Team:UMA MALAGA/Sustainable

Wiki Team UMA
Sustainable Development Impact
Our process is based on bioremediation, so making a sustainable, good and responsible project for the world has been, is and will be a main objective. The SDGs are 17, they were created in 2015 by Heads of State, government leaders, high-ranking representatives of the United Nations and civil society entities, to jointly create a better and more responsible world. Our project does not fit all the goals, so we have identified four and have tried to meet them as best we can. We respond to these SDGs:

Life below water (SDG number 14)
Climate action (SDG number 13)
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG number 9)
Partnerships for de goals (SDG number 17)
What is this goal?
"Conserve and sustainably use oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development".
How do we respond to this?
1L of used oil pollutes more than 1000L of water, water that goes into our seas, rivers and oceans.
With Oil Together Painting and the bioremediation project we raise public awareness about not throwing used oil pollutants down the sink. This will help to prevent eutrophication and thus acidification, marine pollution of our oceans and protecting marine and coastal ecosystems.
What is this goal?
"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"
How do we respond to this?
We give to WCO a second use, turning a polluting waste into a valuable product. At Oil Together Painting we are committed to the creation of environmentally friendly and zero waste biopaints. In this way we contribute to the reduction of environmentally polluting paints. We are also committed to education and awareness-raising on climate change mitigation
What is this goal?
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
How do we respond to this?
From the beginning we have been looking for innovative ways to turn waste into a valuable product, taking advantage of the sustainability of the circular bioeconomy. In addition, we are an inclusive group (we even have coeliacs :P) and in our work we have tried to make the most of our resources.
What is this goal?
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
How do we respond to this?
Throughout the project we have collaborated with multiple teams to help each other at work and achieve our goals. Highlight our collaboration with the TAS_Taipei team in which we develop and talk about the SDGs that we were implementing in our project and how to optimize our production processes thanks to them.