team was in the <b> design stage </b> of
              the software development. One of the ideas was to run M.A.W.S.
       <div class="app-content">  
              (making aptamers without SELEX), program originally created by
         <div class="app-content-text">  
              Heidelberg iGEM 2015 team[1], update and potentially improve it.
           <div class="content-page-container">  
              Apparently, TU Delft team was also interested in running this
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Getting acquainted                    
              program. Since our teams found mutual interest, our dry lab team
              set ourselves the task to <b> plan </b> the potential
             <p>           In June, we found on Slack that our and TU Delft teams are working              with aptamers this year. Therefore we decided to arrange a meeting              to brainstorm how our teams could work together. We had our first              online call on the 2nd of July. After this meeting, we decided to              orientate our partnership in the                        
              collaboration regarding this idea. In general, we initially
              <b>           dry lab.                       
              suggested that our teams would <b> collaborate </b> on improving
              the program.
             <p>           At the time our dry lab team was in the                        
             <div class="figure-container">
              <b>           design stage                        
              </b>           of the                 software development. One of the ideas was to run M.A.W.S. (making                 aptamers without SELEX), program originally created by Heidelberg                 iGEM 2015 team[1], update and potentially improve it. Apparently,                 TU Delft team was also interested in running this program. Since                 our teams found mutual interest, our dry lab team set ourselves                 the task to                        
              <b>           plan                        
              </b>           the potential collaboration regarding this                   idea. In general, we initially suggested that our teams                 would                        
              <b>           collaborate                        
              </b>           on improving the program.                    
                 <b> Fig. 1. </b> The first online meeting with TU Delft team
             <div class="figure-container">  
               <img alt="" id="Figure1" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/5/5b/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--first_meeting_with_TU_Delft.png"/>  
             <h3 class="index-headline">Collaboration brainstorming</h3>
                 <b>             Fig. 1.                          
                </b>           The first online meeting with TU Delft team                        
              However, our initially suggested plan to focus on the software was
              not suitable for the timetable of TU Delft’s dry lab team. Due to
              this reason, we looked for other mutual spots to collaborate.
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Collaboration brainstorming                    
               Since our projects include sequencing and data analysis, we came
               up with an idea to apply each other’s chosen sequencing workflows
             <p>           However, our initially suggested plan to focus on the software               was not suitable for the timetable of TU Delft’s dry lab team.               Due to this reason, we looked for other mutual spots to collaborate.              Since our projects include sequencing and data analysis, we came              up with an idea to apply each other’s chosen sequencing workflows              and compare the results. Our teams organized another meeting to                        
               and compare the results. Our teams organized another meeting to
               <b>           consider this idea                        
               <b> consider this idea </b> and get a better insight into our
              </b>           and get a better insight into our              sequencing analysis workflows. After the meeting we decided              that we cannot apply each other’s analysis, thus we                        
               sequencing analysis workflows. After the meeting we decided that
               <b>           rejected                        
               we cannot apply each other’s analysis, thus we
              </b>           this conception.                    
               <b> rejected </b> this conception.
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Designing the partnership                    
             <h3 class="index-headline">Designing the partnership</h3>
             <p>           Both meetings that we organized were indeed enjoyable and              fruitful, hence we were interested in continuing our cooperation.              Since we had several interactions, we thought that our communication               might grow into a                        
              Both meetings that we organized were indeed enjoyable and
              <b>           partnership.                       
               fruitful, hence we were interested in continuing our cooperation.
              </b>           Apparently, both we and TU               Delft team were interested in fulfilling the Gold criteria regarding               this subject.                    
               Since we had several interactions, we thought that our
               communication might grow into a <b> partnership </b> . Apparently,
             <p>           In the end of July, we had                        
              both we and TU Delft team were interested in fulfilling the Gold
               <b>           one complete engineering cycle,                       
              criteria regarding this subject.
              </b>                         regarding software,                        
               <b>           passed:                       
              </b>           we designed the implementation of               the program, the implementation was performed, and first results               (aptamer sequences for our target protein EhPPDK) were validated using              aptamer affinity evaluation                        
              In the end of July, we had
              <i>           in silico                        
               <b> one complete engineering cycle </b> , regarding software,
              </i>           modeling flow. The results               of docking showed that our software generates aptamers of length N that               are more affine than random aptamers of the same length N.                    
               <b> passed </b> : we designed the implementation of the program,
              the implementation was performed, and first results (aptamer
             <div class="figure-container center">  
