Difference between revisions of "Template:BJ101ID/ExampleCSSTemplate plugins"

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: root {
    --animate - duration: 1 s;
    --animate - delay: 1 s;
    --animate - repeat: 1
}.animate__animated {
    -webkit - animation - duration: 1 s;
    animation - duration: 1 s; - webkit - animation - duration: var (--animate - duration);
    animation - duration: var (--animate - duration); - webkit - animation - fill - mode: both;
    animation - fill - mode: both
}.animate__animated.animate__infinite {
    -webkit - animation - iteration - count: infinite;
    animation - iteration - count: infinite
}.animate__animated.animate__repeat - 1 {
    -webkit - animation - iteration - count: 1;
    animation - iteration - count: 1; - webkit - animation - iteration - count: var (--animate - repeat);
    animation - iteration - count: var (--animate - repeat)
}.animate__animated.animate__repeat - 2 {
    -webkit - animation - iteration - count: 2;
    animation - iteration - count: 2; - webkit - animation - iteration - count: calc(var (--animate - repeat) * 2);
    animation - iteration - count: calc(var (--animate - repeat) * 2)
}.animate__animated.animate__repeat - 3 {
    -webkit - animation - iteration - count: 3;
    animation - iteration - count: 3; - webkit - animation - iteration - count: calc(var (--animate - repeat) * 3);
    animation - iteration - count: calc(var (--animate - repeat) * 3)
}.animate__animated.animate__delay - 1 s {
    -webkit - animation - delay: 1 s;
    animation - delay: 1 s; - webkit - animation - delay: var (--animate - delay);
    animation - delay: var (--animate - delay)
}.animate__animated.animate__delay - 2 s {
    -webkit - animation - delay: 2 s;
    animation - delay: 2 s; - webkit - animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 2);
    animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 2)
}.animate__animated.animate__delay - 3 s {
    -webkit - animation - delay: 3 s;
    animation - delay: 3 s; - webkit - animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 3);
    animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 3)
}.animate__animated.animate__delay - 4 s {
    -webkit - animation - delay: 4 s;
    animation - delay: 4 s; - webkit - animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 4);
    animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 4)
}.animate__animated.animate__delay - 5 s {
    -webkit - animation - delay: 5 s;
    animation - delay: 5 s; - webkit - animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 5);
    animation - delay: calc(var (--animate - delay) * 5)
}.animate__animated.animate__faster {
    -webkit - animation - duration: .5 s;
    animation - duration: .5 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) / 2);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) / 2)
}.animate__animated.animate__fast {
    -webkit - animation - duration: .8 s;
    animation - duration: .8 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .8);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .8)
}.animate__animated.animate__slow {
    -webkit - animation - duration: 2 s;
    animation - duration: 2 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 2);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 2)
}.animate__animated.animate__slower {
    -webkit - animation - duration: 3 s;
    animation - duration: 3 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 3);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 3)
@media(prefers - reduced - motion: reduce), print {
    .animate__animated {
        -webkit - animation - duration: 1 ms!important;
        animation - duration: 1 ms!important; - webkit - transition - duration: 1 ms!important;
        transition - duration: 1 ms!important; - webkit - animation - iteration - count: 1!important;
        animation - iteration - count: 1!important
    }.animate__animated[class *= Out] {
        opacity: 0
@ - webkit - keyframes bounce {
    0 % , 20 % , 53 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1); - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    40 % , 43 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06); - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -30 px, 0) scaleY(1.1);transform: translate3d(0, -30 px, 0) scaleY(1.1)
    70 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06); - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -15 px, 0) scaleY(1.05);transform: translate3d(0, -15 px, 0) scaleY(1.05)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transition - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);transition - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1); - webkit - transform: translateZ(0) scaleY(.95);transform: translateZ(0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -4 px, 0) scaleY(1.02);transform: translate3d(0, -4 px, 0) scaleY(1.02)
@keyframes bounce {
    0 % , 20 % , 53 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1); - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    40 % , 43 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06); - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -30 px, 0) scaleY(1.1);transform: translate3d(0, -30 px, 0) scaleY(1.1)
    70 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.755, .05, .855, .06); - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -15 px, 0) scaleY(1.05);transform: translate3d(0, -15 px, 0) scaleY(1.05)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transition - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);transition - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1); - webkit - transform: translateZ(0) scaleY(.95);transform: translateZ(0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -4 px, 0) scaleY(1.02);transform: translate3d(0, -4 px, 0) scaleY(1.02)
}.animate__bounce {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounce;
    animation - name: bounce; - webkit - transform - origin: center bottom;
    transform - origin: center bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes flash {
    0 % , 50 % , to {
        opacity: 1
    25 % , 75 % {
        opacity: 0
@keyframes flash {
    0 % , 50 % , to {
        opacity: 1
    25 % , 75 % {
        opacity: 0
}.animate__flash {
    -webkit - animation - name: flash;
    animation - name: flash
@ - webkit - keyframes pulse {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05);transform: scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
@keyframes pulse {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05);transform: scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
}.animate__pulse {
    -webkit - animation - name: pulse;
    animation - name: pulse; - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;
    animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
