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        <h3 class="index-headline">
            Last year the world faced an unpredicted mass pandemic which has already caused more than 4.4 million deaths, according to WHO (World Health Organization) . However, it is not the only disease that is encroaching on human lives. Over the last 30 years, the world has faced at least 30 new infectious diseases, including Swine flu, well-known Ebola, SARS, etc. There are beneficial conditions for that - favorable climate and weather, ecosystem changes, human susceptibility to infections, international trade, and travel, or even lack of public health services. All factors sum up and contribute to the excellent environment for the new emerging or reemerging infectious diseases.
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            One of the examples - amoebiasis, an infectious disease caused mostly by Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica (Amebos paveikslėlis) cysts enter the human body orally through contaminated food, water or human to human contact. For this reason, this infection mainly affects the developing world in tropical and subtropical regions where there are poor sanitation, lack of publicly available health care, favorable climate for pathogens propagation, lack of knowledge about food processing and keeping conditions, defecation into water sources such as rivers, and being near animals. (Vizualas: ikonėlės atliepiančios amebiazės plitimo priežastis). After exposure to E. histolytica cysts, excystation occurs in the small intestine with the release of motile trophozoites. Trophozoites then migrate to the large intestine where they mature and begin encystation. There are two possible pathogenesis pathways. First, trophozoites stay in the large intestine, proliferate, do not cause any symptoms, and leave the intestine as newly formed cysts.  In this case, an infected person becomes an infection carrier. Second,  trophozoites might proliferate if the infected faces stress or microbiota disruptions. In this case, trophozoites adhere to the colonic epithelium by Gal/GalNac lectin, secrete proteolytic enzymes, amebaphores, causing cell lysis, or conduct contact-dependent target cells lysis. It leads to the destruction of the protective mucous barrier, surrounding cells fagocytation.
<h3>★  ALERT! </h3>
<p>This page is used by the judges to evaluate your team for the <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Judging/Medals">medal criterion</a> or <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Judging/Awards"> award listed below</a>. </p>
<p> Delete this box in order to be evaluated for this medal criterion and/or award. See more information at <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Judging/Pages_for_Awards"> Instructions for Pages for awards</a>.</p>
            Symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis include abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis with mucus and blood, bloody diarrhea which later on progresses to raspberry-jelly-like stool, appendicitis, and ulcers. However, in more progressed inflammation, trophozoites from the intestine travel through the portal vein into the liver and cause an amoebic liver abscess, or less frequently lung, brain abscess, or skin infection. (Proceso iliustracija: žmogus (žemiau pateiktas paveikslėlio pvz), jame gif formatu pavaizduota histolytica kelionė (per burną, į žarnyną, kur iš rutuliuko virsta į banguojačią dėmelę, per vartų veną į kepenis ir vėliau į plaučius, smegenis nukeliauja).
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              Fig 1
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        <h3 class="index-headline">
<h3>Best Supporting Entrepreneurship Special Prize</h3>
            Antraste 2
<p>The Best Supporting Entrepreneurship award recognizes exceptional effort to build a business case and commercialize an iGEM project. This award is open to all teams to show that entrepreneurship is something all teams can aspire to do with their project. This award can go to an new project, or to a previous project that a team aimed to commercialize. Have you filed a provisional patent on your project/device/process? Have you raised money to build and ship products? Have you pitched your idea to investors and received money? As always in iGEM, the aim is to impress the judges!
To compete for the <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Judging/Awards">Best Supporting Entrepreneurship prize</a>, please describe your work on this page and also fill out the description on the <a href="https://2021.igem.org/Judging/Judging_Form">judging form</a>.
            Supplementary data
            <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,              maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
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            <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,              maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
<p>You can look at what other teams did to get some inspiration! <br />
Here are a few examples:</p>
            <i>Italics tekstas</i>Cras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue              id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc,              maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor              vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum              velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante              vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod              eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas,              vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum              pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et              nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna              placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex.              Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis              nunc finibus eu.
<li><a href="https://2019.igem.org/Team:UCopenhagen/Entrepreneurship">2019 UCopenhagen</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2019.igem.org/Team:Thessaly/Entrepreneurship">2019 Thessaly</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2019.igem.org/Team:NCKU_Tainan/Entrepreneurship">2019 NCKU Tainan</a></li>
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
<li><a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:TAS_Taipei/Entrepreneurship">2020 TAS Taipei</a></li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
<li><a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:KCL_UK/Entrepreneurship">2020 KCL UK</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2020.igem.org/Team:Calgary/Entrepreneurship">2020 Calgary</a></li>
            <li>Item 1</li>
            <li>Item 2</li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
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<h3>Patents and intellectual property</h3>
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If your team is seriously considering commercializing and looking into building a company after the competition, you may want to look at how you are going to protect your work and secure investment. Investors will usually require some form of intellectual protection, so you may want to investigate how to apply for a patent or provisional patent in your country and region before disclosing your project at iGEM. Remember that you can only be evaluated in iGEM based on what you share on your wiki and at the Jamboree, so any work you don't present can't count towards your project. </p>
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<p>This is an area where we are different as we care about sharing, openness and contributing to the community and investors don't always agree with these values. It is up to you and your team to decide what to do. Remember that most universities have a commercialization department and that you can talk to them before coming to a decision.  
        Trundle, K. Teaching Science During the Early Childhood Years. National Geographic Learning (2010).
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Revision as of 13:47, 26 September 2021