              sequences for our target protein EhPPDK) were validated using
               <img alt="" id="Figure2" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/e/ea/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--engineering_cycle_unit_circle.png" width=600 px/>  
               aptamer affinity evaluation <i> in silico </i> modeling flow. The
               results of docking showed that our software generates aptamers of
                <b>             Fig. 2.                          
              length N that are more affine than random aptamers of the same
                </b>           The engineering cycle                        
              length N.
             <div class="figure-container">
             <p>           We contacted TU Delft with the question regarding the potential partnership               when we were at the point of the completed second “Build” stage. Our dry               lab team was looking for ways to enter the                        
               <b>           testing                        
              </b>           stage -                        
              <b>           validating                        
              </b>           the software. Meanwhile, TU Delft team was interested               in getting an aptamer sequence for their vitamin detection using an                        
               <b>           alternative                        
               <div><b> Fig. 2. </b> The engineering cycle</div>
              </b>           approach more                        
              <b>           optimized                        
              </b>           than DRIVER. Finally,               we found a                        
              We contacted TU Delft with the question regarding the potential
              <b>           mutual spot                        
              partnership when we were at the point of the completed second
              </b>           for a meaningful partnership where both               teams would                        
              “Build” stage. Our dry lab team was looking for ways to enter the
              <b>           benefit.                        
               <b> testing </b> stage - <b> validating </b> the software.
              Meanwhile, TU Delft team was interested in getting an aptamer
              sequence for their vitamin detection using an
             <p>           In order to plan our partnership, we organized another call, in which we               discussed the details about aptamer generation.                    
               <b> alternative </b> approach more <b> optimized </b> than DRIVER.
              Finally, we found a <b> mutual spot </b> for a meaningful
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Cooperation                    
              partnership where both teams would <b> benefit. </b>
             <p>           At first, TU Delft team requested to generate aptamers for vitamins B9,               B12, and B1. Although even after introducing adjustments to the program               to take vitamin molecules as input, the program                       
               <b>           did not generate                        
              In order to plan our partnership, we organized another call, in
              </b>           affine aptamer sequences for the mentioned vitamins. Unexpectedly, this               brought our software development through testing and learning stages.               After designing, building and testing several methods to tackle the               problem, we                        
              which we discussed the details about aptamer generation.
               <b>           learned                        
              </b>           that our software has the                        
             <h3 class="index-headline">Cooperation</h3>
              <b>           limitation                        
              </b>           to take only protein molecules as targets.                    
              At first, TU Delft team requested to generate aptamers for
              vitamins B9, B12, and B1. Although even after introducing
             <p>           Eventually, we decided to address the issue of the small targets by               arranging another call. We explained that the program works properly               only for protein targets, and we asked whether, by chance, there would               be a                        
              adjustments to the program to take vitamin molecules as input, the
              <b>           protein structure                        
               program <b> did not generate </b> affine aptamer sequences for the
              </b>           for which they would require an aptamer               sequence. TU Delft team decided to devote some time for a literature               analysis about proteins related to vitamins, and eventually, they               reached out to us with positive news. They announced that they found               a                        
              mentioned vitamins. Unexpectedly, this brought our software
               <b>           retinol-binding protein (RBP4)                        
              development through testing and learning stages. After designing,
              </b>           that binds to vitamin A,              which they would be interested in detecting using aptamers. By              including this protein, they would                        
              building and testing several methods to tackle the problem, we
              <b>           expand their project,                       
               <b> learned </b> that our software has the <b> limitation </b> to
              </b>                         and we could                        
              take only protein molecules as targets.
              <b>           validate our software.                       
              Eventually, we decided to address the issue of the small targets
             <p>           We settled down with the protein, and in a couple of days, we prepared               single-stranded DNA aptamer sequences 21 and 30 nucleotides long, scored               them using aptamer docking flow, and sent them to our colleagues from               the Netherlands. The scores of the sequences are given in table 1. Mfold               score stands for evaluation of aptamer’s stability of its secondary               structure in regards to Gibbs energy. Meanwhile HDOCK score is a score               of docking which stands for aptamer’s affinity to the target. Both of               these scores are considered the smaller the better.                    
               by arranging another call. We explained that the program works
               properly only for protein targets, and we asked whether, by
             <div class="table-container">  
              chance, there would be a <b> protein structure </b> for which they
               <div class="table-headline">  
              would require an aptamer sequence. TU Delft team decided to devote
                 <b>             Table 1.                          