@ - webkit - keyframes rubberBand {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    30 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.25, .75, 1);transform: scale3d(1.25, .75, 1)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.75, 1.25, 1);transform: scale3d(.75, 1.25, 1)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.15, .85, 1);transform: scale3d(1.15, .85, 1)
    65 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1);transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1);transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
@keyframes rubberBand {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    30 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.25, .75, 1);transform: scale3d(1.25, .75, 1)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.75, 1.25, 1);transform: scale3d(.75, 1.25, 1)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.15, .85, 1);transform: scale3d(1.15, .85, 1)
    65 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1);transform: scale3d(.95, 1.05, 1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1);transform: scale3d(1.05, .95, 1)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
}.animate__rubberBand {
    -webkit - animation - name: rubberBand;
    animation - name: rubberBand
@ - webkit - keyframes shakeX {
    0 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    10 % , 30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0)
    20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0)
@keyframes shakeX {
    0 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    10 % , 30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0)
    20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0);transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0)
}.animate__shakeX {
    -webkit - animation - name: shakeX;
    animation - name: shakeX
@ - webkit - keyframes shakeY {
    0 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    10 % , 30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0)
    20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0)
@keyframes shakeY {
    0 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    10 % , 30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0)
    20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0)
}.animate__shakeY {
    -webkit - animation - name: shakeY;
    animation - name: shakeY
@ - webkit - keyframes headShake {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0);transform: translateX(0)
    6.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-6 px) rotateY(-9 deg);transform: translateX(-6 px) rotateY(-9 deg)
    18.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(5 px) rotateY(7 deg);transform: translateX(5 px) rotateY(7 deg)
    31.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-3 px) rotateY(-5 deg);transform: translateX(-3 px) rotateY(-5 deg)
    43.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(2 px) rotateY(3 deg);transform: translateX(2 px) rotateY(3 deg)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0);transform: translateX(0)
@keyframes headShake {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0);transform: translateX(0)
    6.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-6 px) rotateY(-9 deg);transform: translateX(-6 px) rotateY(-9 deg)
    18.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(5 px) rotateY(7 deg);transform: translateX(5 px) rotateY(7 deg)
    31.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-3 px) rotateY(-5 deg);transform: translateX(-3 px) rotateY(-5 deg)
    43.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(2 px) rotateY(3 deg);transform: translateX(2 px) rotateY(3 deg)
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0);transform: translateX(0)
}.animate__headShake {
    -webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;
    animation - timing - function: ease - in -out; - webkit - animation - name: headShake;
    animation - name: headShake
@ - webkit - keyframes swing {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(15 deg);transform: rotate(15 deg)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-10 deg);transform: rotate(-10 deg)
    60 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(5 deg);transform: rotate(5 deg)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-5 deg);transform: rotate(-5 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(0);
        transform: rotate(0)
@keyframes swing {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(15 deg);transform: rotate(15 deg)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-10 deg);transform: rotate(-10 deg)
    60 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(5 deg);transform: rotate(5 deg)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-5 deg);transform: rotate(-5 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(0);
        transform: rotate(0)
}.animate__swing {
    -webkit - transform - origin: top center;
    transform - origin: top center; - webkit - animation - name: swing;
    animation - name: swing
@ - webkit - keyframes tada {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    10 % , 20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate(-3 deg);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate(-3 deg)
    30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(3 deg);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(3 deg)
    40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(-3 deg);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(-3 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
@keyframes tada {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
    10 % , 20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate(-3 deg);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9) rotate(-3 deg)
    30 % , 50 % , 70 % , 90 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(3 deg);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(3 deg)
    40 % , 60 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(-3 deg);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate(-3 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scaleX(1);
        transform: scaleX(1)
}.animate__tada {
    -webkit - animation - name: tada;
    animation - name: tada
@ - webkit - keyframes wobble {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);transform: translateZ(0)
    15 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-25 % , 0, 0) rotate(-5 deg);transform: translate3d(-25 % , 0, 0) rotate(-5 deg)
    30 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(20 % , 0, 0) rotate(3 deg);transform: translate3d(20 % , 0, 0) rotate(3 deg)
    45 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-15 % , 0, 0) rotate(-3 deg);transform: translate3d(-15 % , 0, 0) rotate(-3 deg)
