Team:Estonia TUIT/workshopsjson


 "workshops": [
     "name": "Escape Room",
     "date": "",
     "descrition": "Two years in a row now, the students from our team have organized an escape room quest for the visitors of the Interactive Education event. The quest consists of several tasks, at the end of which visitors have to find one letter and a hint for the next task. The code word for completing the quest is “SALSA” - since the protein with the same abbreviation is a major point of interest in our project.
Since our project this year is focused on dental hygiene, the plot of the escape room followed the steps and logic of a usual visit to the doctor's office. However, this time the visitors are more motivated to complete the quest, as in case they do not manage to find a fake news article about our project, the doctor will extract their sick tooth instead of treating it. Through several tasks of identifying the problematic tooth, researching in dentistry books, and looking for hints hidden between the objects in the room - like cavities hidden between teeth.

‘Medical facilities make you feel uncomfortable, don't they? You expect an unpleasant, maybe even painful experience. And sometimes you have an urge to leave immediately, to disappear, to escape…
Our team members definitely do. And we designed a game around that feeling. Welcome to Escape Room. You are in the dentist's office. Immediately your teeth start to hurt as if they expect the drilling, scraping... maybe some teeth will stay here forever. The dentist hasn't come yet, and you are alone in the room. You look around and start noticing things that you missed at first. You see a strange toy, it smiles, and you envy its confident smile. You start wandering around the room, and some textbook catches your attention. You open the book and see a spark. You take a UV lamp from the table and use it to search for a secret message… You read: 'SALSASMILE - your shortcut to healthy teeth’. You have never heard of it; you know Salsa hot sauce, even went to a Salsa dancing evening, but nothing about SALSASMILE. You hear the approaching steps, turn around and see a journal article on the benchtop. It states that University of Tartu students develop a new therapeutic strategy against caries that will help people prevent tooth decay. You start to feel joy in your heart. You want to escape and never come back. You run out of the room. A few minutes later, a dentist comes in, he smiles… Everything went according to his plan!’
", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--escroomcol.jpg" }, { "name": "Art Exhibition 'The greatest scientists are artists as well.'", "date": "", "descrition": "Our team believes that beauty is everywhere, art is everywhere, and science can also be art. Just look at the cells under the microscope or the DNA gels under UV - aren't these amazing? Being scientists taught us to be creative and showed us that you could find beauty in everything, even if something in your experiment goes wrong.
To display biology wet lab routines and to let our visitors see how charming biology can be, we exhibit pictures taken by our teammates while they were spending days and nights in the lab. We also received some digital art photos through a collaboration with another team. The photos were printed out and displayed in frames with the authors and their contact information. Besides, we created collages using the iGEM team's postcards of each season showing our history through the years and explaining to the visitors our scientific iGEM projects over the years. We also demonstrated drawings of artists inspired by science.
The main purpose of our Art exhibition is not only to show how fascinating science can be but also to encourage people to start their scientific journey, find out a little bit more about synthetic biology, inspire, motivate and show the beauty of science! <object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object>", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--ArtExhibitionDescription.jpg" }, { "name": "Kahoot!", "date": "", "descrition": "Challenge your friends, test your knowledge, get a lucky guess, win prizes, learn something new and have fun! Who knew quizzes could be so exciting! We made a Kahoot! to show the amazing world we live in, and stimulate you to learn more about biology! <object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Kahoot.png" }, { "name": "Educative quiz", "date": "", "descrition": "Estonia_TUIT aims to spread scientific knowledge to a broader audience. And there is no broader audience than the Internet audience! That is why we created a quiz and distributed it online. The quiz fulfilled several goals:
1.Engage and motivate people to learn life science
2.Test the general knowledge of the participant
3.Provide educational materials
4.Use the results of the quiz to highlight people’s awareness about the topics.

