
Welcome To Our Partnership!
It's Nice To Meet You


Our partner team is QHFZ-2021. At first, we quickly found each other as we got to know that our tracks are both on industry and surprisingly similar on biosythetic dyes. We collabrate with each other to hold the communication meetup, inspired each other when it comes to the designing, and helped each other on the experiments and modeling. After our team had confirmed our project topic is on carminic acid production with adding cyclase, monooxygenase, GTP into E.coli, while QHFZ-2021 had confirmed their experiment design, we successfully held Northern China Meetup, one of the biggest meetups this year.

While in the meetup preparation, their team provided us their school meeting room, which small BHSFIC campus do not have. Our team provided them the food during the meetup and also responsibled for inviting other teams and writing all the publicity notes and documents. We reduced each other’s workload, while provide the things that each another team do not have, like the meeting room and document writing. Then, when we were designing the detailed experiment on the operations and tools for us to get the goal, we were hesitated on whether we should use the huge plasmids which would increase metabolic stress or insert the gene into the genome. At this time, QHFZ-2021 had this problem too. Thus, we together found a teacher to ask our questions and finally decided to use the huge plasmid while integrate genes into one plasmid.

After the designing, it comes to the true operation of experiments. At that time, we have problems on gathering team members together, while the leader of QHFZ-2021 provide us an idea, that let everyone feel responsible by setting the clear policies of rewards and penalties. It is effective that then few team mates were absent. What’s more, because we don’t have large platform for education, QHFZ provides us a workshop opportunity to spread the goodness of synthetic biology, while we expand their activity content.