    60 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 % , 0, 0) rotate(2 deg);transform: translate3d(10 % , 0, 0) rotate(2 deg)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-5 % , 0, 0) rotate(-1 deg);transform: translate3d(-5 % , 0, 0) rotate(-1 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes wobble {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);transform: translateZ(0)
    15 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-25 % , 0, 0) rotate(-5 deg);transform: translate3d(-25 % , 0, 0) rotate(-5 deg)
    30 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(20 % , 0, 0) rotate(3 deg);transform: translate3d(20 % , 0, 0) rotate(3 deg)
    45 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-15 % , 0, 0) rotate(-3 deg);transform: translate3d(-15 % , 0, 0) rotate(-3 deg)
    60 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 % , 0, 0) rotate(2 deg);transform: translate3d(10 % , 0, 0) rotate(2 deg)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-5 % , 0, 0) rotate(-1 deg);transform: translate3d(-5 % , 0, 0) rotate(-1 deg)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__wobble {
    -webkit - animation - name: wobble;
    animation - name: wobble
@ - webkit - keyframes jello {
    0 % , 11.1 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    22.2 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-12.5 deg) skewY(-12.5 deg);transform: skewX(-12.5 deg) skewY(-12.5 deg)
    33.3 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(6.25 deg) skewY(6.25 deg);transform: skewX(6.25 deg) skewY(6.25 deg)
    44.4 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-3.125 deg) skewY(-3.125 deg);transform: skewX(-3.125 deg) skewY(-3.125 deg)
    55.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(1.5625 deg) skewY(1.5625 deg);transform: skewX(1.5625 deg) skewY(1.5625 deg)
    66.6 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-.78125 deg) skewY(-.78125 deg);transform: skewX(-.78125 deg) skewY(-.78125 deg)
    77.7 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(.390625 deg) skewY(.390625 deg);transform: skewX(.390625 deg) skewY(.390625 deg)
    88.8 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-.1953125 deg) skewY(-.1953125 deg);transform: skewX(-.1953125 deg) skewY(-.1953125 deg)
@keyframes jello {
    0 % , 11.1 % , to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
    22.2 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-12.5 deg) skewY(-12.5 deg);transform: skewX(-12.5 deg) skewY(-12.5 deg)
    33.3 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(6.25 deg) skewY(6.25 deg);transform: skewX(6.25 deg) skewY(6.25 deg)
    44.4 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-3.125 deg) skewY(-3.125 deg);transform: skewX(-3.125 deg) skewY(-3.125 deg)
    55.5 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(1.5625 deg) skewY(1.5625 deg);transform: skewX(1.5625 deg) skewY(1.5625 deg)
    66.6 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-.78125 deg) skewY(-.78125 deg);transform: skewX(-.78125 deg) skewY(-.78125 deg)
    77.7 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(.390625 deg) skewY(.390625 deg);transform: skewX(.390625 deg) skewY(.390625 deg)
    88.8 % {
        -webkit - transform: skewX(-.1953125 deg) skewY(-.1953125 deg);transform: skewX(-.1953125 deg) skewY(-.1953125 deg)
}.animate__jello {
    -webkit - animation - name: jello;
    animation - name: jello; - webkit - transform - origin: center;
    transform - origin: center
@ - webkit - keyframes heartBeat {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
    14 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1.3);transform: scale(1.3)
    28 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
    42 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1.3);transform: scale(1.3)
    70 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
@keyframes heartBeat {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
    14 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1.3);transform: scale(1.3)
    28 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
    42 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1.3);transform: scale(1.3)
    70 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
}.animate__heartBeat {
    -webkit - animation - name: heartBeat;
    animation - name: heartBeat; - webkit - animation - duration: 1.3 s;
    animation - duration: 1.3 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 1.3);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 1.3); - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;
    animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
@ - webkit - keyframes backInDown {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(-1200 px) scale(.7);transform: translateY(-1200 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
@keyframes backInDown {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(-1200 px) scale(.7);transform: translateY(-1200 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__backInDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: backInDown;
    animation - name: backInDown
@ - webkit - keyframes backInLeft {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
@keyframes backInLeft {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
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    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__backInLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: backInLeft;
    animation - name: backInLeft
@ - webkit - keyframes backInRight {
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        -webkit - transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
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    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
@keyframes backInRight {
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        -webkit - transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__backInRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: backInRight;
    animation - name: backInRight
@ - webkit - keyframes backInUp {
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        -webkit - transform: translateY(1200 px) scale(.7);transform: translateY(1200 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
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    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
@keyframes backInUp {
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        -webkit - transform: translateY(1200 px) scale(.7);transform: translateY(1200 px) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    80 % {
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    to {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);
        transform: scale(1);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__backInUp {
    -webkit - animation - name: backInUp;
    animation - name: backInUp
@ - webkit - keyframes backOutDown {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(700 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateY(700 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