              some time for a literature analysis about proteins related to
                </b>           Secondary structure and docking scores of single-stranded DNA sequences                        
              vitamins, and eventually, they reached out to us with positive
              news. They announced that they found a
               <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">  
               <b> retinol-binding protein (RBP4) </b> that binds to vitamin A,
               which they would be interested in detecting using aptamers. By
               including this protein, they would <b> expand their project </b> ,
                     <th title="Field #1">               Aptamer                                
              and we could <b> validate our software </b> .
                     <th title="Field #2">               Sequence                                
              We settled down with the protein, and in a couple of days, we
                     <th title="Field #3">               Mfold score                                
               prepared single-stranded DNA aptamer sequences 21 and 30
              nucleotides long, scored them using aptamer docking flow, and sent
                     <th title="Field #4">               HDOCK score                                
              them to our colleagues from the Netherlands. The scores of the
              sequences are given in table 1. Mfold score stands for evaluation
              of aptamer’s stability of its secondary structure in regards to
              Gibbs energy. Meanwhile HDOCK score is a score of docking which
              stands for aptamer’s affinity to the target. Both of these scores
              are considered the smaller the better.
                     <td>               initial_RBP4_21                                
             <div class="table-container">
                     <td>               GTTGATTGTTATGTTTAGTGA                                
               <div class="table-headline">
                 <b> Table 1. </b> Secondary structure and docking scores of
                     <td align="right">               1.25                                
                single-stranded DNA sequences
                     <td align="right">               -317.59                                
               <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
                     <th title="Field #1">Aptamer</th>
                     <td>               random_21                                
                     <th title="Field #2">Sequence</th>
                     <th title="Field #3">Mfold score</th>
                     <td>               GGCAGGTCAATTCGCACTGTG                                
                     <th title="Field #4">HDOCK score</th>
                     <td align="right">               -0.40                                
                     <td align="right">               -320.05                                
                     <td align="right">1.25</td>
                     <td>               RBP4_30                                
                     <td align="right">-317.59</td>
                     <td>               GTTGATTGTTATGTTTAGTGACGGGTTCCC                                
                     <td align="right">               0.78                                
                     <td align="right">-0.40</td>
                     <td align="right">               -363.45                                
                     <td align="right">-320.05</td>
                     <td>               random_30                                
                     <td align="right">0.78</td>
                     <td>               AGGGTCACATGGGCGTTTGGCACTACCGAC                                
                     <td align="right">-363.45</td>
                     <td align="right">               -1.22                                
                     <td align="right">               -356.26                                
                     <td align="right">-1.22</td>
                     <td align="right">-356.26</td>
             <p>           After several days, TU Delft team wrote us a letter inviting us to              have a call before setting up an order. Eventually, to keep the              expenses reasonable, we adjusted the agreement for the partnership               that they would order                        
              </b> aptamer sequences and two random sequences as control:                      
              After several days, TU Delft team wrote us a letter inviting us to
               have a call before setting up an order. Eventually, to keep the
               expenses reasonable,, we adjusted the agreement for the
               <li>           The first sequence would be                          
               partnership that they would order <b> three </b> sequences:
                <b>             DNA                          
                </b>           (30 nucleotides long) aptamer for our software                          
                <b>             validation.                          
                The first sequence would be <b> DNA </b> (30 nucleotides long)
                aptamer for our software <b> validation. </b>
               <li>           The second sequence would be an                          
                <b>             RNA                          
                </b>           (30 nucleotides long) aptamer on its own                 to                          
                The second sequence would be an <b> RNA </b> (30 nucleotides
                <b>             validate                          
                long) aptamer on its own to <b> validate </b> how our software
                </b>           how our software predicts affine RNA aptamers.                        
                predicts affine RNA aptamers.
               <li>           Additionally, they would order the same RNA sequence incorporated into the                          
                <b>             ribozyme                          
                Additionally, they would order the same RNA sequence
                </b>           that would be the TU Delft project’s                          
                incorporated into the <b> ribozyme </b> that would be the TU
                <b>             extension.                           
                Delft project’s <b> extension </b> .
              <li>                Two               
              This agreement briefly brought our software development to the
                </b> sequences DNA (Table 1) and RNA 30 (Table 2) nucleotides long               
              building stage, in which we adjusted the program to make RNA
                <b>as control.              
              aptamers as well. After evaluation of the aptamers
               <i> in silico </i> we sent the additional sequences for our
               colleagues from TU Delft.