Last year the world faced an unpredicted mass pandemic which has already caused more than 4.4 million deaths, according to WHO (World Health Organization) . However, it is not the only disease that is encroaching on human lives. Over the last 30 years, the world has faced at least 30 new infectious diseases, including Swine flu, well-known Ebola, SARS, etc. There are beneficial conditions for that - favorable climate and weather, ecosystem changes, human susceptibility to infections, international trade, and travel, or even lack of public health services. All factors sum up and contribute to the excellent environment for the new emerging or reemerging infectious diseases.

One of the examples - amoebiasis, an infectious disease caused mostly by Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolytica (Amebos paveikslėlis) cysts enter the human body orally through contaminated food, water or human to human contact. For this reason, this infection mainly affects the developing world in tropical and subtropical regions where there are poor sanitation, lack of publicly available health care, favorable climate for pathogens propagation, lack of knowledge about food processing and keeping conditions, defecation into water sources such as rivers, and being near animals. (Vizualas: ikonėlės atliepiančios amebiazės plitimo priežastis). After exposure to E. histolytica cysts, excystation occurs in the small intestine with the release of motile trophozoites. Trophozoites then migrate to the large intestine where they mature and begin encystation. There are two possible pathogenesis pathways. First, trophozoites stay in the large intestine, proliferate, do not cause any symptoms, and leave the intestine as newly formed cysts. In this case, an infected person becomes an infection carrier. Second, trophozoites might proliferate if the infected faces stress or microbiota disruptions. In this case, trophozoites adhere to the colonic epithelium by Gal/GalNac lectin, secrete proteolytic enzymes, amebaphores, causing cell lysis, or conduct contact-dependent target cells lysis. It leads to the destruction of the protective mucous barrier, surrounding cells fagocytation.

Symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis include abdominal pain, ulcerative colitis with mucus and blood, bloody diarrhea which later on progresses to raspberry-jelly-like stool, appendicitis, and ulcers. However, in more progressed inflammation, trophozoites from the intestine travel through the portal vein into the liver and cause an amoebic liver abscess, or less frequently lung, brain abscess, or skin infection. (Proceso iliustracija: žmogus (žemiau pateiktas paveikslėlio pvz), jame gif formatu pavaizduota histolytica kelionė (per burną, į žarnyną, kur iš rutuliuko virsta į banguojačią dėmelę, per vartų veną į kepenis ir vėliau į plaučius, smegenis nukeliauja).

Fig 1 . Aprasymas

Antraste 2

Supplementary data

Italics tekstasCras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc, maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas, vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex. Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis nunc finibus eu.

Italics tekstasCras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc, maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas, vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex. Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis nunc finibus eu.

Italics tekstasCras [1] ultrices eu massa vitae congue. Vestibulum arcu enim, congue id lacus at, laoreet fringilla tortor. Praesent libero nunc, maximus vel suscipit nec, fringilla sed augue. Praesent porttitor vehicula efficitur. Aenean ac bibendum lectus. Praesent vestibulum velit ut nunc accumsan, non molestie erat pretium. In a ante vulputate, semper sapien at, tristique erat. Morbi vitae euismod eros, at pulvinar erat. Vivamus auctor arcu sed tellus egestas, vitae imperdiet eros viverra. Nulla molestie sapien vitae ipsum pulvinar dictum. Sed sit amet dolor a neque dictum malesuada et nec lectus. Aenean tristique ornare nisl, at imperdiet magna placerat eget. Suspendisse ut blandit elit, sit amet iaculis ex. Nam vel varius velit. Aenean pretium scelerisque enim, quis mollis nunc finibus eu.

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  3. Item 3


Trundle, K. Teaching Science During the Early Childhood Years. National Geographic Learning (2010).