@keyframes backOutDown {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(700 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateY(700 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
}.animate__backOutDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: backOutDown;
    animation - name: backOutDown
@ - webkit - keyframes backOutLeft {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
@keyframes backOutLeft {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateX(-2000 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
}.animate__backOutLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: backOutLeft;
    animation - name: backOutLeft
@ - webkit - keyframes backOutRight {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
@keyframes backOutRight {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);transform: translateX(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateX(2000 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
}.animate__backOutRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: backOutRight;
    animation - name: backOutRight
@ - webkit - keyframes backOutUp {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(-700 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateY(-700 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
@keyframes backOutUp {
    0 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1);opacity: 1
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);transform: translateY(0) scale(.7);opacity: .7
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateY(-700 px) scale(.7);
        transform: translateY(-700 px) scale(.7);
        opacity: .7
}.animate__backOutUp {
    -webkit - animation - name: backOutUp;
    animation - name: backOutUp
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceIn {
    0 % , 20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(1.03, 1.03, 1.03);transform: scale3d(1.03, 1.03, 1.03)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.97, .97, .97);transform: scale3d(.97, .97, .97)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
@keyframes bounceIn {
    0 % , 20 % , 40 % , 60 % , 80 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
    40 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(1.03, 1.03, 1.03);transform: scale3d(1.03, 1.03, 1.03)
    80 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.97, .97, .97);transform: scale3d(.97, .97, .97)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scaleX(1);transform: scaleX(1)
}.animate__bounceIn {
    -webkit - animation - duration: .75 s;
    animation - duration: .75 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .75);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .75); - webkit - animation - name: bounceIn;
    animation - name: bounceIn
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceInDown {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -3000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, -3000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 25 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, 25 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.95);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 5 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, 5 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes bounceInDown {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -3000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, -3000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 25 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, 25 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.95);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 5 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, 5 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__bounceInDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceInDown;
    animation - name: bounceInDown
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceInLeft {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3);transform: translate3d(-3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1);transform: translate3d(25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98);transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995);transform: translate3d(5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes bounceInLeft {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3);transform: translate3d(-3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1);transform: translate3d(25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98);transform: translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995);transform: translate3d(5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__bounceInLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceInLeft;
    animation - name: bounceInLeft
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceInRight {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3);transform: translate3d(3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1);transform: translate3d(-25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98);transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995);transform: translate3d(-5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes bounceInRight {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3);transform: translate3d(3000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(3)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1);transform: translate3d(-25 px, 0, 0) scaleX(1)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98);transform: translate3d(10 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.98)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(-5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995);transform: translate3d(-5 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.995)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__bounceInRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceInRight;
    animation - name: bounceInRight
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceInUp {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 3000 px, 0) scaleY(5);transform: translate3d(0, 3000 px, 0) scaleY(5)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.95);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -5 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, -5 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes bounceInUp {
    0 % , 60 % , 75 % , 90 % , to {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1);
        animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.215, .61, .355, 1)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 3000 px, 0) scaleY(5);transform: translate3d(0, 3000 px, 0) scaleY(5)
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    75 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.95);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.95)