We were happy to see that almost all our participants have some knowledge about genetics: most of our respondents, around 80%, had some knowledge about mutations, human karyotype, and the number of chromosomes that leads to the appearance of a Down syndrome. However, only 36% of individuals could select correct definitions of a gene. More than 60% of respondents were aware of the characteristics of bacteria.
To fill this gap in public knowledge, we sent out the file with explanations to all participants.
We believe our approach could be a first step on a way of to more educated society.<object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object>", "photo": "" }, { "name": "Microscopy", "date": "", "descrition": "We all see plant leaves every day, but do we really? What if we look closer, on a microscopic level, what will be unveiled? Feeling excited? Us too! That is why we always bring the microscope to workshops and show participants plant leaves and yeast cells so they can look at what these things look like under the microscope. We want to encourage people's interest in science, so we let them get a peek behind the curtains of our everyday laboratory routine. ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Microscopy_workshop.jpg" }, { "name": "Chromatography flowers", "date": "", "descrition": "We believe that everything in life should be beautiful. And our paper chromatography experiment is a good example of this. It is 50% science and 50% art. Participants make paper roses and color them using different markers.
The capillary effect allows for dyes to migrate in the filter paper and produce extraordinarily colorful pallets and patterns.<a href=''>Chromatography Flowers Video Tutorial</a>

<object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> <object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> <object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Chromatography_flowers_workshop.png" }, { "name": "DNA extraction", "date": "", "descrition": "Everybody wants to see DNA. You may be a school student, or on retirement, it doesn’t matter. You are excited to see strings of genetic material in the plastic tube. Our DNA extraction workshop is a living classic, attracting participants to our workbench. They learn the scientific principles behind the experiment. We teach them why we always add detergent and what would happen if you forget to add salt (spoiler: DNA will not precipitate).
We are always excited to see how the workshop participants learn something new.<a href=''>DNA Extraction Video Tutorial</a>

<object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--DNA_extraction_workshop.png" }, { "name": "DNA puzzle", "date": "", "descrition": "We have created DNA puzzles to explain the DNA complementarity principle. In this interactive activity, participants have to put together words, which are connected to our project. The trick is that the letters could be connected only in the case if their “DNA” overhangs match. We found that this type of activity attracts people of all age groups, and at the end of the game, they are familiar with the DNA complementarity rules. Therefore, our DNA puzzle is a good example of educational material and could fairly easily be adjusted to meet different purposes.", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--DNA_puzzle_workshop.png" }, { "name": "Traffic lights", "date": "", "descrition": "Oscillating reactions are fascinating. Liquid changes color from green to red and yellow, in one tube and then back. Moreover, you learn how it works.
Check out our tutorial video, and let’s get excited about science! Together! <a href=''>Traffic Light Video Tutorial</a>

<object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object> ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Traffic_lights_workshop.png" }, { "name": "Pigment extraction", "date": "", "descrition": "We are constantly updating our workshop collection, and this year we decided to add an experiment called Pigment Extraction. It is known that plants' leaves are green due to the presence of green pigments called chlorophylls. But what if we say that there are also orange pigments called carotenoids, which are hidden inside the leaves, but you can see them with your own eyes. All you need is to mash some leaves, mix them with ethanol and add some solvent. After a couple of minutes, you will see two layers of different colors. One layer will contain yellow color pigments, named xanthophylls, and the other one will contain chlorophylls and carotenes. This colorful experiment demonstrates that plants contain more than one pigment and shows the potential of investigating various processes using simple tools.
Our tutorial video and protocol explain the process in more detail.<a href=''>Pigment Extraction Video Tutorial</a>

