Team:SUNY Oneonta


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SNflaPs (SNP Flappase)

2021 SUNY Oneonta iGEM Team’s project SNflaPs is an extension of Ca2LF, in which the goal was to develop a field deployable genetic testing system to detect the presence of the A2 allele of the beta casein (CSN2) gene. SNflaPs further explores the extent to which our method is effective in detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Inspired by the needs of local farmers, the goal of this project is to demonstrate that a detection panel of SNP caused diseases is a feasible one. This is done by amplifying genomic DNA through recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) and employing a 5’ flap endonuclease (Flappase) that cleaves Holliday junctions created by designed oligonucleotides with flurophore tagged ends.

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