    90 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -5 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, -5 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__bounceInUp {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceInUp;
    animation - name: bounceInUp
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceOut {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9)
    50 % , 55 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
@keyframes bounceOut {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9);transform: scale3d(.9, .9, .9)
    50 % , 55 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
}.animate__bounceOut {
    -webkit - animation - duration: .75 s;
    animation - duration: .75 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .75);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * .75); - webkit - animation - name: bounceOut;
    animation - name: bounceOut
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceOutDown {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    40 % , 45 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
@keyframes bounceOutDown {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, 10 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    40 % , 45 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, -20 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
}.animate__bounceOutDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceOutDown;
    animation - name: bounceOutDown
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceOutLeft {
    20 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9);transform: translate3d(20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2);transform: translate3d(-2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2)
@keyframes bounceOutLeft {
    20 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9);transform: translate3d(20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2);transform: translate3d(-2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2)
}.animate__bounceOutLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceOutLeft;
    animation - name: bounceOutLeft
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceOutRight {
    20 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9);transform: translate3d(-20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2);transform: translate3d(2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2)
@keyframes bounceOutRight {
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        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9);transform: translate3d(-20 px, 0, 0) scaleX(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2);transform: translate3d(2000 px, 0, 0) scaleX(2)
}.animate__bounceOutRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceOutRight;
    animation - name: bounceOutRight
@ - webkit - keyframes bounceOutUp {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    40 % , 45 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 20 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, 20 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -2000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, -2000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
@keyframes bounceOutUp {
    20 % {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.985);transform: translate3d(0, -10 px, 0) scaleY(.985)
    40 % , 45 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 20 px, 0) scaleY(.9);transform: translate3d(0, 20 px, 0) scaleY(.9)
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -2000 px, 0) scaleY(3);transform: translate3d(0, -2000 px, 0) scaleY(3)
}.animate__bounceOutUp {
    -webkit - animation - name: bounceOutUp;
    animation - name: bounceOutUp
@ - webkit - keyframes fadeIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0
    to {
        opacity: 1
@keyframes fadeIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0
    to {
        opacity: 1
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    -webkit - animation - name: fadeIn;
    animation - name: fadeIn
@ - webkit - keyframes fadeInDown {
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(0, -100 % , 0);transform: translate3d(0, -100 % , 0)
    to {
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@keyframes fadeInDown {
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    to {
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}.animate__fadeInDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: fadeInDown;
    animation - name: fadeInDown
@ - webkit - keyframes fadeInDownBig {
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    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);transform: translateZ(0)
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@ - webkit - keyframes flip {
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@keyframes flip {
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        transform: translateZ(0)
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    animation - name: lightSpeedInRight; - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - out;
    animation - timing - function: ease - out
@ - webkit - keyframes lightSpeedInLeft {
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        transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes lightSpeedInLeft {
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    -webkit - animation - name: lightSpeedInLeft;
    animation - name: lightSpeedInLeft; - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - out;
    animation - timing - function: ease - out
@ - webkit - keyframes lightSpeedOutRight {
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        transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) skewX(30 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes lightSpeedOutRight {
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        transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) skewX(30 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__lightSpeedOutRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: lightSpeedOutRight;
    animation - name: lightSpeedOutRight; - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in ;
    animation - timing - function: ease - in
@ - webkit - keyframes lightSpeedOutLeft {
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        transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) skewX(-30 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes lightSpeedOutLeft {
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        transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) skewX(-30 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__lightSpeedOutLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: lightSpeedOutLeft;
    animation - name: lightSpeedOutLeft; - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in ;