<object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object><object data='' type='application/pdf' width='80%' height='800wb'></object>", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Pigment_extraction_workshop.jpg" }, { "name": "JulyGEM", "date": "31.07", "descrition": "JulyGem was an event organized by team Calgary, in which different iGEM teams from across the world gathered to present their projects. A Q&A session followed the presentation, and each team also had the chance to get feedback from the experts in the field. Our team took part in this project by presenting SALSASMILE and answering several questions about our lab work and different aspects of our project. <a href=''>JulyGEM Video</a>", "photo": "T--ESTONIA_TUIT--julygemThumb.png" }, { "name": "Festival of Opinion (Arvamusfestival)", "date": "13.08", "descrition": "We held a workshop in Paide in order to increase people's interest in science, especially synthetic biology. Everybody was welcomed to participate in various workshops, such as DNA extraction and chromatography flowers, solve some DNA puzzles and work with the microscope. Our team members were happy to discuss SALSASMILE and iGEM with visitors.", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_OpinionFest.jpg" }, { "name": "River Day (Jõepäev)", "date": "14.08", "descrition": "River Day in Narva, a little town in the North-Eastern part of Estonia, is an annual event organized by the town's administration. We held the workshop to a broad audience of visitors and showed how to extract DNA from kiwi, make beautiful flowers using the principle of chromatography, and play DNA puzzle games. ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_RiverDay.jpg" }, { "name": "Võru Summerdays (Võru Linnapäevad)", "date": "21.08", "descrition": "Our iGEM team visited Võru to raise people's awareness about the synthetic biology field and introduced the concept of iGEM. We also engaged the public to participate in workshops that were specially prepared for this event: DNA extraction, microscopy, DNA puzzles, and chromatography flowers. We presented our new project, SALSASMILE, and discussed its importance with our guests. ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_Summerdays.jpg" }, { "name": "Summer Days in Narva (Suvepäevad Narvas)", "date": "28.08", "descrition": "Narva is one of the most remarkable Estonian towns. Every year our team visits Narva to participate in different festivals and engage a broader public in life sciences via our fun and educational workshops. Our guests were excited to learn and see the process of DNA extraction from kiwi, work with microscopic samples, solve tricky DNA puzzles and create scientific art pieces with their own hands as a result of the chromatography flowers workshop. We were happy to talk about our iGEM project and the Science and Technology program. ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_SummerDaysNarva.jpg" }, { "name": "Tartu Wisdom Day (Tarkusepäev)", "date": "03.09", "descrition": "Tartu is the second largest Estonian city and the home for our iGEM team. We were grateful for the opportunity to participate in Tartu Wisdom Day and speak about the importance of the synthetic biology field. We introduced the concept of iGEM, which is a part of the innovative Science and Technology program to our guests. We also carried out the DNA extraction workshop, chromatography flowers, provided microscopy samples for observing, and DNA puzzles to show how entertaining and educative science can be.", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_TartuWisdomDay.jpg" }, { "name": "Dragon’s Biome", "date": "24.09", "descrition": "Dragon’s biome event, organized by team KU LEUVEN, gave incredibly useful experience by practicing pitching our idea and showed advantages and disadvantages of our presenting format. Suggestion to address bigger companies as partners and not only as competitors boosted our team morale. Preparation for the dragon biome allowed our team to develop future plans and look into the business side of project development. <a href=''>Dragon's Biome</a>", "photo": "T--ESTONIA_TUIT--dragonsbiomeThumb.png" }, { "name": "Researchers’ Night (Teadlaste öö festival)", "date": "24.09", "descrition": "This year, already for the 5th time in a row, our team became a part of the Researchers’ Night festival. Together with all our participants, we performed some of our favorite workshops, such as traffic lights, DNA extraction, colorful chromatography flowers, and even solved DNA puzzles. We also had a discussion about our iGEM project and introduced to the audience an innovative Science and Technology program. ", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--Education_Researchers_Night.jpg" }, { "name": "1st Global Diagnostics & Therapeutics conference", "date": "26.09", "descrition": "The D&T conference, organized by team Korea_HS, took place in Zoom in the form of a meeting with three breakout rooms: The main hall, The presentation room, and The iGEM Cinema. We contributed to this conference by presenting our project to several other iGem teams from various countries and responding to questions concerning different aspects of our project.", "photo": "" }, { "name": "Scientific Art Exhibition and Escape room", "date": "06.10", "descrition": "This year, our team held an Art exhibition. We showed digital art pieces and some photos taken by our team members, postcard collages, and drawings we received for our last year's exhibition. Throughout the event, our guests could try our best workshops, such as DNA extraction, microscopy, DNA puzzles, chromatography flowers, traffic lights and pigment extraction. Furthermore, our visitors were able to participate in the Scientific Kahoot! quiz. The event culminated with the Escape room, where participants tried to escape from the Dentist's office by learning exciting facts about science and our project. 90% of teams managed to escape the room with an innovative biological solution without the help of instructors. During the event, we discussed our iGEM project SALSASMILE, the unique possibility of Science and Technology students to participate in iGEM, what iGEM means, and its purpose. <img src ='' class='img-fluid'>
<img src ='' class='img-fluid'>", "photo": "T--Estonia_TUIT--PosterEscapeRoom.jpg" } ]
