By collecting the questionnaire for testing the general publics recognition on biosynthetic carminic acid, the result turns out that they have limited knowledge on the use of E.coli and what is gene engineering, which may slow down the development of synthetic biology and the spread of our project: producing carminic acid with gene edited E.coli. Thus, we targeted our audience on people who do not know much of E.coli and synthetic biology: middle aged people and aged people.
Then, we designed some activities that are related to their lives which would be more acceesible and easy for them to get the point of E.coli and synthetic biology:
We issued some articles in wechat subscription channels: BHSF iGEM. They were written in an unformal, reader-fiendly, easy way for delivering how does gene engineering functions.
With students
Due to the fact that lots of students are interested in synthesize biology, we organized a synthesize-biology club in our school to teach our classmates basic knowledge of synthesize-biology. We designed a series of activities that would teach our classmates about synthesize biology. We firstly publicized our club to all the students in our school. About 30 students joined our club. We have already designed 11 times of activities to teach students basic knowledge about synthesize biology. Our course begins by teaching easy and basic knowledge and would eventually introduce advanced technologies. Here is our schedule.
We have already done three of the activities. We have already done first three of the activities. In the first course, we introduced iGem competition to our classmates and taught them about structures of nucleotide and DNA. After introducing the structure of DNA, we showed DNA models to our classmates and organized them to build DNA models by using basic building blocks of deoxyribose sugars, phosphate groups and nitrogen bases. Through building the DNA molecules by themselves, our classmates gained a better comprehension of DNA structure.
In the second period, we organized our classmates to make lipsticks by using carminic acid while at the same time, introducing basic aspects of program of our team.
In the third period, we introduced the history of synthesize biology and taught them basic knowledge about synthesize biology.
In October, we communicated with KEYSTONE, i-Bowu, QHFZ, BCU, RDFZ and introduced our program to them. Also, we helped to solve each others’ problems on experiment and wiki. To be more specific, we were reminded by students in KEYSTONE that we need to focus more on the costs of synthesizing biology and how to test whether we produce our goal products successfully.
An official account on Wechat
Also, for further information in synthetic biology, we shared the articles in wechat subscription: BHSFiGEM and History Lab. In order to motivate the future generation to learn and contribute and the development of synthetic biology.
These are the furture materials on the wechat subscriptions, written by team mate Thea(Chenxi Wang).