    animation - timing - function: ease - in
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateIn {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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@keyframes rotateIn {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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}.animate__rotateIn {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateIn;
    animation - name: rotateIn; - webkit - transform - origin: center;
    transform - origin: center
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateInDownLeft {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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@keyframes rotateInDownLeft {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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}.animate__rotateInDownLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateInDownLeft;
    animation - name: rotateInDownLeft; - webkit - transform - origin: left bottom;
    transform - origin: left bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateInDownRight {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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@keyframes rotateInDownRight {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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}.animate__rotateInDownRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateInDownRight;
    animation - name: rotateInDownRight; - webkit - transform - origin: right bottom;
    transform - origin: right bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateInUpLeft {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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@keyframes rotateInUpLeft {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__rotateInUpLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateInUpLeft;
    animation - name: rotateInUpLeft; - webkit - transform - origin: left bottom;
    transform - origin: left bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateInUpRight {
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        transform: translateZ(0);
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@keyframes rotateInUpRight {
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        -webkit - transform: translateZ(0);
        transform: translateZ(0);
        opacity: 1
}.animate__rotateInUpRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateInUpRight;
    animation - name: rotateInUpRight; - webkit - transform - origin: right bottom;
    transform - origin: right bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateOut {
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        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(200 deg);
        transform: rotate(200 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes rotateOut {
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        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(200 deg);
        transform: rotate(200 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__rotateOut {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateOut;
    animation - name: rotateOut; - webkit - transform - origin: center;
    transform - origin: center
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateOutDownLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(45 deg);
        transform: rotate(45 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes rotateOutDownLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(45 deg);
        transform: rotate(45 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__rotateOutDownLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateOutDownLeft;
    animation - name: rotateOutDownLeft; - webkit - transform - origin: left bottom;
    transform - origin: left bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateOutDownRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes rotateOutDownRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__rotateOutDownRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateOutDownRight;
    animation - name: rotateOutDownRight; - webkit - transform - origin: right bottom;
    transform - origin: right bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateOutUpLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes rotateOutUpLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        transform: rotate(-45 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__rotateOutUpLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateOutUpLeft;
    animation - name: rotateOutUpLeft; - webkit - transform - origin: left bottom;
    transform - origin: left bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes rotateOutUpRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        -webkit - transform: rotate(90 deg);
        transform: rotate(90 deg);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes rotateOutUpRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
    to {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(90 deg);
        transform: rotate(90 deg);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__rotateOutUpRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: rotateOutUpRight;
    animation - name: rotateOutUpRight; - webkit - transform - origin: right bottom;
    transform - origin: right bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes hinge {
    0 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
    20 % , 60 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(80 deg);transform: rotate(80 deg); - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
    40 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(60 deg);transform: rotate(60 deg); - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;opacity: 1
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 700 px, 0);
        transform: translate3d(0, 700 px, 0);
        opacity: 0
@keyframes hinge {
    0 % {
        -webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
    20 % , 60 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(80 deg);transform: rotate(80 deg); - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out
    40 % , 80 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(60 deg);transform: rotate(60 deg); - webkit - animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;animation - timing - function: ease - in -out;opacity: 1
    to {
        -webkit - transform: translate3d(0, 700 px, 0);
        transform: translate3d(0, 700 px, 0);
        opacity: 0
}.animate__hinge {
    -webkit - animation - duration: 2 s;
    animation - duration: 2 s; - webkit - animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 2);
    animation - duration: calc(var (--animate - duration) * 2); - webkit - animation - name: hinge;
    animation - name: hinge; - webkit - transform - origin: top left;
    transform - origin: top left
