Team:IISER-Pune-India/TeamNotebook/Team Notebook 11e9906b405543a29361e38a50c81024/Meeting with Prem and Veeral - 5 abd4ec18130542bc83923de2f3f77c84
Meeting with Prem and Veeral - 5
Meeting with Prem and Veeral - 5
Wet Lab
HP sub-branch
Property 1
Property 2
how much similarity is there between neutral site of 7942 and 2973, crispr is very precise so check that they're super similar
salt in media will be an issue for quantifying stuff with HPLC, can use GCML for sucrose measurement instead, or the glucose-sucrose kit based assay.
check sucrose production with vv strong (J23119), medium (cpc560) and weak 9J23119 Vo8 or 7), will also give an idea on the effect on membrane integrity.
use any terminator doesn't matter (but I think the marburg2019 assay is good way to test the best terminator)
gRNA+pam site (23 bp) shouldn't be there in the primers of the repair template (the cassette)
use constitutive promoters to prevent additional cost or carbon use (or if you wanna use tunable ones, use light/carbon tunable ones)