             <p>           This agreement briefly brought our software development to the building stage,               in which we adjusted the program to make RNA aptamers as well. After evaluation               of the aptamers                        
             <div class="table-container">
               <i>           in silico                        
               <div class="table-headline">
              </i>           we sent the additional sequences for our              colleagues from TU Delft.                    
                 <b> Table 2. </b> Scores of the final set of single-stranded DNA
                and RNA sequences
             <div class="table-container">  
               <div class="table-headline">  
               <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">
                 <b>             Table 2.                          
                </b>           Scores of the final set of single-stranded RNA sequences                        
                     <th title="Field #1">Aptamer</th>
               <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed">  
                     <th title="Field #2">Sequence</th>
                     <th title="Field #3">Mfold score</th>
                     <th title="Field #4">HDOCK score</th>
                     <th title="Field #1">               Aptamer                                
                     <th title="Field #2">               Sequence                                
                     <th title="Field #3">               Mfold score                                
                     <th title="Field #4">               HDOCK score                                
                     <td align="right">-1.6</td>
                     <td align="right">-376.82</td>
                     <td>               RBP4_RNA_30                                
                     <td align="right">-2.20</td>
                     <td align="right">-305.81</td>
                     <td>               GUCCCCCGCCCGUGUCCCGCUAGCCCCGCG                                
                     <td align="right">               -1.6                                
                     <td align="right">               -376.82                                
              Also, since the partnership required a certain amount of expenses,
              we decided to <b> split </b> them in half. We arranged another
              brief call to settle the details.
                     <td>               random_RNA_30_1                                
             <h3 class="index-headline">Results</h3>
                     <td>               CUGUUUUCGAAAUUACCCUUUAAGCGCGGG                                
             <h3 class="index-headline">Conclusions</h3>
                     <td align="right">               -2.20                                
           <div class="references-wrapper">
             <div class="breaker"></div>
                     <td align="right">               -305.81                                
             <div class="references-container">
               <div class="number">1.</div>
                M.A.W.S., iGEM Team Heidelberg, 2015,
                 <a href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/software/maws">
             <p>           Also, since the partnership required a certain amount of expenses, we decided to                        
                  To the Wiki
              <b>           split                        
              </b>           them in half. We arranged another brief call to settle the details.                    
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Results                    
            <p>              As soon as TU Delft team received the complete order of RBP4 protein,              they performed the performed             
         <div class="index-container">
              <b>electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)             
           <div class="index-header"></div>
              </b>              to evaluate the             
           <div class="index-content"></div>
              </b> between target protein and aptamer sequences              (more details can be found on             
              <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Team:TUDelft/Partnership" target="_blank">their Wiki page             
              </a>) and let us know about the results. They tested DNA and RNA sequences in an             
         <div class="logo-igem">
              <b>unobstructed form.             
              </b> Unfortunately, neither of the sequences were bound to the target protein - the chimeric form would have been tested if the free form of RNA sequence was affine to the target.           
            <div class="figure-container">
              <img alt="" id="Figure3" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2021/d/d0/T--Vilnius-Lithuania--TU_Delft_discussion_results.png"/>
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                <b>            Fig. 3.                           
                </b>            The last online meeting with TU Delft team                       
             <h3 class="index-headline">           Conclusions                    
            <p>              We had the last meeting regarding this subject and we discussed what could be              the main reason for such results. The main limitation in our case might be the             
              <b>size of the target molecule.             
              </b>              In the development process, we discovered that the program is unable to process small target molecules              that are             
              <b>not protein.             
              </b> Nevertheless, RBP4 is a protein, although compared to other proteins              it can be considered as small: its molecular weight is only             
              <b>21.09 kDa,             
              </b> meanwhile the molecular weight of             
              <b>bovine albumin             
              </b> is             
              <b>69.3 kDa,             
              </b>              and of EhPPDK (the main target protein of “AmeBye” diagnostics project) is             
              <b>98.07 kDa.             
              </b> The molecular weight              is related to the             
              <b>surface area,             
              </b> which is an important factor for our software to work,              although this statement should be investigated more thoroughly (the research suggestion is              described in             
              <a href="”https://2021.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania/Software”" target="”_blank”">our Software page             
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         <div class="grid-sponsors">
               <div>           M.A.W.S., iGEM Team Heidelberg, 2015,                          
                 <a target="_blank" href="https://2015.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/software/maws">             To the Wiki                          
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Getting acquainted