@ - webkit - keyframes jackInTheBox {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale(.1) rotate(30 deg);transform: scale(.1) rotate(30 deg); - webkit - transform - origin: center bottom;transform - origin: center bottom
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-10 deg);transform: rotate(-10 deg)
    70 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(3 deg);transform: rotate(3 deg)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
@keyframes jackInTheBox {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale(.1) rotate(30 deg);transform: scale(.1) rotate(30 deg); - webkit - transform - origin: center bottom;transform - origin: center bottom
    50 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(-10 deg);transform: rotate(-10 deg)
    70 % {
        -webkit - transform: rotate(3 deg);transform: rotate(3 deg)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale(1);transform: scale(1)
}.animate__jackInTheBox {
    -webkit - animation - name: jackInTheBox;
    animation - name: jackInTheBox
@ - webkit - keyframes rollIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) rotate(-120 deg);transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) rotate(-120 deg)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);transform: translateZ(0)
@keyframes rollIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) rotate(-120 deg);transform: translate3d(-100 % , 0, 0) rotate(-120 deg)
    to {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: translateZ(0);transform: translateZ(0)
}.animate__rollIn {
    -webkit - animation - name: rollIn;
    animation - name: rollIn
@ - webkit - keyframes rollOut {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) rotate(120 deg);transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) rotate(120 deg)
@keyframes rollOut {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
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        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) rotate(120 deg);transform: translate3d(100 % , 0, 0) rotate(120 deg)
}.animate__rollOut {
    -webkit - animation - name: rollOut;
    animation - name: rollOut
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    50 % {
        opacity: 1
@keyframes zoomIn {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    50 % {
        opacity: 1
}.animate__zoomIn {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomIn;
    animation - name: zoomIn
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomInDown {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, -1000 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, -1000 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, 60 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, 60 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
@keyframes zoomInDown {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, -1000 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, -1000 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, 60 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, 60 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
}.animate__zoomInDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomInDown;
    animation - name: zoomInDown
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomInLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(-1000 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(-1000 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(10 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(10 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
@keyframes zoomInLeft {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(-1000 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(-1000 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(10 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(10 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
}.animate__zoomInLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomInLeft;
    animation - name: zoomInLeft
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomInRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(1000 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(1000 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
@keyframes zoomInRight {
    0 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(1000 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(1000 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(-10 px, 0, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
}.animate__zoomInRight {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomInRight;
    animation - name: zoomInRight
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomInUp {
    0 % {
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    60 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
@keyframes zoomInUp {
    0 % {
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    60 % {
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}.animate__zoomInUp {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomInUp;
    animation - name: zoomInUp
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomOut {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
    50 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    to {
        opacity: 0
@keyframes zoomOut {
    0 % {
        opacity: 1
    50 % {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3)
    to {
        opacity: 0
}.animate__zoomOut {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomOut;
    animation - name: zoomOut
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomOutDown {
    40 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
@keyframes zoomOutDown {
    40 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(0, -60 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.55, .055, .675, .19)
    to {
        opacity: 0; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0);transform: scale3d(.1, .1, .1) translate3d(0, 2000 px, 0); - webkit - animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1);animation - timing - function: cubic - bezier(.175, .885, .32, 1)
}.animate__zoomOutDown {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomOutDown;
    animation - name: zoomOutDown; - webkit - transform - origin: center bottom;
    transform - origin: center bottom
@ - webkit - keyframes zoomOutLeft {
    40 % {
        opacity: 1; - webkit - transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(42 px, 0, 0);transform: scale3d(.475, .475, .475) translate3d(42 px, 0, 0)
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@keyframes zoomOutLeft {
    40 % {
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}.animate__zoomOutLeft {
    -webkit - animation - name: zoomOutLeft;
    animation - name: zoomOutLeft; - webkit - transform - origin: left center;
    transform - origin: left center
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Revision as of 03:02, 19 October 2021