Team:IISER-Pune-India/TeamNotebook/Team Notebook 11e9906b405543a29361e38a50c81024/Meeting with Rushik - 3 d842c75ab80040399a723056206884c3

Meeting with Rushik - 3

Meeting with Rushik - 3

DepartmentWet Lab
DescriptionMeeting with Rushik to discuss constructs.
HP sub-branch
Property 1
Property 2

  • Get quotations of pCSCX from addgene
  • Clarify bom site sequence and its presence in Psyn1 and Psyn6 vectors with Prem
  • Email nishad about E coli W and IPTG inducible plasmids containing specR or KanR
  • complete safety form
  • ask for pSyn1 map from prem
  • protocol for triparental mating by Friday
  • construct designs + primers by Sunday

Rushik recommended using pET15b (present in his lab)which has ampR, but marker must be replaced by specR or kanR - for cscABK in E coli