In June, we found on Slack that our and TU Delft teams are working with aptamers this year. Therefore we decided to arrange a meeting to brainstorm how our teams could work together. We had our first online call on the 2nd of July. After this meeting, we decided to orientate our partnership in the dry lab.

At the time our dry lab team was in the design stage of the software development. One of the ideas was to run M.A.W.S. (making aptamers without SELEX), program originally created by Heidelberg iGEM 2015 team[1], update and potentially improve it. Apparently, TU Delft team was also interested in running this program. Since our teams found mutual interest, our dry lab team set ourselves the task to plan the potential collaboration regarding this idea. In general, we initially suggested that our teams would collaborate on improving the program.

Fig. 1. The first online meeting with TU Delft team

Collaboration brainstorming

However, our initially suggested plan to focus on the software was not suitable for the timetable of TU Delft’s dry lab team. Due to this reason, we looked for other mutual spots to collaborate. Since our projects include sequencing and data analysis, we came up with an idea to apply each other’s chosen sequencing workflows and compare the results. Our teams organized another meeting to consider this idea and get a better insight into our sequencing analysis workflows. After the meeting we decided that we cannot apply each other’s analysis, thus we rejected this conception.

Designing the partnership

Both meetings that we organized were indeed enjoyable and fruitful, hence we were interested in continuing our cooperation. Since we had several interactions, we thought that our communication might grow into a partnership. Apparently, both we and TU Delft team were interested in fulfilling the Gold criteria regarding this subject.

In the end of July, we had one complete engineering cycle, regarding software, passed: we designed the implementation of the program, the implementation was performed, and first results (aptamer sequences for our target protein EhPPDK) were validated using aptamer affinity evaluation in silico modeling flow. The results of docking showed that our software generates aptamers of length N that are more affine than random aptamers of the same length N.

Fig. 2. The engineering cycle

We contacted TU Delft with the question regarding the potential partnership when we were at the point of the completed second “Build” stage. Our dry lab team was looking for ways to enter the testing stage - validating the software. Meanwhile, TU Delft team was interested in getting an aptamer sequence for their vitamin detection using an alternative approach more optimized than DRIVER. Finally, we found a mutual spot for a meaningful partnership where both teams would benefit.

