
Attribution Page
Laboratory Research
Idea Formation
Full Team
We would also like to thank Zoe Frias, Tula Keal, Marisa Bennett, Stephanie Kimmel, Michael Kawamura, David Costello, Chloe Larson, Kurtis Ottman, Savage Hess, Trinity Margalit, and Christina Warren for their time and creative effort put towards ideating a project for this summer.
Protocol Development Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook, Priyati Sharma
Construct Creation Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook, Priyati Sharma
Cloning Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook
Chlamydomonas Work Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook
Safety Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook, Priyati Sharma
Human Practices
Health Implications of Arsenic Sonakshi Sharma, Emma Lieberman
History of Arsenic Contamination in Arizona Priyati Sharma, Sonakshi Sharma
Preliminary IRB Work Emma Lieberman, Priyati Sharma, Sonakshi Sharma, Tohma Taniguchi, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph
Filter System Prototyping Priyati Sharma, Jared Lee-Kin, Tohma Taniguchi
Safety Emma Lieberman, Maggie Cook, Jared Lee-Kin
We would also like to thank ASU's Environmental Health and Safety Department.
Wiki Design and Coding Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook, Priyati Sharma, Tohma Taniguchi
We would also like to thank Jacob Watson for his coding skills and assistance in building the wiki.
Promotional Video Emma Lieberman, Jared Lee-Kin, Joel Joseph, Maggie Cook
We would also like to thank Chloe Chodorow for her video editing skills and creative input.
Team Logo Design Emma Lieberman
Dr. Christopher Plaisier
Thank you for being so instrumental in developing our iGEM team and your continued support with logistics, finances, and experimental insight. We appreciate all of your help and advice.

Dr. Benjamin Bartelle
Thank you for your constant belief in us in spite of our countless failed experiments, and for walking us through protocols and gene design. We are grateful for the use of your lab and have enjoyed decorating it with our window doodles (and removing the window doodles).

Dr. Kevin Redding
Thank you for your never-ending knowledge on Chlamydomonas and for your help with all things algae related.
Donors from our crowdfunding campain
President Michael Crow
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
iGEM Foundation Impact Grant
Additional Thanks To...
The Redding Lab, specifically Trish Baker and Andrey Kanygin
The Mana Lab
The Westerhoff Lab, specifically Carmen Velasco and Ali Farsad
Dr. Emma Frow
Arren Liu
Santi Ochoa
Angela Edwards
René Inckemann
Dr. Souparno Ghosh
Joan Lowell