In order to plan our partnership, we organized another call, in which we discussed the details about aptamer generation.


At first, TU Delft team requested to generate aptamers for vitamins B9, B12, and B1. Although even after introducing adjustments to the program to take vitamin molecules as input, the program did not generate affine aptamer sequences for the mentioned vitamins. Unexpectedly, this brought our software development through testing and learning stages. After designing, building and testing several methods to tackle the problem, we learned that our software has the limitation to take only protein molecules as targets.

Eventually, we decided to address the issue of the small targets by arranging another call. We explained that the program works properly only for protein targets, and we asked whether, by chance, there would be a protein structure for which they would require an aptamer sequence. TU Delft team decided to devote some time for a literature analysis about proteins related to vitamins, and eventually, they reached out to us with positive news. They announced that they found a retinol-binding protein (RBP4) that binds to vitamin A, which they would be interested in detecting using aptamers. By including this protein, they would expand their project, and we could validate our software.

We settled down with the protein, and in a couple of days, we prepared single-stranded DNA aptamer sequences 21 and 30 nucleotides long, scored them using aptamer docking flow, and sent them to our colleagues from the Netherlands. The scores of the sequences are given in table 1. Mfold score stands for evaluation of aptamer’s stability of its secondary structure in regards to Gibbs energy. Meanwhile HDOCK score is a score of docking which stands for aptamer’s affinity to the target. Both of these scores are considered the smaller the better.

Table 1. Secondary structure and docking scores of single-stranded DNA sequences
Aptamer Sequence Mfold score HDOCK score
initial_RBP4_21 GTTGATTGTTATGTTTAGTGA 1.25 -317.59
random_21 GGCAGGTCAATTCGCACTGTG -0.40 -320.05

After several days, TU Delft team wrote us a letter inviting us to have a call before setting up an order. Eventually, to keep the expenses reasonable, we adjusted the agreement for the partnership that they would order three aptamer sequences and two random sequences as control:

  • The first sequence would be DNA (30 nucleotides long) aptamer for our software validation.
  • The second sequence would be an RNA (30 nucleotides long) aptamer on its own to validate how our software predicts affine RNA aptamers.
  • Additionally, they would order the same RNA sequence incorporated into the ribozyme that would be the TU Delft project’s extension.
  • Two random sequences DNA (Table 1) and RNA 30 (Table 2) nucleotides long as control.

This agreement briefly brought our software development to the building stage, in which we adjusted the program to make RNA aptamers as well. After evaluation of the aptamers in silico we sent the additional sequences for our colleagues from TU Delft.

Table 2. Scores of the final set of single-stranded RNA sequences
Aptamer Sequence Mfold score HDOCK score

Also, since the partnership required a certain amount of expenses, we decided to split them in half. We arranged another brief call to settle the details.


As soon as TU Delft team received the complete order of RBP4 protein, they performed the performed electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) to evaluate the interaction between target protein and aptamer sequences (more details can be found on their Wiki page ) and let us know about the results. They tested DNA and RNA sequences in an unobstructed form. Unfortunately, neither of the sequences were bound to the target protein - the chimeric form would have been tested if the free form of RNA sequence was affine to the target.

Fig. 3. The last online meeting with TU Delft team


We had the last meeting regarding this subject and we discussed what could be the main reason for such results. The main limitation in our case might be the size of the target molecule. In the development process, we discovered that the program is unable to process small target molecules that are not protein. Nevertheless, RBP4 is a protein, although compared to other proteins it can be considered as small: its molecular weight is only 21.09 kDa, meanwhile the molecular weight of bovine albumin is 69.3 kDa, and of EhPPDK (the main target protein of “AmeBye” diagnostics project) is 98.07 kDa. The molecular weight is related to the surface area, which is an important factor for our software to work, although this statement should be investigated more thoroughly (the research suggestion is described in our Software page ).


M.A.W.S., iGEM Team Heidelberg, 2015, To the Wiki